
One Piece: I Am The Main Character(On Pause, Might Rewrite)

Because of his challenging thoughts, Gan gets transmigrated into the One Piece world with a goal much bigger than the main character, join Gan on his Journey to the peak. No Harem

Yardigan · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
12 Chs

Test 4

"Soru" "Soru"

*Swish* *Swish*

Both Gan and Akehende took off with a blur heading in each other's direction whilst leaving dust behind them.


The sound of their fist colliding with each other resounded throughout the training ground, both of their hands were also covered in Armament Haki. No one was surprised by this development, they had seen Gan use it earlier, so obviously Sengoku isn't gonna choose someone who doesn't know how to use it to fight him.

As they both backed away from each other creating some distance Akehende suddenly shouted loudly.


He turned into a blur disappearing from his former position and appearing at the right side of Gan with his left fist stretched out covered in Hiki ready to connect with Gan's face.


Gan without being flustered applied the marine dodging techniques, swaying his head to the side, easily digging Akehende punch. Akehende did not give up and sent a right kick to Gan's side as Gan dodged his punch.

Gan barely dodges the kick by leaning backwards almost touching the floor as the kick flies over him, he then quickly jumps back balancing himself.



Gan suddenly makes a kicking motion creating an Airblade heading in Akehende direction.


*Whosh* *Whosh*

Akehende, seeing this, applies the marine's Geppo style and kicks off the air barley avoiding the airblade. However instead of coming down, Akehende continues using Geppo after deciding to target Gan from the air.


*Whosh* *Whosh*

While kicking off the air, Akehende also makes his own Airblades by performing the Rankyaku technique, sending out Airblades after Airblades.

Since the attack came from above, Gan had no choice but to dodge from below, he quickly applied both Soru, and Kami-e while running and dodging the air blades until Akehende got tired after exerting too much physical strength, falling down back to the ground.

Although Gan got Grazed a few times, he was mostly uninjured since he covered the most important parts of his body with Armament Haki, so the moment Gan saw Akehende coming back down to the ground he immediately attacked.

"Soru" *Swish*


Before Akehende realized what was going on Gan was already behind him ready to perform the Rokuogan, realizing that he couldn't run since his legs were tired he quickly decided to block the attack head on.

Akehende quickly turned around and covered both his arms with Armament Haki and crossed them over his chest where Gan aimed the Rokuogan he even use Tekkai another marine six style technique to strengthen his muscles, but he quickly realized how futile his attempts were when instead of simply sliding back from the impact of the attack, he was taken off of his feet.


Akehende at first slid back a couple of meters, before he flew off the ground all the way into the wall of the training grounds.


Akehende's body slammed right into the wall causing spider web-like cracks, with dust covering his entire body. Gan was really hoping that Akehende would stay down since he couldn't even make a follow up attack because the Rokuogan left him exhausted.

His worries were soon found unwanted since when the dust cleared Akehende's hands were bloodied and twisted gruesomely, but his chest was protected.

Sengoku, seeing Akehende's state, decided to step in and end the match.

"Gan wins! Get the medic quickly!" Sengoku said as he walked over to Akehende.

"You did a good job Akehende" said Sengoku with an appreciative smile as the medics took Akehende away on a stretcher.

"I'm happy that my service was helpful to Fleet Admiral Sir" Akehende said with a look of satisfaction.


Gan P.O.V

Damn, I haven't felt this exhausted in a long time, although I only got hit by some of his Airblades, they didn't really bother me since I was protected with Armament Haki, but using the Rokuogan took almost everything out of me.

I really didn't have another way to overpower him even with his defense up since I couldn't use my devil fruit powers. And although we were almost equal in speed, his Armament Haki was stronger than mine, so his defense was better, not to mention that he had more battle experience than me, especially in the uses of the marine six styles.

"Good job Gan, now get some rest, we'll take a short break before we continue to your last test" Z voice broke me out of my thoughts.

"No problem teacher Z, I'll be good in a hour" I replied, this recovery can only be attributed to my Saiyan trait on top of my genes in the One Piece world, you know Garp's strength probably rivaled Emperors in his prime, it may have even surpassed them, so being his Grandson does have a lot of perks.

As I walked to the side of the training ground I spotted a female marine looking in my direction with a particularly curious gaze unlike the other marine who had looks of astonishment. I believe her name was Gion, I wonder what's her problem, anyways I need to prepare for the Vice Admiral fight. I wonder who they're gonna choose, a Vice Admiral with a devil fruit, or one without a devil fruit. If it's one without a devil fruit, their Haki is probably gonna be top class.


General P.O.V

While Gan was resting the other marines were having their own little discussions.

"How long do you think it'll take for him to become a vice admiral ?" a marine asked his fellow marines.

"I don't know, maybe ten years" another marine replied.

"Hey guys trust me when I tell you it's only gonna take five years" a marine with a knowing look on his face said out loud.

"Shut up Waterberry, what do you know"

"Yeah, what do you know, you're a merely a Petty Officer"

"Get a look at this guy HaHaHa"

The marines immediately started making fun of Waterberry who at this point had silently moved to the back of the crowd.

"SILENCE!" Sengoku's voice resounded throughout the training ground.

"Rest time is over, Gan, are you ready?" asked Sengoku, turning to Gan who at this point was slowly getting up.

"I'm ready Sir" Gan replied with full confidence in his voice.

Ok, the Vice Admiral you'll be fighting is…" Sengoku paused whilst looking around.

This action made even the marines who weren't fighting nervous, some looked at Gion, while others looked at Momonga, it seemed that no one knew who it was gonna be.


Author here.

Who do you guys think it's gonna be? Who do you want it to be?

Thanks for the support.