

Wait! Wait! Wait! there's a wee bit of adventure yet left to be done! We shall jump through time once I am finished with the present.

Following then…

As little Leon was going through some deep thoughts about the predicaments, he faced at such an age- like girls, and their sizes, and the various other important and vivid information regarding said girls, namely Hina and Gion, while he was drooling, as his face rested on his study table.

Then suddenly he remembered his grandpa (Sengoku) and how he tricked his sorry ass into becoming a marine and jerked back up straight, from his procrastination.

His mood turned sour, but suddenly he was reminded of something else, that troubled him just as much if not more, the whole morning!

He quickly looked down 'tween his legs while sitting on his fluffy, leather-coated chair.

"It is calm. How surprising!?" Leon thought. The entire morning, it was raging like a dam on the verge of breaking, due to intense overflow, whilst now when he was in the safety of his home, it was as calm as still water with no ripples or waves!

Yet, something didn't feel right. He quickly opened his trousers wide, to check up on his Lil. brother; "What in the!?" Leon blurted aloud in shock, but quickly realized the time and hastily looked around, even though, he was the only one in his room at the moment, which he had locked. He could not believe the thing down there was his! Speedily he shut the windows to make sure, that his private matter remained private to him.

After all was done and he felt safe, he lowered his pants; "So, that is why it felt so heavy." Leon thought to himself, like a professional teacher examining his test paper.

What had happened was, all the heat and uncomfortable feeling he felt all day, had finally paid off! His dickus was bigus than his handsus! "Fucking horse dick is what it is!" he thought (though not quite); "And yet, it has some elegance to it! What word would let me describe my Johnson the best to the opposite sex." he wondered

"Ah yes, like a dangling French baguette sold on a street side shop, by the public fountain." That is the only thing that came to his mind related to elegance. And of course, so were his balls, but too shocked he was with his bread to notice them below.

He tightened his trousers, and then sat for a long while, looking out the window towards the wide sea. "It is indeed a beautiful day." he thought, but the question remained in his mind, "Why was it so calm?" If he remembered correctly, he should remain horny for the whole day (23:59 to be exact), which in turn made him remember that he had a system! He had forgotten about it, till now.

"Open," he said in low voice "O! It was status or something." He remembered after nothing appeared in front of him.

"Status!" He said again, and this time, just like in the morning, a blue screen popped up in front of him with a 'Ding' noise. He took a proper look at it now because he was disturbed by Hina's arrival in the morning.

Similar to the morning "Status; Inventory; Miscellaneous." These three options were displayed on the screen.

"Status." He clicked by touching his finger on the screen.

"Status- Monkey D Leon- Weak." -Only this little info was displayed on the status page.

Leon looked at the description and pondered, "How did this system, or whatever it was, was gauging his strength?" He thought of it in the morning too; "What was it based on? Compared to what was he weak? Was it compared to an admiral, a Yonko, or Buggy perhaps?" He hoped the last one wasn't true.

He needed answers, but naturally, he knew there was nobody to answer, and he considered himself still weak. So, he ignored this section and moved on to the 'Inventory' menu.

It had notifications on it with "2" popping up on the upper side of the Inventory bar. He clicked on it, and a window opened, with two new items displayed on it.


01: - (Goro -Goro No Mi- Model: Extreme)- Inaccessible until the user meets the minimum requirements (i)!

"What!?" Leon cried out, jumping up the chair, which fell onto the floor, because of imbalance. Leon paid it no mind, he was busy being annoyed by this 'requirement' quota. He immediately clicked on the (i) icon beside it, to get more info on the matter.

(i)- It read, "If the host does not meet the minimum requirement, there is a 99% chance of 'host' exploding, from inside-out!"

It was short but enough. Leon was as confounded as he felt benighted. To say, he wasn't fond of these sudden terms and conditions about his Devil Fruit, would be an understatement. But annoyed as he was, he calmed down, and slowly slumped down on his cozy bed.

