
End Of Conflict...

Chapter 28 (BONUS CHAPTER... forgot to post it yesterday... woke up and saw the comments so... yeah... if we reach 3000 power stones, then you will be getting 3 chapters today.😒)

Title: End Of Conflict...


As Big Mom says stuff like that I just smile. "Welp, you haven't been doing so good at killing me. But what about other people coming for you?… Kaido or Whitebeard might decide that you are not really a challenge."

"What do you know about power you brat." Says Big Mom. "You know nothing about how things up here work."

My smile drops and I show my expression to my Transponder Snail, so Big Mom can see it. "Well… I don't know a lot about it. But I do know that if Katakuri wasn't there during our last fight… you would be dead and sleeping with the fishies. I also do know that if your two commanders died and Whitebeard decides to attack with full force, you might maybe survive, but you will definitely lose everything. Your children are not as strong as you."

I see that Big Mom frowns and seems to be thinking something. I am about to say something more, but I stop myself. She might notice that I am trying to manipulate her and then she will definitely attack me at full power, whether she wins or loses, it won't matter to her then.

"I see…" Finally says Big Mom. "So you want an Alliance between us?"

I don't say anything at this as I take a couple of seconds to think. But in the end I just have a calm face as I answer to her. "No… what I want is a cease fire between us."

I don't mention that if we have a cease fire then her dream of making a very diverse kingdom where every race can live happily would be possible as some Fishman will join her too. That would definitely show that I know too much about her and am actually trying to manipulate her, that would push her over the edge.

"I see… then I agree to a cease fire. We won't attack each other and will stay out of each-other's way." Says Big Mom, I smile at this.

"Then we came to an understanding, yea?" 

"Yes… Jaw…" Says Big Mom, with a strangely calm voice.


She turns off her Dendenmushi. Finally my face morphs into a full blown smile. Now I have enough time to grow, my status as a Yonko will bring countless people who will want to join me.

Especially people who will come from  Paradise (the 1st half of the Grand Line) and be wrecked by the Yonko… also I control the entry to the New World, so I definitely have an advantage over the other Yonko.

I will outgrow the other Yanko soon enough… Shanks isn't a Yonko yet, so there is enough territory to take over. Especially since Shiki left a power gap that yet hasn't been filled, though Whitebeard has filled a lot of it. But there is definitely a place for me to grow, especially I should try and gain some islands on the Calm Belts, I know that you only need to coat the bottom ships with sea stone to travel there without being attacked by the Sea Kings. It seems like during this time, not a lot of people know this. I don't know if even Vegapunk has discovered this… or was it even him who discovered this? Definitely him… the only reason the Marines have such a technological advantage is because of him.

I will also need to get some smart scientists to my side, and then I can also use the Fishman population to dig the untouched resources to the bottom of the ocean… there are so many things I can do now...




One year has passed since I made peace with Big Mom. So here I am, currently, in Fishman island. 

I am currently at Fishman Dojo, waiting outside of it actually. 

"I am done dad."  Comes a voice from I inside of the Dojo as he comes out. I look at Kisame, my son. I see that he has a couple of bruises around his body, but he still has a disappointed look on his face. 

"Was it fun?" I ask Kisame as me and him walk away from the Dojo. He is currently seven years old, but looks more like a ten year old and he has a muscular body for someone his age.

He frowns when I ask him that. "Dad… they were all weak. Twenty of them and they still I am only barely hurt... they were weak."

He then looks at his hands and continues saying. "I thought people on the outside would be stronger… but they are weaker than even Naruto."

I smile when he says that. I then look at him and say. "Kisame."

"Hm?" He looks at me with a questioning look as I call him out. 

I then slowly punch towards him and say. "I will punch you, defend yourself with all of your power."

As I tell him that, he creates his arms in front of himself. I just use my easily telegraphed punch and hit him.


A shockwave immediately pushes him away like a cannonball.


He flies away, he is thrown towards the Fishman District. I put my hands in my pockets, and I then casually start walking towards where I just threw him. 

Kisame is strong for his age, and he was blessed with unnatural strength when he was born. If he becomes arrogant, he will be just another mediocre strong person that can be defeated by any normal person who trains. I plan for him and Kakashi to become my commanders in the future. They will protect the family in the future. 


When I arrive at Fishman District, I go towards a Kisame shaped hole on the ground. I see a lot of people were gathered around it. I just walk towards them and immediately they recognize me and make way for me as I walk forward and see the mini me (Kisame) in the crater and he has blood coming from his mouth and head. 

Welp, in an hour or two he should be good. He knows that I do this when he needs to learn a lesson.

I pulled one of my hands from my pocket and shoo away the people who had gathered around. 

I then look at Kisame and say. "You will never be able to protect your family like this. One day, when I am weak and I can't fight anymore. I will need you to protect the family, you can't do it like this. You wouldn't even be able to buy time for them to escape."

"Ugh.." Groans Kisame, well I now know that he is awake and listening to me too. I don't plan to ever really grow weak, but he doesn't need to know that yet.

"Get up! Do you wanna really wanna see your sister's neck broken like a twig just because you weren't strong!"

"N -No…" Says Kisame weakly as his eyes start closing and I can sense his conscience slip away. I still don't go to help him...

"THEN GET THE HELL UP!" I scream at him.

"I AM GETTING UP OLD MAN!" Screams Kisame back, I am pretty sure that he is half conscious but…


I can sense a strange pressure go off and some of the Fishman who were not that far away and others hiding in their houses.


Fall on the ground unconscious one by one… the smile on my face can't go off as I see this… I knew it… of course my son would have Conquerors Haki...

Then his body comes out of the crater as with shaking hands he pulls himself up. He then looks at me with half closed eyes. "I… I…"

He can't even finish saying whatever he wants to say as he starts falling forward, and as he is about to hit the ground.


I appear next to him and catch him with a gentle grasp. 

Kisame, my son… you and your siblings will definitely give the world to me.

I then hug him and put him on a piggy back, and go to take him to a doctor.



MC cares about his children and each of them has a special personality. We will see more of them in the future and the strange dynamic of this family. Also yes… Jaw is pushing Kisame to become extraordinary. He wants him to be strong enough to be his right hand man by the time he (Kisame) is eighteen … because that is when Canon will start.

P.S: We will see what the MC has done during this one year.

P.S: When this story reaches 3000 Power Stones, it will get +1 Bonus Chapter that day.

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(32 Chapters in Advance)

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