
One Piece: Gacha System

19 years old, Luke Ainsworth is a Gacha Addict who just got run over by a truck exactly after he got the limited character he wanted. He was later sent to the world of One Piece with the System. Well, to his weirdness, the world of One Piece is different from what he remembered... Massive AU -_- Remember kids don't ever do drugs unless you want Captain Buggy to throw his red nose at you.

HereAlice · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
22 Chs

A Human Limitations

In Monkey D. Lucy's point of view, there are two types of people in this world. One is a lame type like the Higuma bandit guy who can only bark with no action, while the other is a cool type like Shanks and his crew.

Despite Sky-Guy being a weak guy, she doesn't categorize him as a lame type but as the cool type due to how hardworking he is compared to others. He almost reminds her of her late brother, Sabo.

"You can do it, Sky-Guy! Beat her ass!" She cheered at Luke, who was currently facing her big sister.

"Oi, Lucy, how can you pick his side instead of mine!?" Ann yelled at Lucy, who just laughed in response.

"Just because I like you doesn't mean I will go easy on you," Ann told Luke with a grin on her face. It had been four days since her confession to him, which he gladly accepted.


---[Mission Alert]---

[Put a decent fight against Portgas D. Ann]

>Time: 5 minutes at least

> Rewards: 60 Crystals and 200 EXP

> Failure: 20 Crystal and 50 EXP

> Penalty: -

---[Mission Alert]---


Survive for 5 minutes? He probably can do that.

"That's good because I don't intend to pull my punch against you." Luke starts by rushing straight toward Ann, which can be considered a suicidal move.

"Idiot, stop rushing to someone stronger than you." Ann cheekily said as she tried to hit Luke in the face; the keyword is 'Tried'. Luke dodged the hit. Although barely, it still managed to catch her off guard.


"Got you!!" Luke gives Ann an uppercut, but "Good move, but I won't fall easily like that." She disappeared in the thin air, at least in Luke's field of sight, and reappeared behind him.

"Tch!" Ann throws a straight punch at him, but before it can hit his face, he uses both arms as a shield to block the impact. Both of them can hear a crack sound coming from his arms. "Urgghh", Luke groaned in pain.


---[Mission Failed]---

[Put a decent fight against Portgas D. Ann]

> Time: 3 Minutes 25 Seconds | 5 Minutes

> Rewards: 20 Crystals and 50 EXP

---[Mission Failed]---


Tch, he failed. Ann is too strong for him.

Ann stares at him with a small smile, despite Luke still getting his ass handed by her. He improved so much compared to the first time he asked them to fight him. He is a monster full of potential.

"That is enough for today," Ann stated calmly.

"I still can't catch up to you and Lucy," Luke muttered in disappointment.

"Well, that is to be expected. After all, you just started to train while Lucy and I are experienced fighters." Ann said, helping him to stand on his feet.

"ANN, BUT I DIDN'T FIGHT SKY-GUY YET!" Lucy yelled at her older sister.

"He's hurt. Lucy, can't you see it?" Ann stated while nodding her head toward Luke.

"Is that so?" Ann nodded. "Nevermind then." Luke couldn't help but look at Lucy weirdly. That is so easy...

(Luke's Hut - Mountain on Dawn Island)

Dadan doesn't want him to live with her girls, so she made a hut for him to stay. Despite being a bandit, she is such an overprotective mom. Even her subordinates were banned from entering the second floor where Lucy and Ann's rooms were located.

"Ouch", Luke hissed in pain. "Relax, this won't be for long," Ann mentioned as she was cleaning his injured with cotton. Lucy watched them boringly. Lately, Ann looked terribly clingy to Sky-Guy.

She doesn't even know why... but she is incredibly jealous of it.

"This is worst than I expected," Ann muttered as she stared at the state of Luke's arms. "Hey, Ann Sky-Guy will be fine, right?" Lucy asked nervously; Luke also had the same question because of the worried look on Ann's face.

"I'm not a doctor, but even if you manage to recover fast after fighting with us, with this kind of injured, it will take no more than two weeks for you to recover." Two weeks? That is a pretty long time for him...

"Ehhhh!? So Sky-Guy can't train with us!?" Lucy asked in a rather disappointed tone. Can't really blame her because today's fight between Ann and Luke excited her.

"Yes, Lucy. Luke can't use both of his arms for two weeks." Ann stated, much to Lucy's disappointment.

"Awwwww..." Lucy walked out of the hut. "Sky-Guy is hurt; I'm going to get some meats for him." She going to hunt some bear meats again, ain't she?

If not, then she will kill some crocodile for its meat.

Not the Warlord - Crocodile but the real crocodile.

"But didn't I always take hits from you and Lucy? It doesn't make sense for me to be in this state." Luke is trying to reason with Ann. He doesn't want to stay as a weakling. If he can't catch up with them, then it means he doesn't have what it takes to survive the first half of the Grand Line, let alone the second half.

"Luke, you get hurt this bad because you took too much damage for your body to handle," Ann stated while holding his injured arms. Her eyes meet up with Luke's eyes. "This is your limit, Luke."

"But Ann, if I can't train with you guys, when can I catc- Hmpphhh!" Before he could finish talking, Ann forced him to shut up by kissing him on the lip.

"Stop it, Luke. If you force yourself, you have little to no chance of catching up with us. Train when you can train and rest when you need it. There is no such thing as training without a single rest." She pulled her face from him and scolded him due to his foolish mindset.

[She is right. Host, even if you have a system that improves your human capability. It doesn't mean that you aren't human without limits.]

"Is that so?" Looking at Luke's disappointed expression, Ann pulled him in a hug. Placing his head on her breasts, "It will be okay." She used her right hand to brush Luke's hair passionately. "I will always be here for you."

Another Cringe Ann and Luke chapter, where is Lucy and Luke chapter!? This is outrageous.

HereAlicecreators' thoughts