
One Piece: Rise of The Orokin

In a harsh world on the brink of civil war where pirates run amok and navy soldiers desperately try to subdue them. Comes a man not from that world but more familiar with it then others will ever know. Aided with a system that bestowed upon him knowledge from beyond the stars. Watch how one man will reshape a well known story to how he sees fit. This is a one piece fanfic with a warframe system. [you do not have to know anything about warframe to read this story] If You like this story please consider reading my origins novel Titled - UNUSUAL WORLD, and CURSED LIBERATOR.

Loyalscum · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
43 Chs

Kings Will

A jubilant laughter escaped Ulricks mouth. Not to his surprise his offer to Bartolomeo wasn't excepted. Bartolomeo had no reason to throw away all that he built to follow someone else, but Ulrick's offer wasn't completely rejected either and that's all that Ulrick really cared about was the chance to add someone as amazing as Bartolomeo into his forces. Because that chance existed Ulrick was happy it gave him the extra boost he needed to finish this mission.

With a look of glee Ulrick hacked and slashed his way through another crowd of people. It was dirty work but Ulrick kind of enjoyed himself a bit. With ever kill he kind of saw why all those serial killers and mass murderers did what they did. It was the feeling of superiority over another person, the power to control anothers fate on a whim, it was an attractive feeling and Ulrick slowly grew to like it.

During Ulrick's killing spree he found something strange. It was a loot drop not like the others it appeared after he killed someone who he assumed was the captain of some pirate ship. It was a an intricately shaped round golden object that Ulrick knew the origins and significance of well because it was what everyone swarmed over to obtain the best equipment in the game Warframe. That item in Ulrick's hands is called a relic. Relics are objects that can be opened to obtain treasure inside. Relics are strange because they are never just 1 thing they are multiple thing simultaneously and what those things are is called prime items. Prime items are superior versions of the drops Ulrick usually gets. Prime items stats can not be compared to their inferior versions that well its like comparing a 9mm pistol to a .50 caliber pistol the difference is huge.

Ulrick's eyes glowed with greed as he pushed his void energy into the locked relic cracking it open.

[Ember Prime Model blueprint]

[Paris Prime string Blueprint] (bow)

[Saryn Prime Chassis Blueprint]

[Trinity Prime Neuroptics Blueprint]

[Note from author: Prime mods will come from relics but mc has to reach higher level to get them. Author made each relic give 4 items each because story gotta move along. He will not get most of the overly powerful prime weapons till later].

Ulrick drooled a little when he saw what he obtained because all 4 of those blueprints were strong and useful. The warframes Ember and Saryn are both capable of wiping out an entire island just by standing in 1 place. While Trinity is an over powered support type warframe that can reduce all damage by 90% plus when modded right. Even if someone like Kido hammers away all day he will have a hard time killing anyone with Trinity supporting them. The Paris Prime on the other hand is an old reliable bow that will pierce through multiple enemies armored or not.

Ulrick felt that this was a really good day after just killing a small portion of the people on this island he has obtained an insane amount of drops. Almost 1,800 actually because since he's rank 2 each kill gets him 1-2 drops randomly. 50% of those drops are mods, 30% weapon blueprints and, 20% other miscellaneous things from the warframe Universe. Every other rank Ulrick increase also increase the amount of items dropped by people by a factor of 1. Ulrick would have loved to have been a higher rank before he started the killing spree, but sadly Ulrick rank doesn't increase in safe environments, so all the sparing matches with Rico had no benefit to the system.

Satisfied with his loot Ulrick stored it away and then went on full alert mode because he sensed that he was quickly being surrounded. Practically every able bodied person on the island came to kill Ulrick because they noticed if they don't then they might be trapped on that island forever. In the distance all around the island there were large fires around the shore. Those fires weren't insignificant because what was on fire wasn't just some buildings it was the docs along with almost every ship there.

