
One Piece: Path To Immortality

Synopsis:  Tired of his hellish life and being used and betrayed, Don exploits his new life to achieve immorality and kill anyone who stands in the way of his quest for immortality and power. ---------------- If I stop posting chapters it's because I have no ideas. One Piece does not belong to me neither is the picture.

FictionGoat · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
21 Chs

Chapter: XX



Narrator: Shiraga remains determined on his adventure, striving for immortality and unmatched strength. Though his goals seem far, he presses forward, facing challenges, gaining knowledge, and growing stronger.

The path is long, but he stays committed, knowing the journey itself was valuable. With patience and unwavering belief, he pursues his destiny of becoming immortal and the strongest.


Authors note: Leave a Review, trying to make it to the front page...



The lanky man's eyes widened as he felt the firm grip on his arm. He looked up to see a kid, a mere child, with white hair and strangely swirly thin brows. But what caught his attention were the boy's eyes, brimming with hate and murderous intent that seemed far too mature for his age.

"Let go, before I kill you along with him," the lanky man said.

The boy's expression remained cold as he stared at the man. His hand tightened around the man's arm.

But, strangely the boy smiled, " You'll be a good warm up... "

The lanky man's eyes widened in shock as he felt an icy chill creeping up his arm. He looked down to see ice forming on his skin, spreading rapidly like frostbite. He tried to pull away, but the cold seemed to have a life of its own, firmly wrapping around his arm.

The boy continued to smile, taunting the man. "Careful now, you might catch a frostbite, "

As the lanky man pulled his arm away, he clutched it with his other hand, trying to restore circulation and feeling to his numbed limb.

' This kid has devil fruit powers? ' he thought, his mind racing to find a rational explanation.

The boy remained unfazed, his cold eyes locked onto his target. Before the boy could react, he saw the lanky man charging at him, his assassin blades emerging from his sleeves like deadly extensions of his arms.

The lanky man's face filled with rage, "RAHHHHH!!!" he shouted, swinging his left arm down with all his might. But before his blade could connect, the boy swiftly sidestepped the attack.

The boy's expression remained calm and collected, despite the dangerous situation. "Woah, trying to kill a kid? Low blow... low blow," he said disapprovingly.

Seizing the moment, Shiraga took advantage of the man's exposed side. He jumped into the air, using his momentum to deliver a swift and powerful kick to the lanky man's jaw.

The kick from Shiraga struck the lanky man's jaw with brutal force. His eyes widened in shock as he felt the impact travel through his entire body, and then everything seemed to move in slow motion.

The force of the blow sent him flying backward, his body propelled through the air like a ragdoll. He could feel the wind rushing past him as he soared through the beach, the world around him a blur.

As the ground rushed up to meet him, he braced himself for the impact, and then everything went dark.

He face-planted into the sand with a sickening thud. Pain exploded through his body as his face and body scraped against the rough grains. The impact knocked the air out of his lungs, leaving him gasping for breath.

" Ughh... " He groaned.

For a moment, he lay there, disoriented. His vision swam as he struggled to regain his senses. Every inch of his body ached, and he could taste blood in his mouth.

His mind raced, trying to make sense of what had just happened. How had a child been able to overpower him so effortlessly? He felt humiliated.

The lanky man pushed himself up, groaning in pain. Sand stuck to his face and clothes, and his head throbbed from the impact. He could see Shiraga standing calmly a few feet away, his eyes still fixed on him.

The lanky man's hand shot to his mouth as he felt a nauseating taste of blood filling it. He retched, vomiting out a mix of blood and saliva onto the sand. In the midst of the pain and agony, he felt a throbbing sensation in his mouth, causing him to wince.

His hand trembled as he wiped the blood from his lips, and as he looked at his palm. There, lying in his hand, was a broken tooth.

"That hurt, didn't it?" Shiraga smiled at the man, his expression still calm and collected.

The man's speech was slurred due to the injury, and he tried to respond despite his condition. "I'm not afraid of you," he managed to say through his lisp.

"You should be," he replied coldly, his tone sending shivers down the man's spine.

"How about we just end this right here and now?" Shiraga's voice remained calm, his eyes fixed on the lanky man.

"Stooo... STOP HIM BOYS!" The lanky man's voice quivered with fear as he desperately called for his comrades to intervene.

Immediately, a couple of pirates stepped forward, surrounding Shiraga with uneasy expressions. Beads of sweat formed on their foreheads, unsure of what they were facing.

But Shiraga seemed entirely unbothered by their presence. He stood his ground, undeterred by the odds against him. His expression remained stoic, giving nothing away.

"Hmph, really are pathetic..."Shiraga said as he pulled out a sword from his waist. The pirates exchanged uneasy glances, unsure of how to proceed.

" RAHHHHH! " the pirate charged at Shiraga with a scream. His cutlass swung wildly in the air, a last-ditch effort to kill Shiraga. Shiraga's eyes locked onto his opponent.

As the pirate closed the distance. I stepped forward, meeting the attack head-on. With a fluid motion of my wrist, I deflected the cutlass away, leaving the pirate momentarily exposed.

Afterwards I lunged my sword forward. The blade found its mark, piercing through the pirate's defenses and driving deep into his chest. Blood pouring from the wound.

Suddenly, the pirate gripped my arm. As I turned my gaze to the pirate's eyes In the reflection of the pirate's eyes, I caught a glimpse of another man standing behind me. The figure was tall, cloaked in a dark silhouette, and held a sword in his hand.

In the blink of an eye, the figure swung the sword at my head. As the sword connected with my head, there was a clang sound, as if the sword had struck metal. The pirate's blade shattered into two pieces upon impact.

"Ow..." I said with a smile as I looked back at the man.

The pirates stood there, theirs jaw hanging low and his eyes shocked. "What the hell are you made out of?!" all the pirates said simultaneously.



To Be Continued...

-Rosefall Arc Continues-


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