
The New World

Victor: Well how many of you know the anime one piece?

5 out of 8 people raised their hand everyone in this group knew about one piece but only these 5 knew a bit in detail. The reason for all of them knowing was it because it was Victor's favorite show he use to talk about it nonstop every time something related to it was brought up everyone knew the general premises but only few knew it in detail. Sean suddenly asked.

Sean: You don't mean we actually....

Victor: Yes, yes we did my friend.

This dialogue between the two felt weird to everyone else until they forced Sean to spill the beans.

Sean: What Victor means is that we have crossed into the world of one piece the dimension we are in is where one piece is real.

Than it dawns on them what it meant they didn't know what to say or do next until.

James: So you mean everything that was there in story is real here like the devil fruits, haki, marine, parties everything... and stop looking at me like that even I read the manga a bit I was always curious what was he gushing about.

Victor: Almost everything is same but their changes here and there. there is some change in power system too so not everything is same and ya just FYI we have about 6 months before Luffy set sails from dawn island.

Abdul: What changes exactly?

Victor: Major being characters from other anime being present here. but here's the kicker they don't know they are not supposed to be here and presence of their worlds power system here and so.

James: how is that affecting the story?

Victor: Nothing major as of yet but we will see after the plot starts.

James, Abdul and the others who knew the plot agreed with Victor leaving others in suspense

Max: hey you still didn't tell us where you got those wings?

Victor smiled at Max's question removed a small book from inside his hoodie and shows it to the others. it was an old book made out of leather it was small enough to fit in his palm it gave of a common vibe, that if someone saw this book in a store they will just ignore it it didn't look fat and ha d around 100 pages or so not much, showing the book Victor said.

Victor: This book is called the book of the seven sins it's a blood contract item which gives its owner 7 different ability when contracted to it.

Krish: When you mean blood contract item does it mean it will continuously sucks your blood for power or something else.

Syed: It probably means its need blood to make a contract and nothing more am I right?

Victor: your right it

Archi: So what abilities does it give you?

Victor: well I'm not supposed to tell them to everyone you know they are kind of my secret.

Krish: Come on man what's the harm in telling us it's not like we will tell anybody.

Victor: That's the thing Krish you might just. this world is not the same as our previous world over here things like rape, murder, torture is common and openly done even this worlds authorities are doing it. everyone here has to find a way to look after them self or they will just be another unknown victim of such cases. People here do anything they can and I don't want you to be a victim just because you know something too much.

Everyone hearing this was quiet as if they just release the gravity of the situation they are in. Ruchi sitting next to Victor holding his just tightens her grip more around his hand to show hi, her support, there was awkward silence looking at this Victor decided to break the ice.

Victor: well saying that it won't harm in telling you the abilities that everyone already knows about. The first ability book provides me is called enchantment I can enchant any object with a magic ability corresponding to its nature there will be a few limitations though example the better quality of the material the better enchantment I can put on it. second being oceans heart.

As Victor said that a blue colored orb came out of the book and started floating in front of him then it started changing shapes first into a sword then a spear then a bow then a clever then shield at last back to the orb looking at this everyone was surprised.

Victor: it can change to any shape I want and it lets me control water anyway I want, third and last I'm about to tell you is called Takeover this one allow me to absorb the abilities to anything I touch for a while the wings you saw on my back were because I have I bone piece of the dead dragon so I got it from there. aside from the basic 7 abilities the book also works like a storage bag where I can store about a 1000 items max.

Archi: Wow that's so awesome your powers are so cool I bet you are one of the strongest man in this world right?

Victor: hahahahaha I'm not that strong at max vice admiral I can't even compare to the monsters on the top let alone the fight them. I still need to learn haki and master that as of now.

Abdul: WHAT you have been here for two years and still not learned haki yet what have you been doing all this time?

Syed: what haki????

Abdul: we will explain that later first you answer my question

Victor: to tell you the truth I have been very busy all this time mastering my initial powers which for a fact I'm still learning and there was no one tech me between that forming my own crew it took up all the time.

Ruchi: Your crew???? please don't tell me you're a pirate.

Victor: Of course I'm what else do you think I'll do after coming to my fav.....

before he could finish his sentence he found himself punched in the head so hard he almost fainted.

Ruchi: Like hell you are this is what you being doing all this while .........

Seeing Ruchi scolding Victor everyone decided it was best to let the couple sort out by them self they noticed it was already night so they decided to get some sleep as Victor promised them that he will take them to dawn island where his crew is waiting for them and introduce them so everyone ignored the couple who were acting like wife lecturing here husband and went to sleep or at least tried to.

Hey guys Chapter of the day ill be also updating a character profile for all the OC characters in few hours so you will all know how the look

Nastu1412creators' thoughts