Ulrick's warframe Ash ran the entire circumference of the island and cut off almost every escape route. Everyone was trapped leaving them with only 2 options fight or die. Thousands of people from all over converged on Ulrick and it made him excited because this was an actual challenge for him now. Even with haki Ulrick knows that he can't dodge that many attacks because he lacks speed. Ulrick can use full body armorment, but after 10-20 minutes he will be a sitting duck because of a lack of stamina. Ulrick can also pass through objects but that trick uses a sizable amount of void energy, so its best to not use repeatedly.

Feeling the pressure now Ulrick didn't have any thought about running he jumped towards a somewhat tall building near buy and used that as his stage where he will stand his ground. This is were Ulrick was determine to show everyone his qualities of a king.

As Ulrick waited he saw a group of fierce looking people being led by a bunch of strong individuals. Well as strong as an east blue scum can be but their might was enough to make everyone on the island followed their lead, so it was good enough. Ulrick barely recognized a few people from the wanted posters that he collected the only one amongst those scoundrels that Ulrick carred about seeing was Don Krieg who as the most wanted pirate in the east blue spearheaded the attack. Krieg wore his signature golden armor and was accompanied by the rest of his massive crew along with his right hand man Pearl. Pearl slamed both ends of his plate armor together making a loud beat that signaled their arrival.

Ulrick immediately noticed something off about Don Krieg and a large portion the rest of his crew mates. Their eyes were bloodshot red making them appear like mad men to whoever looked at them. Their bodies were a bit large then normal people by about 25%, their vains bulged outward and wrapped around their bodies like snakes. Ulrick can even sense small traces of void energy coming off of those people.

Seeing this Ulrick was really glad that he made the decision to come because a large group of crazy super charged up pirates would really have fucked up cannon a lot more than he already has. Once everyone arrived Krieg looked around like a crazy person and got mad because their was no army of people to fight just one person.

Angrily Krieg shouted, "What the hell is this no marines, no trap, just one guy in a leather suit and a metal stick this is what my journey is being stopped for".

Krieg took in large breaths of air he breathed heavily like a mad bull and without warning attacked one of his own crew members standing next to him. Krieg punch completely shattered his crewmates lower jaw. Blood, teeth with a bit of flesh still on them fell to the floor. That pirate took a few steps back from the punch but didn't travel far. His lower jaw was practically gone blood pooled out and drenched that pirates clothes. That pirate didn't look all that fazed by what happened he actually enjoyed it as he made a strange gargling laugh with his tongue flapping about wildly.

Everyone on the island was on the same side, but everyone that wasn't apart of Krieg's crew took a step back from him just to be safe. The other pirates that allied themselves with Krieg originally did so to borrow his massive power and to potential befriend him, but after that display everyone was having second thoughts about ever crossing Krieg path again after this fight. The pirate that lost his jaw laughed for a bit longer before he fell over dead from blood loss. Most of the Krieg pirates didn't care they were just as crazy as him, but the new recruit were quite fazed by what they saw making them falter a bit.

Not interested in this display Ulrick spoke, "Do you guys mind not killing each other I do appreciate the help, but its more rewarding for me if I kill you all myself. You see I've got a promise to keep and its just not the same if you guys do all the work for me".

Ulrick spoke without restriction or a hint of fear as he faced down a horde of pirates and other lethal criminals by himself. Everyone their had a feeling Ulrick was looking down on them even thought they had the upper hand.

"You cocky bastard the only person were going to kill is you".

"The second we get our hands on you were going to skin and flay you alive".

"He killed half my crew i'm get to stab him first".

"That son of a bitch killed my brother if anyone gets to do anything to him its me".

All kinds of hate filled words made there way to Ulrick's ear and he accepted them all. What they were saying was true after what he did Ulrick was nothing but a crazy murderer like them no he was even worse then them. But, none of that mattered Ulrick didn't let any of their words sway his heart he knew what he was doing and what he was gonna have to do to achieve his dream. These few bodies will not compare to the mountain of corpses that he needs to form his thrown.

