
Chapter 105 : Merry's Rest!

[The Straw Hats had finally escaped, and exhaustion lingered on the deck.]

[Yet, what piqued Sanji, Zoro, and the others' curiosity was who had steered the ship?]

[And who, when everyone plummeted into the sea, lowered a rope from the ship?]

[Moreover, those shells burst in mid-air, as if possessed by invisible forces!]

[Amidst their skepticism, they inevitably scoured the ship's warehouse.]

[However, at that moment, Luffy, reclining at the ship's bow, grinned and remarked, "It must be Merry who came to save us!"]

[He then gently stroked the ship's head, saying, "Thank you, Merry..."]

[Sanji Zoro, upon hearing this, looked incredulous, "Huh? Merry?"]

[Several others found it hard to believe. After all, this was a ship, not a person!]

[How could a ship save itself and others?]

[Even if Luffy regarded Merry as a comrade, it was merely a ship, not a sentient being!]

[Nami and Chopper, who had been silent, contemplated Luffy's words, finding some merit in them.]

[Only Franky and Usopp harbored a secret conviction...]

[Indeed, it was Merry who had come to their rescue, for they both believed in the existence of ship's spirit!]

[Only when a ship's crew loved their vessel to the extreme would the ship's spirit manifest, and...]

[In times of peril, the ship's spirit would emerge to save its acknowledged partner!]

[At that moment, a massive ship appeared before Merry...]

[It was none other than Water 7's Carrera ship!]

[Onboard were countless sailors and members of the Franky family, all there to retrieve the Straw Hats!]

[Seeing everyone, whether Luffy or Franky, excitement surged!]

[But before anyone could rise, disaster... struck!]


[With a resounding crash, Merry's keel was utterly shattered!]

[Half of the hull severed, it floated on the sea's surface...]

[This sight instantaneously shocked everyone, especially the 863 crew!]


[Simultaneously, worldwide spectators were equally astonished by the unfolding scene!]

[Merry... had actually been severed!?]

[Countless influential figures exchanged glances. Even those skeptical of ship spirits couldn't deny it now.]

[The Straw Hats and their crew couldn't have escaped such danger without Merry's sudden intervention.]

[Had it not been for Merry, they, exhausted as they were, might have been apprehended by the Marine!]

[Yet, to everyone's surprise...]

[Merry that had rescued them was now shattered!]

[Observing the scene, Dragon muttered to himself, "Merry... did you persist until now?"]

["Enduring to send your partner back to the sea, sacrificing yourself to keep them out of harm's way..."]

[Whitebeard sighed, "The journey to the Sky Island was too arduous, and Merry was already battered by then!"]

["By regular ship standards, it should have been destroyed long ago."]

["I'm sure it found solace in rescuing Luffy and the others in its final moments..."]

[Shanks, devoid of a smile, expressed awe, "Due to Luffy's affection, Merry birthed the ship's spirit."]

["And now, Merry has returned its final act of love to Luffy..."]

"It's genuinely a touching companionship, truly moving!" Shanks added, shedding tears.

[This display left everyone around him speechless, accustomed to their captain's emotional outbursts during alcohol-induced moments.]

[The shattering of Merry left everyone in shock.]

[However, soon, Sanji, Zoro, and the others calmed down.]

"There's nothing to be surprised about; Merry has long been a ship deemed unfit to sail."

"This scene... It was long expected."

[Although the words were very plain, whether it was Sanji, Zoro, or anyone else, there was a touch of sadness on their faces.]

[After all, through countless adventures, they had already established a deep friendship with Merry…"

[However, the keel was broken, and Merry had no way to be saved.]

[While everyone was silent, Luffy, tired and barely able to move, stood up and knelt down on the ship's head of Merry towards the people of Carrera.]

"Please, save Merry!"

"Think of a way; Merry is my partner!"

"You are the most powerful shipbuilding company; there must be a way…"

"Please, uncle!"

[However, in the face of Luffy's pleading, Iceberg, the boss of the shipbuilding company, remained silent.]

[I don't know how much time passed before he lowered his head and said:]

"Let him rest with this ship; we can do it all…"

"And it was he who came here on his own initiative to save you one last time."

[Through Iceberg's narration, everyone understood the story before Merry arrived here...]

