
Introduction to the crew -1

Everyone was at Makino's bar having food and having a good time James and Abdul were ecstatic to see an anime character come to life a famous one at that well kind of famous. The food was really good and everyone enjoyed Makino's cooking. Abdul and James finally understood why Oda had such extreme female figures in his drawings because they were true women here blessed with larger chest area then in their world, which was a good thing for the men for the woman though they were sending jealous looks at the bar owner.

But Makino didn't mind she was happy to serve new guest with food and answer their questions after she came to know that they were friends of Victor. When asked why Victor was famous in the town the reply they got was that he helped the village a lot and everyone in the village was grateful towards the crew even the chief who was usually apprehensive about pirates. No one ever told what exactly Victor and his crew did but whatever they did it was for the good of the village.

After asking for a while they even found that Victor was also training Luffy in controlling his devil fruit ability and a lot more such information regarding things this world which was going to be there home for the next foreseeable future. Seating next to each other they started deciding what to do next.

Syed: so what do you guys think what should we do next after this.

Ruchi: What do you mean what to do next aren't we all following Victor when he comes back with his crew.

Sean: Ruchi don't be so naive do you think Victor we all want to go with some criminal roaming with him around the seas fighting random people and risking or life for nothing. If you want to do it be my guest, I for one don't want to be a criminal.

Ruchi: My Victor is not a criminal!!!!!

Sean: *humph* say what you want I never trusted that prick from way before when he was in the company. He smells trouble.

Ruchi: One more word and I'll break those teeth of yours be careful Sean.

Syed: Both of you please keep quiet for now from what I see in this world and you can correct me if I'm wrong but you need to be strong or at least have some fighting capabilities to survive, am I right?

James: Pretty much with no fighting capabilities you will be always in some other person's mercy and trust me in this world that's not a good thing.

Abdul: I agree this world was already dangers without the new added factors only god knows how much dangers it's gotten.

Archi: OK I got a question I understand why James and Ruchi know about this world so much but why you?

Max: Ya why you?

Abdul: *Sigh* OK OK I admit I was a geek back home I watched anime and read manga more the Victor but I was good at hiding it so no one ever knew about it ok now happy?

Archi: very!!!

James: so how much do you know?

Abdul: Everything until the latest chapter you?

James: I was in between the Big mom's arc.

Ruchi: I know only until the water seven.

Max: What does that even mean?

James: We were discussing how far in the story we were how much we know and basically even though the story is not started yet, so in a rough estimate we three know what will happen in the next 2-3 years. If everything goes as plan.

Syed: That's good we at least have some people with some understanding here. So here's my question to you three what are the ways we can get strong in this world, and are there any easy way to get strong?

Abdul: even in this world you get strong by the same way in previous world that is by training and strengthening your body easier way will be eating a devil fruit or finding some artifact that will make you strong.

Archi: like the book Victor has?

Abdul: Ya something like that but even that will require a lot of practice and training to be able to use properly because whatever you have if you don't know how to use it, then it will do more harm than good.

Syed: What are the disadvantages?

Abdul: Devil fruits take away your ability to swim if you eat a devil fruit you become a stone the always sinks to the body and any body of water more than your knees in height will weaken you, for the items I don't know much but there must be some there is no power in this world with no drawbacks.

Sean: So where can we find this fruits?

Abdul: Don't know they are the most searched and the expensive things on the market just by selling one low level devil fruits you can get millions on millions of bellies, as for the items no idea.

Sean: Bellies?

Abdul: Currency of this world.

Syed: So I ask again what are you guys going to do?

Ruchi: I'm following Victor no matter what.

Abdul: I'll ask Victor to train me for a while after which I'll see what I can do best case scenario I join Luffy's crew, worst case bounty hunter.

James: Same for me but Victors crew in this case.

Max: I'm not sure I guess find some job I can do and survive but and case I'll follow Syed.

Archi: I'm following Syed.

Krish: Me too.

Sean: I'll find these marines you speak of see if I can join them.

Syed: I'm also thinking of joining the marines at least we will be doing some goods instead of harm but I want to ask Victor some questions so ill hold my decision for now.

As they were talking about it Victor had found his crew and was coming towards the bar, after opening the door he found the group sitting together and discussing something he went up to them and said.

Victor: Hey guys what's up?

Max: You found your crew?

Victor: Ya they are docking our ship in the port why don't you guys go there and wait for me I'll catch up as soon as I clear the tab OK?

Ruchi: OK? But come fast.

Syed: how do we find your ship?

Victor: The biggest ship on the port is mine it's pretty hard to miss in my opinion.

Max: OK see you there.

Saying that everyone left the bar and headed towards the port. Victor walked towards where Makino was standing and said

Victor: hey Makino how's it going I hope they didn't cause any trouble and here's the remaining tab I hope this settles everything.

Victor place's a bag of coins in front of Makino, which she takes and says.

Makino: No nothing like that they are a good bunch where did you find them?

Victor: They are from my home town, found them stranded on an island nearby.

Makino: So I heard you guys are leaving, you know it will be sad to see you guy's leave it was fun having and Luffy is going to miss you all.

Victor: All he is going to miss is the beating he gets during the training, I have to go now see you later Makino.

As Victor was heading towards the port many people greeted him had a little chat with him. By the time he reached there he found his friends looking towards his ship in a dumbfound look, in the perspective of the group the ship they were looking at was the largest wooden ship they had ever seen, sure they had seen big cruise ships but that was of metal this was made of wood. Admiring the look on his friends face he said to them.

Victor: Hey guy how's my ship?

Abdul: This is your ship? Dude this ship is humongous what's it's made out of?

Victor: World tree wood it was hard to acquire but luck was on my side, got it build on water seven.

Everyone was admiring the ship it was double the size of any wooden vessel they had seen it had three mast and a eastern dragon in the front other than that it looked same as any other ship but only twice its size.

Victor: Now let's on the ship everyone is waiting to see you.

Saying that he summoned his Ocean's heart and made an ice platform for everyone to stand on then he manipulated it till they reached the deck. The sheer size of the deck was bigger than a football ground they were admiring the deck they found three people and floating ball standing near the main mast. They walked towards them, then Victor said.

Victor: Guys this is my crew the remaining are busy and we will meet them later. For now, why not we introduce ourselves.

After the group introduced themselves to the three people they were curious about who they were but Abdul had a drought about who they were, but the sheer idea of him being right was blowing his mind.

Hey guys first chapter of the day

I'll be posting more chapters today as many as i can so ENJOY

Nastu1412creators' thoughts