Ulrick may not have been a killer in his old world, but this isn't Earth common sense and human ideals from there have little weight here. To become an overlord Ulrick must be strong, he has to bathe in the blood and hate of millions not just these few people who will be forgotten in history. The people who witnessed this day will remember it as it truly was the birth of a tyrant a true monster, but in the future everyone will know it as the day a true hero took center stage a man that is a symbol of peace and absolute justice.

Absolutely sure about the path that he wants to walk Ulrick shouted, "Shut up all of you if you want me dead then come at me and be prepared to die if you do. The only ones leaving this island alive once I'm done will only be those whom i've chosen to spread my story. So, stop squabbling, pick up your weapons and fight".


Everyone with a gun aimed their weapons at Ulrick up above and opened fire. There were even people with rockets and bazookas. A chain of explosions rang out one after the other without end for an entire two minutes. The pirates only stopped firing after the entire building was on fire and the top floor collapsed bringing down the rest of the building.

Smoke lifted into the sky and when people wondered if Ulrick was dead scream were heard from up above. People looked around and saw Ulrick running on top of the roof killing snipers that positioned themselves there. Ulrick attacked them first because Ulrick felt they were the most dangerous among all the random people he has to fight. Since a well placed shot from one of them could end him. After Ulrick finished stabbing his 25th sniper that were jam packed ontop of the roof like sardines. Ulrick's hairs stood on end sensing the danger Ulrick took cover on the other side of the roof. Soon after he did waves of gunfire rained on his location. Ulrick only saw a wall of bullet coming at him.

Exposed Ulrick left that location, circled around that building, and jumped directly into a large group of pirates. The people that saw him coming thought that he was mad. They opened fire on Ulrick who was falling into the center if their group. Shocked faces popped up one after another because Ulrick body appeared to be incorporeal. Bullet passed through him and when he landed they found that even swords and their fists were of no use.

In the center of those people Ulrick shouted much to the cringe of anyone that know of his words origins, "All mighty push".

Ulrick concentrated and expeled a large amount of void energy sending it out in a huge wave. Ulrick's attack was powerful it crushed that were close by into paste, flattened the ground, and even sent surrounding buildings flying back. The people that weren't near by still felt the force of the attack it was like being hit by an invisible truck, bones snapped upon impact, and the ground shook toppling hundreds of people over.

As the wave came Bartolomeo was their watching he didn't participate in the fight he just wanted to see how it would all play out. Once the wave hit Bartolomeo created a large barrier to protect himself and his crew that he carred for deeply. Everyone he protected came out unharmed, so he continued watching with interest. Black Cat Kuro was also there to witness the peculiar man who caused this mess. He had originally tried to leave the island, but didn't do so because the docs was on fire. His ship out of all the others was intact but not out of luck or the grace of god.

Kuro saw the strange thing that kept people from leaving the island and while it didn't attack them Kuro knew clearly how dangerous it was just from looking at it. The hundreds of bodies all over the floor were also a helpful insight into gauging that things strength. Kuro not being stupid decided to stay and hear what Ulrick had to say at least as to not get on Ulrick bad side. What Kuro didn't expect was a massive wave of wind pressure that suddenly blew him away along with his crew. Gin who was also watching Ulrick's actions with worry had the same thing happen to him.

In the crater he formed Ulrick took a much needed break. Fighting thousands of people without end is extremely difficult even if those people are grunts. He has been fighting for hours because he isn't like those freak admirals that can fight for a week straight he needed this break badly. Sweat dripped on the floor as like rain Ulrick only got a minute of rest before people started attacking him again. Ulrick was a bit surprised by this because he expected that massive attack to keep everyone down for a while and it would have but Don Krieg's crew didn't care about conventional sense. They rushed towards Ulrick out of the thick layer of dust that covered the area like a blanket. While under direct fire from their own crew those people didn't care about their lives anymore they just wanted the thrill of a kill.

