
The Aggressive Welcome, News and Prisoner

__________ POV Narration__________

The Marines were quiet when they saw Garp walking towards them. With the exception of Fujitora, who was quite happy when he felt Garp walking towards them.

Dragon also stepped out from behind them, smiling slightly at his old father.

'Might as well get this over with... Hope I don't lose my front teeth again...'

"YOU?!" Garp immediately punched Dragon in the face, likely knocking a few teeth loose and sending him flying back into Enel's ship.

Dragon crashed head-first into the ship, bending it down the middle and making it look like it was a makeshift metal cocoon around Dragon.

'... At least Robin and Larthy got off in time...' Enel thought to himself as he stood beside Shiki and Francisco.

The three of them might as well have been eating popcorn and looking at a movie.

Enel's ship only had a few people on it, to begin with. Enel chuckled a bit when he noticed how strangely Larthy was looking at the situation.

Robin was also somewhat shocked, but only for one second, as she seemed to remember Garp from the time he had paid Luffy a visit on Water 7.

'I guess both Luffy's father and grandfather are working with Enel... The former Marine Hero and the Revolutionary Army Leader...'

In a sense, Robin was not even surprised at that point, Enel had managed to turn almost the entire high echelon of Marines against the World Government.

Most of it might've just been the Government shooting itself in the foot, but Robin still realized that Enel was the catalyst for it all.

It was because of him that so many legendary and powerful figures were starting to gather up under one flag.

"Unfilial bastard! How dare you show your face around here?!" Garp raised his fist and shook it in the air for a few seconds.

Yet, Enel heard the old marine hero say something else under his breath. "Not even visiting me once in all these years..."

It was somewhat bittersweet. A father reuniting with his son, Garp did in fact express his affection in a strange manner.

That sweet moment was somewhat ruined when the former marine hero turned his head to Akainu and the others.

"And what the hell are you idiots doing on the same ship as him?!" Garp looked at his fist for a few seconds, then looked at the marines who seemed to also be a bit ashamed to be admonished by the former Marine Hero.

"Father, sorry for not visiting you! You know I was busy with the war effort..." Dragon came out of the wrecked ship looking unscathed, he talked in a more submissive tone than before, which was noticeable by everyone.

'I guess Garp really used the fist of love on all of the children he's taken care of...' Enel thought to himself as Shiki looked on with a goofy smile on his face.

"Reminds me of when Dragon was still a marine... Father and son used to sail together you know? I even had both of them once come after me. That was a long time ago though." The Golden Lion continued smiling as he spoke, the other marines looking at him with a bit of hate.

Fujitora seemed to be quite unbothered though. He simply yawned as he tapped his walking stick/swords on the ground.

"The Golden Lion Shiki... I guess you really do keep a lot of pirate company, huh Enel?" Akainu said as he looked at the trio with a raised eyebrow.

No one seemed to recognize Francisco though, which was for the better in Enel's opinion, at least for the moment.

"Obviously... Most noteworthy pirates already have a bone to pick with the Government, to begin with, they are easy to approach and befriend. Expect to see more pirates by my side in this whole mess."

Enel didn't bother hiding his intentions, nor did he bother skirting around the issue, Akainu may have scoffed, but he could at least respect that.

Still, the marines weren't quite excited to be working with pirates, unfortunately, they didn't have much of a choice.

Sure, they could still choose to try and go their own way. To get in touch with the Neo Marines and help grow their faction.

But Enel, at least in the eyes of Akainu and the former admirals, was currently their best bet when it came to fighting the World Government.

Their combined forces together already formed what was essentially the strongest army in the world.

The fact that Garp was also there certainly helped ease them into working with so many pirates though.

Unfortunately, they were not there with any good news.

The marines started explaining the situation a bit, and Enel's smile strained as they explained the events of the war.

Francisco smiled confidently when hearing that his captain had held up the entire Navy without gaining any major injuries.

Shiki was quite impressed as well, solidifying his thoughts of sticking around Enel and facing the World Government with him.

'Hell, with the people we have here, taking over the Holy Land will be a breeze...' The Golden Lion had a dark smirk on his face as he felt that he was ever closer to bringing the government to its knees.

He wasn't specifically pleased that he was working with marines either, as he somewhat detested them for executing Roger.

Then they got to the Eye, at which point even Shiki's enthusiasm was halted for a while. Francisco's reaction was quite similar to his, though his narrowed eyes also displayed a bit of ferocity, especially when looking at his captain's missing arm.