[It turned out that Merry had been damaged long before and couldn't go to sea.]

[But he begged Iceberg to let him go to sea again.]

[Although Iceberg was shocked and thought he had auditory hallucinations, he repaired all the areas that could be fixed on Merry in one night.]

[And when the complete repair was done, a big wave hit, and Merry sailed at sea again...]

[Finally, here we are!]

[Iceberg was in tears and said loudly to Luffy and his group with tears:]

"It spent all his remaining life just to see you again!"

"The extent of damage to this ship no longer supported it to go to sea again, but it came here abruptly!"

["I've never seen such an amazing ship!"]

[After hearing this, Luffy was stunned, originally excited… Also at this moment, it is calm.]


At this moment, the entire world of unknown audiences followed suit with tears.

They never expected that Merry would be so great.

That's the power of nakama!

This is the power of bond!

The cry of countless people turned into tears…

Even if many bigwigs didn't cry, their eyes were moist, making them constantly wipe their tears.

After all, this scene in front of you is too touching…

["I see…"]

Luffy calmed his mood and slowly stood up.]

[Just kept my eyes on Merry…]

[Because he knows that this is the choice of Merry, this is the choice of his partner!]

[In order to come here and save everyone, he did not hesitate to suffer harm to the extreme!]

[Such a romantic decision, how can I not accept it…]

[Since the life of Merry has come to an end, let's bury it in your favorite sea!]

[Presumably, as a partner, it doesn't want to look at itself and cry…"

"Merry, the bottom of the sea is wet and cold, but we will watch you."

"I will go down with your will, and you will sleep in the sea, looking at me…"

["The day I become the Pirate King!"]

[After that, in full view of everyone, Luffy slowly raised the torch and placed it on the hull.]

[Soon, the flames spread throughout Merry's body…]

[Everyone stood in a row and quietly watched this scene.]

Although everyone's faces are very calm, only they know how much grief they have in their hearts.

[But they also know that as a partner, Merry definitely does not want to see everyone cry at the final farewell…]

[So, whether it's Luffy or Zoro, or Usopp and the others, they all pretend to be strong.]

[This is the romance of men…]

[Soon, as Merry continued to burn, the thick smoke surfaced into the clouds.]

[The sky, originally clear, revealed a surprising sight at this moment — light snowfall.]

[In this instance, the minds of everyone delved into memories, fragments of moments spent with Merry flashing vividly...]

[Syrup Village embarked on its journey, the pirate flag fluttering for the first time, dreams synchronized as all set forth on the grand voyage toward the mythical Sky Island, until they reached Water 7...]

[Voyage after voyage, no partner parted ways, and Merry carried everyone across the seas.]

[But now, this comrade bids farewell...]

[As the snowflakes multiplied in the sky, and Merry teetered on the brink of being consumed by flames, an ethereal voice echoed once more...]

["I apologize; I intended to lead everyone further..."]

["I truly wished to embark on eternal adventures with everyone..."]

[This time, everyone truly heard Merry's voice!]

[At this moment, those who had been feigning strength could no longer contain the sorrow in their hearts...]

[Luffy, tears streaming down, shouted ahead:]

"I'm sorry, Merry, my helmsmanship is so terrible that you collided with an iceberg and suffered extensive damage."]

"Zoro, Sanji, they're fools and didn't take proper care of you."]

"Even if Usopp could repair, his clumsiness hindered your recovery."]

"Merry, it's us who should be apologizing..."]

[As Luffy's anguished voice continued, one after another, companions wept uncontrollably.]

[Merry's ethereal voice resonated once more...]

"I've always loved you, thank you for cherishing me so deeply."]

"The adventurous journey across the seas with everyone made me feel..."]

["Incredibly happy..."]

[Following this, Merry was completely engulfed in flames, its hull disappearing beneath the ocean's surface...]

[Sanji, Zoro, Nami, Robin, Usopp, Chopper, Franky, the expressions on everyone's faces...]

[All marred with tears.]

[Luffy collapsed to his knees, his heart-wrenching cries echoing across the sea.]


[In this moment, the comrades who had accompanied them on such an extensive voyage had vanished completely...]

[Yet, regardless of the passage of time, even if everyone aged to the point of nearing death, they would always remember...]

[An everlasting companion, Merry...]


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