Though he was tired Ulrick confronted their attacks directly. Ulrick's orthos blocked a cutlass from cutting him down the middle. Through the block Ulrick could feel the difference in strength compared to an average pirate from the east. Spinning his weapon around in a half circle Ulrick slit his attackers throat and kicked him away. Following this Ulrick deflected 2 bullets that almost hit their mark. During this three more crazy pirates from from Krieg's crew came at him. Ulrick cleaved the first one down the middle horizontally cut off the left leg of the second followed by his head once he started to fall down, and stabbed the third in the heart.

The third attackers body julted in shock for a second before he grabbed Ulrick's weapon with both hands and pushed it forward deeper into himself until the weapon popped out his back. Using this opportunity that pirate punched Ulrick hard un the face. He wanted to do it again, but Ulrick had the sense to abandon his weapon for now and take a step back. As Ulrick did he felt something latched on and gnawing on his right leg. Once he looked down he saw It was the first pirate he cut in half. This pirate looked sickly he he as he madly chewed away at Ulrick's leg without hope of breaking through his body armor like a rabid dog. The reason this pirate looked sick wasn't because of what the void energy had done to him it was the poison on Ulrick's weapon taking effect. No one Ulrick attacked before lived long enough for him to see it take effect, so this sight was new for Ulrick as well. Green blotches spread on the pirates nody quickly forming everywhere and fading just as fast.

The kind of poison Ulrick uses is unique it activates practically instantly, but goes away after a few seconds and doesn't least forever. The poison is like this as a safety measure because if it wasn't it would continuously spread and kill everything.

Ulrick having his leg grabbed lost balance and fell over. During this moment of vulnerability the Krieg pirate opened fire with all they had. Guns and rockets bombarded Ulrick sending him skipping across the the ground like a rock across a pond. Ulrick while hurt wasn't out of the fight he used full body hardening to endure the attack. Ulrick's suit helped block most of the damage as well. Ulrick spat a mouth full of blood on the floor and got back on his feet. As he tried to attacks started to come in from all over. The survivors of Ulrick's massive aoe attack came back with a vengeance. Ulrick had to dance around like a fool to not get hit.

Seeing that he was being forced into a corner Ulrick opened up his system menu, reached in, and pulled out, an Ak-47 along with a fully loaded clip. Ulrick's system can't store thing's that aren't money, resources, or warframe specific related equipment. But, Ulrick found a way to cheat the system.

So, long as the thing's that Ulrick finishes building inside the system don't leave it then those items can stay inside their forever. Ulrick exploited the hell out of this the moment he found out and pre-made all kinds of things no matter how stupid or insignificant it seemed.

With his new gun Ulrick fired back and with the expert marksmanship gifted to him buy the stance mods Ulrick scored head shots for days.

It was difficult to keep the pressure on them when Ulrick was out gunned, but in the end he pulled through and he gave them hell. In the midst of the gun fire Ulrick brought out a second Ak-47, reload the first, and bullet jumped to the other side where his enemies took cover. In the air above them Ulrick slowed down his decent by using he void energy to glide in the air and from there Ulrick rained down hell from above. Bullet sprayed everywhere on the ground below. Red flowers bloomed and faded into the air.

Confusion and chaos spread as Ulrick claimed the lives of dozens from high above.

On the ground Ulrick stood on pools of blood and corpses. Not finished Ulrick threw away his 2 Ak-47s and pulled out an old classic weapon that any real OG would remember well. It was a rocket launcher more specifically the M202 Flash a 4 tubed launcher filled with four 66mm incendiary rockets. It was the same rocket launcher used by Arnold Swartzenegger in the movie commando. Ulrick had a massive hard on when he built this beauty now he's even harder then before because he finally has the chance to used it.