The marines wasted no time in recounting how Sengoku and Enel had rushed onto Baltigo, and how all of them had tried blocking that strange attack.

What was essentially the strongest combined power in the world at that time had failed miserably, and they had all only escaped with their lives due to Dragon's and Akagami's intervention.

It was a pathetic thing in the eyes of the surviving marines. For them to have been so helpless against an attack, even if it was from presumably an Ancient Weapon...

Then they reached the part where they started recounting injuries.

"Enel and Sengoku received the most wounds... Enel lost an arm and had one of his earlobes shortened, as you could probably tell... And Sengoku..." Akainu stopped for a moment, looking at Garp and judging his reaction.

It was by no means a good one. The Magma User could already see the veins bludging on the former Marine Hero's clenched fists.

The cold look in Garp's eyes told the marines everything they needed to know.

"You better not tell me that he died, because you will be joining him soon if that's the case."

The old marine legend was certainly not beating around the bush. The sudden proclamation did make most of the people present sweat, thinking that it was a joke.

But Enel, as well as Akainu and Aokiji, knew that Garp was not kidding.

He was both capable and willing to kill Akainu in a fit of rage for failing to save his best friend and comrade. Though Enel planned to dissuade him from doing such a thing.

Sengoku had put his life on the line to protect Akainu and the rest, after all, killing any one of them would just be spitting on his efforts.

"He survived thankfully, Crocus ended up saving his life at Shank's behest. But he lost all of his limbs." Enel decided to be the one to give the news, as he was the one that had the best relationship with Garp.

Garp turned his head around, looking at the one-armed emperor with a furious gaze, it was clear that he wanted to swing his fists towards something, but in the end, he simply clenched his fists and sighed.

"At least he's safe... Enel, I don't care how you convince her, but that lassie Bonney better help heal Sengoku sooner rather than later."

The old marine hero was surprisingly a lot calmer than they had all expected, but it somewhat made sense to Enel, especially after seeing Francisco's new look.

'He knows that such injuries aren't necessarily permanent, so he's less violent about it... At the very least he won't be trying to kill anyone because of it.'

"I'll try to make a deal with her... I'm sure there are plenty of things she may want, as an Emperor I should have the means to grant them." Enel nodded as he spoke, agreeing with Garp.

The others seemed a bit confused, with the exception of Shiki and Francisco, who both knew what Garp was referring to.

The marine legend was still quite peeved that Akainu and the rest were mostly uninjured, while Sengoku was left almost dead.

But in the end, it had been Sengoku's decision to protect the others, so Garp couldn't really blame them for his old friend's heroic actions.

Still, he made sure to make them feel shame for even needing to be saved in the first place.

Overall, it had gone much better than anyone had expected initially. Garp didn't even punch Dragon that many times and the marines were mostly unscathed if a bit ashamed of themselves.

"Now that that's out of the way... Do you plan for the Revolutionary army to stay here for the long term?" Garp's gaze was pointed at Enel as his words came out, Dragon stood by his side with a few bumps on his head.

"Indeed! This way they are safer, and keeping my allies closer to me is ideal in these situations." Enel clapped his earlobes together with a smile on his face.

He then tapped his ship with his palm, making it shift and compress into a walking stick and a white gauntlet.

"Now, I'm quite excited to learn about how things have been going in these parts. I am sure I still have a lot of catching up to do. Gan Fall will certainly be curious about the new arrivals as well."

"Wait till the Shandian Tribe find out that you decided to use their island without asking anyone for permission..." Garp scowled a bit when Enel started speaking about Gan Fall, who was the actual leader/God of the Sky Islands.

Francisco also seemed to somewhat agree with him.

"This may technically be your territory, but you aren't its tyrannical leader... You can't keep making these types of decisions all by yourself." The old master swordsman said as he crossed his arms and looked at Enel with half-closed eyes.

'I don't want you ending up like my former captain... You better manage diplomatic relations better than him.' Francisco thought as he continued looking at Enel, waiting for his response.

"I understand that this isn't ideal. I'll make an effort to return here ahead of time and talk to Gan Fall and you all before coming back with any more people."

"What? You're planning on allying yourself with even more people?" Akainu asked with a raised eyebrow.

At that moment, Enel already had a lot of people willing to join him and face the World Government, even more than anyone present knew when considering that the Whitebeard Pirates were still strong and active.

"One can never be too prepared. It is better to have allies upon allies, the more we have, the less we'll have to face later."