Not like he hadn't had any time, for he had a few years still before he seriously needed its powers, but he would have liked to have it now, while he had the time to master it, properly.

Leon thought about its restriction, why was it blocked, or what requirements would he need to access it. In the end, the only answer he came to was 'he was still too weak to handle it, just like before, which is why, the system isn't allowing him to access it, but perhaps there was something else too.

There is something, although he couldn't have known about it right now, or when he did, indeed, receive his Devil Fruit powers. It would be much later down towards the beginning of his adulthood, that he would come to know of its purpose. Though to you, I shall reveal it much sooner.

He ignored it for now and looked to the 2nd item listed down below. The first thing that came to his mind was that it had a funny name- "Interceptor 2069 (i)"

He did not understand what it was by looking at the little icon placed to the side of the name. It looked like a black spherical plate. Instead of theorizing, he clicked on the (i) icon beside it.

It read…

"Interceptor from 2069. A special gift to the host by the, One and Only." Leon didn't need to guess who the 'One and Only' was. It followed; "Use it once beside your cuckoo and forget about your future worries! A single thought, and Bam! "Future is sterile." Oh! You don't like it? Another thought and Bam! "Now the future is populated with your seeds…" So, what are you waiting for!? Redeem your order now at the nearest store! Interceptor 2069!"

Terms and conditions applicable…

And, so it read…

Leon for once was not surprised… As a matter of fact, he was more relieved than he let on, If it was, what he thought it was, or at least had a similar function.

He willfully clicked on the option displayed on the screen, as it was not locked on, indicated by the lock sign on the side.

"Ding" a quick Window popped in front, asking, "Does the host want to extract the item?"

"A 'Yes' or 'No' option was provided on the bottom."

Leon quickly tapped on, Yes. Suddenly, he saw the air in front of him, nearly at a hands distance, distort in a blurry amalgamation, in the shape of a rectangle. Then an item suddenly materialized in front of him out of thin air and fell on top of the bed.

It was a sleek slender metal box, as big as an adult's palm, in a rectangular shape. He picked it up, waved it a bit, and from the weight of it, he found it was decently heavy. Other than being a metal box, which he thought was iron, it had a logo on one side with – 'Kiss Me or Miss Me' embedded on it, with a graphical picture of a women's lips displayed on it, all in red.

It oozed with charm, of the kind that you often find after going to special bars with 'XXX' written on the side, in his previous world.

He checked the box thoroughly and found a little switch on the topmost part. He clicked, and the box opened from the top, while a little slider automatically came out of it.

In the middle, there was a tiny, hollow circular area, in which, laid a small thin strand of metal, like a strand of hair, although a bit thicker and slightly bent, and a little longer than a single joint of a finger.

He carefully picked it up with a gentle touch of his finger, as it stuck like a strand of hair does sometimes.

By contact he could feel, it was of metal make and cold. The description said 'use it beside your cuckoo' which Leo figured to place on his shaft directly.

He carefully held his hand up while using the other to open his trouser, and held his weapon, gently… Then he lowered its upgrade, and placed it near the edge, at the top, from where his wood emerged.

The strand coming into contact with his Dong suddenly flashed with an electrical current! Leon did not notice this change as it was too quick and small. It then quickly stretched and made a complete circle along the girth of his cock. Leon did not know what to say, it felt a bit tingly on his little brother, but that was all-

"Crack!" All of a sudden, an electrical spark came about, and ran through his whole lower body, with the strongest shock at the core, which was his future generation tool.

"AahH!" Leon involuntarily cried aloud, as his legs tucked together, and he rolled, and thrashed, and flailed around on the bed, because of the sudden pain and shock to his future.

Moments later, in came the shout of Tsuru from out the door. Of course, she was alert even if she went to sleep, especially since, Leon had two accidents one after the other.

"Leo!" she shouted "Open the door. Are you alright? What was that scream?"