While taking a knee Ulrick found himself a nice ground of people over yonder and showed them who they were messing with. One after the other rockets lit up the battle field bringing a level of thrill to Ulrick that he can only describe as orgasmic. It wasn't the screams of terror that brought him to release it was the smell of fire, the taste of iron, the feeling each shot gives him as it pushes him back because of recoil. A fully functioning piece of machinery that he built in all its glory there is nothing else like it in the world and he loved it.

With one side obliterated Ulrick abandoned the first rocket launcher and pulled out another. This time he aimed at the Krieg pirates and got his revenge. There crazy state couldn't save them from being blown to bits. Ulrick was so excited he barely observed his surroundings like he use to allowing Don Krieg to sneak up behind him. Krieg wielded his great battle spear and swung it with unrelenting might at Ulrick's head.

Ulrick sensing the approaching attack instinctively used his rocket launcher to block which was a dumb move because their was still an extra rocket left in it. Krieg battle spear also had an exploading effect, so the result wasn't pleasant. Both Ulrick and Krieg were caught in a big explosion. Ulrick was blasted away back into the crater he formed and difficult come out unscathed.

Parts of his hair was burnt, along with his face, he hacked up a bit of blood on the floor because that explosion did wonders for his organs that hurt him when he moved. Krieg on the other hand walked out of that explosion absolutely ok. It barely had any visible effect since Krieg before hand could tank multiple cannon shots without problem. Now that he's been amplified by the void energy that tough physique has been multiplied.

Ulrick looked at Krieg or at least the multiple copies of him that he saw with difficulty. The world was spinning and it just didn't want to stop. During the time Ulrick's senses were fumbled he was completely unaware of an attack coming towards him from above. The person launching the attack was pearl he jumbed high into the air and lit himself on fire. From there he hurtled down towards Ulrick at a fast speed as a blazing ball of fire planning to crush Ulrick with his entire body.

[Fire Service Pearl Silver Present]

Pearl shouted out the name of his attack just as he was about to crush Ulrick. But, in the very last moment before he was about to a metal tonfa came out of nowhere struck Pearl in the face sending him flying away. Standing over Ulrick was an angry Gin who stood next to Ulrick and shouted stoically.


A wave of emotion washed over Ulrick once he heard Gin say those words. Ulrick lack the words of his own to express what he felt in that moment if he didn't he was sure they would have been something spectacular.

"Hahaha, so you finally realized how great I am and decided to officially hope aboard. It took you long enough".

"I'm doing this to save your ass you stubborn bastard. You can't win against all these people bye yourself and you won't leave without me. Now you got me, so now let's just leave".

"Awe, you care about me i'm touched".

"Put a sock in it I may be scum but I have my own sense of honor, so I don't want you dying to prove something to me I ain't worth it.

"I did all this because you were worth it. Done ever second guess that I need my right hand man to support me always and that can't happen if he's depressed and moping all the time".

"What ever, so we leaving?".

"Hell no".

"What why not?".

"I told you that that I was going to bring down Don Krieg and the rest of his crew, so that's what i'm going to do".

"But, their's no point in doing that, so lets go".

"No, point of corse there is a point Gin. It is what separates one man from the commoners and distinguishes their right to rule. I'm not talking about bloodlines, titles or any other insignificant shit like that. What i'm talking about here Gin is instinct. The instinct to fight, dominate, and slaughter my enemies. My instincts right now are screaming at me telling me that if I stop fighting, if I backdown right now in the face of this lowly peace of shit then I lose the qualifications to rule, to be your leader, to dominate anything. This is why I can't stand down Gin no matter the odds".

Gin couldn't stop Ulrick from fighting he could only watch and support him from the back. Ulrick ran towards Krieg with both his hands covered in haki. Krieg pulled out a bunch of hidden weapon and used them to fire upon Ulrick. He avoided the shots that he could with observation and deflected the other with his hands. In this barrage he bullet jumped towards Krieg arriving next to him in less then a second. With all his might Ulrick activated Ryou and punched Krieg in the gut. Upon contact Krieg's armor shattered even the parts on the back as Ulrick's fist got barried elbow deep into Krieg stomach. Krieg vomited blood as he got shot into the air.