"Hah, all until one of them stabs ya in the back..." Shiki spit on the ground in front of him as he looked at all of the marines present.

The Marines all gave him a pointed look, with the exception of Fujitora, who simply raised an eyebrow.

Francisco coughed a bit, to ease off some of the tension in the air. And explained his old friend's plight a bit more.

"You have big goals, and you need manpower, that's for sure. But do pay attention to what type of people you bring with you.

Make sure they are fully willing and prepared to burn the government with you." Francisco made sure to look at everyone present when he said that, he received many resolute gazes, but there was also quite a bit of uncertainty.

Especially from people like Robin, Kizaru and surprisingly, Oven.

The Sweet Commander was willing to follow his friend until the end. But he also couldn't participate in a full-scale war against the world government without also implicating his family.

He needed to either convince his mother to join their cause, break off from them entirely or not participate in the war.

Things were still foggy on whether or not Big Mom was willing to join Enel in his efforts. So the only clear thing currently was that Oven was going to have to make a tough decision somewhere down the line.

"I understand... Trust is necessary when attempting something like this. I assure you I wouldn't ally myself with people I can't trust." Enel said as he closed his eyes and sighed.

"While I can't say that I personally trust every person in the Revolutionary Army down to its last member, I can assure you that the ones leading the army are worth your trust." The One-Armed Emperor's words came out without any hesitation, making Dragon and Larthy smile a bit.

Most of the people present seemed to appreciate Enel's trust, even if some did so reluctantly.

"I trust the Revolutionaries, but I am still not sure about trusting marines to fight the World Government..." Shiki had finally decided to voice out his dissatisfaction. Garp growled at him a bit, but the Golden Lion wasn't shaken one bit.

The Marine Legend scowled. "You're one to talk about trust? I didn't see you back in god valley to defend your beloved captain."

"Hmph, you were lucky I had a job elsewhere." The Golden Lion spat right back as the two old men started bickering.

"Now now, no reason to start fighting again..." Francisco clapped his hands together, settling the mood once more as he was about to speak out, but Enel beat him to it.

"Shiki, no one would willingly trust the leading figures of a government-sponsored organization to go against said government.

But this situation is very different from that.

This same government is trying to and has already fucked them over on several occasions, I believe they are just as trustworthy as the revolutionaries, if not more."

The Emperor spoke with a calming smile, stepping in between the flying Lion and the Marine Legend without any hesitation.

"Hmph... I'll keep an eye on them while I'm around though, wouldn't want anything to happen after all" Shiki still wasn't fully convinced, but he would come around in time.

It wasn't like he was fully decided on joining Enel anyway.

In the end, the situation was diffused, and the others were able to finally try and find a place to settle down.

Immediately, Morley, the friendly giant of the Revolutionaries and Push Push fruit user started digging tunnels underneath them using her fruit.

Her control and speed were both exceptional, so they would all have housing underground within a few hours, if not all, at least a good chunk of them.

Shiki also decided to help a bit, as he could control the ground he had touched. So the process went from a few hours to only around an hour.

The rest still started chopping trees and putting together cabins, as only having an underground base was not that great for the skin.

They were all already accustomed to the atmosphere there, as they had been flying at that altitude for a long time already, so they were able to get to work instantly.

Enel went ahead to speak with Gan Fall about the situation. More specifically, he zapped and appeared in the middle of Skypea, looking around while whistling and heading for Gan Fall's office.

He received many fearful looks as he went by, but some seemed more shocked by his state rather than his presence.

Rumours quickly spread of something capable of harming the former invincible God of Skypea, exactly as Enel had planned.

Although they had seen large-scale conflicts already, many still hung onto the idea that Enel was actually invincible, as his reign of terror had instilled that into their minds.

Seeing him in that state would help cleanse the pallet a bit, lessen their fears and remind them that Enel was nothing more than a human at the end of the day.

Gan Fall was also quite shocked to see Enel actually injured to such an extent, he appeared quite shaken even after Enel had explained that everything was fine.

The old man ended up reluctantly agreeing to speak with the Shandian Tribe about the Revolutionaries setting up a base on Upper Yard.

It would've been Enel's job under normal circumstances, but he was already a bit busy with something urgent.

What was that exactly? Well, it had something to do with the Emperor bound by thick seastone chains that they were keeping in their prisons.


Hope you liked the chapter! Garp somehow didn't hospitalize the marines, so that's nice.

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