"I-I am fine grandma, just fell onto the floor while sleeping." Leon gruntingly replied while keeping his pain in check.

"Why don't you sleep beside grandma, then?" replied Tsuru. By Leon's voice she presumed it was not something serious, because if it was, he would always say something along the lines of 'Nothing happened' or I don't know, nothing about it.

"No, I am fine, grandma. I won't fall off the bed again. You go ahead and sleep." Leon controlled his pained voice and replied clearly. It's not like he could tell her the shenanigans he was up to.

"Fine." Tsuru nodded unconvincingly; "Call me, if you feel sick or need something."

"I will," He answered and lay there on the bed, unmoving, for quite some time.

Tsuru had already returned to her room by the time he was finally able to sit up again. It was past midnight on the clock. The pain surely left him immobile for quite a while, as it seemingly spread to his balls, and any sane person knows, what happens after. He figured if this hit any other kid at 5yrs old, then that kid would have cut a straight ticket to cloud district.

He frightfully checked on his electrocuted weinne, and to his great surprise, it was unharmed and functional with no damage, at least on the surface. The strand of metal that coiled itself around his Lil. bro and electrocuted it was gone!

For better or worse Leon was glad that it was gone, but at the same time, he was pissed; "What was its use then? To get free shocks?" he thought

This was because he felt no changes to him or his cock, so he assumed, it didn't work and he only got a free shock for the pain he received.

He would have remained bummed if he didn't open his status window again afterward, but of course, that was the next thing he did.

"Status," said he

"Ding" popped the noise with a notification in front of him.

"Host has successfully used the 'Interceptor 2069'. All the non-essentials related to the item will be trashed in 3 2 1…"

Before he could process the information, Leon saw the metal packaging that the 'Interceptor' came with suddenly went up in the air and vanished, just like it had appeared.

"Damn!" He exclaimed, but to his surprise, the system said that he had successfully made the proper use of the interceptor, so it must have been installed, though he couldn't see it, or feel it.

Now all he needed to do was a test to confirm its usefulness, but there lay the problem. How was he supposed to check it? It said, one thought to rule them all, 'sterile or otherwise' but he had no way of checking it, until that 'Fateful day' whenever it comes.

In any case, before heading for the washroom for research purposes, which he could (he had a feeling…), he decided to quickly check the next tab after inventory.

The 'Miscellaneous tab'. It was the most mysterious too. He did not have any idea, what it was about. Did he have more gifts?

He clicked on it and the window changed.

At the top, there came a 'SEARCH BAR' With a 'F.O.S -Search' option, placed at the end. Down below, there was another option.

"Interceptor manual override- Onn/Off" "Current status- Onn"

Leon wasn't sure what the search bar was about, but the 'Interceptor Override' was a welcomed feature, instead of one thought to switch. This was far more reliable, at least that is what he assumed.

The search bar option was weird too, "F.O.S Search" he had no idea, what it stood for, nor what the search bar did.

He touched on the Search bar lightly, and a keypad presented itself, in front of him. Leon was not surprised and quickly tried entering some words to discover its function.

"Apple- Denied! Shirt- Denied! Mera-Mera No Mi- Denied! Blade of Olympus- Denied!" None of the words did anything. He figured it might be something related to F.O.S, whatever it stood for anyway. But he still tried on last time, "Information about Magu-Magu No Mi." He tried using a sentence this time and asked for some information.

"Denied!" It showed no changes, the same as before.

Leon grew weary of it and lost interest. Either way, he had some important business to attend to, and now that he had checked his entire system, and had nothing else to do, he went about testing his Lil. brother, after all, this will be his first 'Candle to Handle' in this world.

Hey guys,

I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

I had initially intended to make a time skip on the previous chapter, but because of some plot devices just after the time skip, i had to hold it and introduce some elements before the jump. It will start from the next chapter and will be a short arc. Just the things i need.

So cheer me up by leaving some comments and stones, and have a great day.

Thank You.

BoredDWritercreators' thoughts