Krieg thought having a clear indentation on his stomach from Ulrick's attack felt little pain. The remanent void energy in him dulled that and skewered his sense of reasoning. In the air Krieg pulled over a part of his shoulder guard which doubled as a cannon and fired one of his deadly east attacks.

[MH5 Bomb]

The MH5 is a deadly poison gas bomb that shot out and exploaded covering a large area on the group. Purple gas filled the air and in the air Krieg could still see Ulrick. Krieg took his battle spear spun around with it in the air gaining as much momentum as he could before he through it at Ulrick. The spear crashed down and exploaded next to Ulrick clearing away the smoke making it safe for Krieg to land. Krieg landed next to his spear and picked it up. Once he did Ulrick's form covered in a metallic luster appeared and attacked Krieg.

Krieg blocked each blow with difficulty every attack pushed him back. While he was on the defensive Krieg noticed small cracks on his spear they were nothing now but could spell his doom later. Seeing defense was no longer an option Krieg crazily lashed out. Every attack of his exploaded with an ear splitting ring left in its wake. Ulrick tanked the explosions because he had few other choices, he lacked the energy to do big moves, he was to injured to move around as fance as he use to, and he had to time to reach into his system to pull something out.

At the edge Ulrick could only grit his teeth and push forward. He looked at Krieg with the eyes of a predator they glowed with a primal hunger that demanded to be satiated. As Krieg's weapon swung over head Ulrick's eyes followed its movements closely and as it was about to hit Krieg weapon passed through Ulrick's body. That was the last time Ulrick could use that trick for a while, so he made it count. Ulrick grabbed Krieg wrist and twisted it in a way that forced him to let go of his spear. Once he did Ulrick yanked the spear from Krieg hand, twisted it around to deliver a devastating upper cut with Krieg's own weapon.

The weapon exploaded on Krieg's chin blasting him away. Krieg skid across the ground he tried to stop himself but quickly found his own spear in his gut. It exploaded him even further backwards and impaled him on a wall. Krieg guts were mush because of the spear exploading inside of him. Ulrick showed now mercy to Krieg he could see the defiance in Krieg's eyes. Which made him pummel Krieg's body relentlessly. Bones cracked along with the wall holding Krieg up, teeth fell, blood and flesh splattered, making an abstract painting from the mess. By the time Ulrick was done there was no more Krieg just a meat paste and a large stain on a wall.

Everyone that saw this felt a chill down their spines because what they were looking at wasn't just a man it was a monster let loose from its cage. Turning around Ulrick looked at everyone still left alive with a predatory gaze. Though many couldn't see his eyes clearly they could feel it. The hunger behind them, there lust for power, and infinite depth. With Ulrick as the center out spread a shock wave like none other. The ground rumbled, the air visibly shook, the waves at see twist and turned scaring away all ocean life

From this apocalyptic scene came a stillness that shouldn't exist. Ulrick's body emitted a multicolored aura enveloped the entire island. Its beauty amazed everyone while its unfathomable depth brought the to their knees. They weren't sure what they were looking at they just knew that it was something that they could never understand even if they had 1000 life times to comprehend it. Bartolomeo, Kuro, and even Gin could not fight this oppressive power they could only submit.

Ulrick looked at all those who knelt before him and said in a booming voice, "today shall hence forth mark the rise of the Orokin Empire".

After those words Ulrick's aura lifted, the world went back to normal, but it was far more silent then it should be. That silence lifted when one by one people all over the island fell down unconscious. The only person left awake was Ulrick who immursed himself in this moment happy knowing full well that he has what it takes to rule up high above all.

This is 5 in 1 basically a week worth of effort in 1 day. Please give me spirit stones. I swear my fanfic better then most of the other common crap people read. Show me your love and bring me 2 top 10.

Loyalscumcreators' thoughts