Once I finished transforming into my sulong state, all the lightning surrounding me receded into my bo-staff, creating a thin layer of electricity that surrounded it, causing it to give off a faint blue glow.
"Hehehe, like what you see?" Asked Diddy with a feral grin as he raised his head and looked at Imu, who was calmly floating in the air with an emotionless face while gazing at him.
She didn't say anything in response and continued to silently gaze at me with her slender-men likes face, which was void of anything like a nose, mouth, or eyes and was merely skin in the shape of a head, though in this case, it was a dark, ominous, pulsating, glowing silhouette.
Grinning from ear to ear, I swung my bo-staff, creating a powerful gust of wind that was coated with electricity, which blasted everything away from me, though it didn't do a single thing to Imu, who withstood effortlessly.
"Hehehe, now let us have some REAL fun!" Stated Diddy with a ferocious grin as he lowered himself to all fours before pushing off the ground, dashing towards Imu.
Lunging toward Imu, I leaped into the air and swung my bo-staff right at her with the full force of my strength, lightning, and haki while she channeled the full extent of every devil fruit in existence in hopes of matching my might.
"Beastly Incursion!" "Uireb gurth!" Stated Diddy and Imu, respectively, as the two of their attacks violently collided, destroying everything in their surroundings and preventing anyone from getting anywhere close to them.
Even when I was in my sulong state, Imu was forcing me to use all of my strength and then some merely to match her strength, yet I couldn't help but smile as I was enjoying every second of this.
'Hahahahahaha!! C'mon, push harder!' Thought Diddy with a feral smile as he pushed his bo-staff against Imu's attack, struggling to resist her powerful might.
After struggling against each other for so long, we eventually knocked each other away, ending our stalemate while I swiftly regained my bearings before kicking the air and lunging back toward Imu, who attempted to intercept me.
Spinning in the air, I twirled around Imu's attacks, dodging them all before landing on an extended tree branch, which suddenly erupted into a violent explosion that slowed everything in its vicinity while scalding plasma hotter than the sun turned whatever was slowed to ash. However, such an attack did not matter as I had long since vanished from my spot and neared Imu, zig-zagging through the air as I evaded her attacks, each one more than capable of destroying entire islands.
Swinging my bo-staff at Imu, she raised her hand, creating a barrier of psionic energy, air, and the barrier barrier fruit, blocking my attack as its aftershock violently resounded into the surrounding sky, shaking the very world while further cracking the Redline.
Smirking, I quickly retracted my bo-staff and twisted my body, dodging rains of publish ice arrows before slamming my bo-staff through a large greenish gasses orb, which exploded while I knocked Imu into the distance.
Escaping the greenish smoke that burned my lungs, I punched the air, creating an explosion of lightning, dispelling the greenish smoke, only for a sea of earth to suddenly appear in the sky, quickly enveloping me within the liquid-turned earth.
While entrapped within the liquid earth, all of a sudden, it began to glow, only for it to erupt into an explosion; using the force of the blast to propel towards Imu, I darted through the air before kicking her, only for my foot to go right through her as if she was merely an apparition.
Digging my feet into the ground, I came to a halt several meters behind her while patting my chest, only to spit greenish blood onto the ground.
"Heh, poison isn't going to work well on me." Said Diddy with a faint grin as he dusted off his fur while turning and glancing at Imu, who slowly turned around.
Either my attack from earlier didn't damage her, or she had already healed, but she wasn't the slightest bit injured; however, that only caused me to grin as I licked my fangs before pushing off the ground once more, lunging directly at her with a burst of strength.
Wildly swinging my bo-staff, I launched sharp blades of wind at Imu, who blocked each one by turning her arm into a wall comprised of various paramecia and zoan devil fruits, creating an impenetrable shield that I couldn't pierce through no matter how many attacks landed upon in; however, that didn't discourage as I continued to attack with frenzy while timing the swings of my bo-staffs with the pulse of my heart, further increasing the strength of my attacks.
While slowly pushing Imu backward, she attacked from behind her shield, though I smashed through all of her attacks, using one of my seventy-two Bian techniques that strengthened my attacks the longer I attacked, creating a never-ending cycle until my body could no longer handle the increase in strength.
