
One Piece Gold List: The Strongest Teacher!

Follow Rifan our mc on the world of pirates as he changes the fate of his disciples. —read the Auxiliary for more info. .... ... ... ... [Tl/n: Support us on our Patreon if you want to read more chapters. [Patre0n.com/LazySeeker]] We're recruiting! We're looking for talented individuals to join our team to help us pump out high-quality chapters and pick up new series! Our current open positions are: > *Translators* > - 1$ per chapter > - Must be fluent in English, no previous translation experience is required so long as you pass our test. If you have any questions or want to submit the test, dm me on my discord: MyYandereWife#6736 Ps: There are still two open spots.

Novelette_Seeker · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
571 Chs

Chapter 37: New Discipline–

After leaving this message, the golden list suddenly dissipated into a ray of light.

The sky was clear again.

Although the gold list has disappeared, its impact is far from over.

In particular, the "divine soldier list" at the end of the talk is even more exciting.

Mihawk: "Divine Soldier List, I don't know if my black sword can rank first."

If you change to the past, Mihawk is confident that his black sword, Yoru, can definitely occupy the first place in the "divine soldier list".

But after knowing that there was a person like Rifan in the world, Mihawk did not have such a thought. 

As a very strong swordsman, Mihawk felt that Rifan most likely had a sword more powerful than his own black sword.

There might even be more than one, just like how Rifan could have five sword skills that surpass his own.

"Ten days, huh, then I'll just wait."


Naval Headquarters.

Looking at the golden list that had finally dissipated, Sengoku sighed.

"The List Of Divine Soldiers', that is, the list of weapons?"

"This golden list seems to favor swordsmen."

First [Swordplay List], then [ Divine Soldier List], clear-eyed people know that in these two lists, swordsmen are very dominant.

The [Swordplay List] needless to say, and the   [Divine Soldier List] also have a great advantage for those swordsmen who hold Supreme Sword and Great Grade Swords.

"That, Marshal, since we knew in advance that the second list was the Divine Soldier List, could we try our best to collect excellent swords?" Kizaru said.

"It's easier said than done." Sengoku shook his head, "The Twelve Supreme Swords are almost extinct, and now we only know that Hawkeye and Whitebeard each hold one in their hands, and the others are unknown."

"As for the twenty-one, Great Grade swords and the 50 Skillful Grade swords, each of them has a master in the present world."

"As a navy, it is impossible to rob."

"Unless the person with the sword is a pirate, we can't do anything about it."

Hearing this, Borsalino rubbed his stubble and turned his head to look at the longsword in Gion's hand next to him.

"I remember that Gion's sword is also an Unknown Grade sword, and the next [ List Of Divine Soldiers] she should also be on the list."

Gion's right hand touched the handle of the sword, the corners of her mouth slightly cocked and said:

"Maybe, but I'm more curious about what kind of sword that Rifan will hold."

"A great sword master who is so powerful should also have a decent weapon."

Sengoku nodded in agreement, and just as he was about to say something, a communications soldier ran over quickly.

"Report, Marshal Sengoku."

"Huh?! Can I help you? "

"Sixteenth branch of the navy in the east blue sea, Colonel Mouse is driving his warship to the Village of Cocoyashi!"

"What?! Why did that bastard go to the village of Cocoyashi, didn't I ask him to stay in the branch and wait until the investigation!?"

"That... I also don't know. "

"Forget it, go down." Sengoku rubbed his slightly sore forehead, "by the way, let Smoker stop going to the sixteenth branch to investigate, and directly go to Cocoyashi village." "

"Also, let him talk to Nami too."

Hearing this, the communication soldier performed a salute to Sengoku and quickly ran to carry out the order.

Soon, the orders of Sengoku reached Smoker's hands.

On the other side, Colonel Mouse's Warship.

Looking closer and closer to the shores of the Village of Cocoyashi, Colonel Mouse had a gloomy face.

The content that appeared on the Gold List was naturally seen by him.

Originally, the annihilation of Arlong Pirate has nothing to do with him.

For him, it was just one less source of income.

The problem, however, was that news had come from the Naval Headquarters that it was going to have Smoker, who was stationed in Rogue Town, investigate him.

This made Mouse a little unable to sit still.

Over the years, what he had done could not help but investigate.

Even if direct evidence of his cooperation with Arlong could not be found, it would convict him of ignoring the pirates.

At that time, let alone his own official rank, he may even go to jail.

To avoid this, Colonel Mouse felt he had to do something.

"Colonel, confronting Nami like this, is it really okay?"

"That woman is too strong if she takes a shot at us..."

A fellow sailor came to Colonel Mouse and asked with some concern.

"Well, we're the navy after all, and if she doesn't want to be wanted by the navy, she won't take a shot at us." Colonel Mouse snorted coldly, "Hurry up and pull the boat over, we must find Nami and find out Rifan's whereabouts."

"Only in this way can we overcome it with merit."

"Don't forget, you and I are tied to a jump boat."

Hearing Colonel Mouse's words, the seaman looked a little low.

As Colonel Mouse said, these sailors of the sixteenth branch were as guilty as Colonel Mouse.

Although it was Colonel Mouse who led the deal with Arlong, these sailors knew that they did not report it to the above, and they were also inevitably responsible.

Thinking of this, the seaman sighed and turned to carry out colonel mouse's orders.

Meanwhile, the back hill of the Village of Cocoyashi.

Nami carried a plate of fresh fruit into Rifan's Dojo Hall.

"Teacher Rifan, where are you?" looking at the empty dojo, Nami shouted.

"Strange, where has he gone to?"

Nami, who did not find Rifan, put the fruit on the table and immediately walked to the bottom of the wall with the disciple's name tag.

There, there was only a disciple nameplate with Nami's name written on it.

Looking at this disciple name card that belonged to her, Nami's mind automatically came up with the memory of being trained by Rifan.

Unconsciously, the corners of Nami's mouth slightly cocked.

"Huh? is that? "

Just when Nami was indulging in memory, she suddenly found that there was suddenly an extra disciple nameplate next to her disciple nameplate.

Above, the word "Vivi" is written impressively!