'Heh, as if I'll ever reach that limit.' Thought Diddy with a grin as he approached Imu, who was ever so slowly being pushed backward.
Imu attempted to attack through other methods, such as confusing my senses, limiting my movement and mobility, and weakening my strength, which did affect me, though thanks to my potent haki, the effects weren't that apparent and only prolonged the inevitable.
"Hahahahaha, is the so-called demon of the world merely a coward!?" Exclaimed Diddy with a feral grin as he looked at the shield, which was beginning to crack.
Quickly speeding up, I reached Imu, standing just before her as I slammed Naga-sa against her shield, causing numerous cracks to run along it, only for it to suddenly explode, revealing Imu standing with half of her body morphed into a futuristic-looking cannon.
"Gurth raui." Said Imu softly as the cannon released a bright bluish beam, engulfing Diddy and everything behind him, turning everything to dust.
Deflecting the bluish beam into two, I split it down the middle; once the attack ended and the beam vanished, I released a breath while glancing behind me, only to see two massive gashes the size of mountains deep within the Redline.
'That's dangerous.' Thought Diddy lightly as he glanced behind him, only to suddenly lean backward, dodging a vicious kick from Imu that slicked through the sky, leaving behind a massive cut that oozed darkness into the world.
Grasping Imu's leg, I slammed her onto the ground, creating a massive crater while launching a volley of lightning bolts as thick as buildings; however, I should've known better to use any lightning when fighting the supposed Queen of Devil fruits. Imu promptly manipulated my lightning to attack me, causing me to smirk as I had Naga-sa absorb the lightning before rapidly enlarging my bo-staff and swinging it into her.
"Beastly Eruption!" Said Diddy as he slammed his Naga-sa onto Imu, who was smashed deep into the Redline, which violently shook as if the world was crumbling.
Following up with my attack, I surged lightning into Naga-sa before tapping the end of my bo-staff onto the ground, launching a massive lightning bolt deep into the ground.
"Beastly Lightning!" Yelled Diddy loudly as the lightning vanished into the ground, only for the world to be briefly illuminated with bright blue lightning, blinding those looking directly at it.
Once the light dimmed, there was nothing but silence for several moments, causing me to frown as I attempted to see into the future, but everything was a blurry mess, making it nearly impossible to see what was going to happen. Clicking my tongue in annoyance, I twirled Naga-sa and prepared to launch another attack into the small abyss, yet before I could, I saw a blur moving through the air, and the next thing I knew, I was sent hurling through the sky while grunting in pain.
'Ugh, t-that hurt.' Thought Diddy lightly as he darted through the sky, quickly leaving the planet's atmosphere as he eventually reached outer space where the gravity lost its meaning.
Having long since left the atmosphere, I thrust Naga-sa forward, causing it to rapidly expand as it eventually reached the planet, which I then used to stop my momentum since otherwise, I'd be flying off to who knows where.
'I wonder if people live on the moon.' Thought Diddy lightly as he turned and glanced at the moon, only to furrow his brows while narrowing his eyes.
It might've just been my imagination, but the moon seemed to be slightly bigger than what I remembered the last time I was up here.
'Hmm, suspicious… I think.' Thought Didd lightly as he rubbed his chin while gazing at the moon, only for him to suddenly wince.
Glancing at the rising sun, which I felt hitting against my skin, the heart itself was bearable, but it was all the other harmful stuff the sun emitted that was hurting.
Shaking my head, I shifted my focus back to the planet while smirking as I leaped off Naga-sa, lunging back towards my home as I grasped my bo-staff and channeled lightning through it, causing me to soar through the sky like a meteor.
'Hehehe, Beastly Annihilation!' Thought Diddy with a feral grin as he poured all his strength into this attack while reentering the planet's atmosphere.
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Elven Legacy (Chapter 367: Lourdes Vs Elif) || Hero of Harmony (Chapter 249: Caught Lying) || One Piece: Chaos Kong (Chapter 444: Moon No More!)|| Marvel's Black Steel (Chapter 204: Victory!) at [patreon.com/Ozonelayer691]