
One Piece: A Different Luffy

When Luffy boards Thriller Bark and gains the growth-accelerating Cheat, things start to change for the Straw Hat Pirates. In the upcoming major events, the Straw Hats won't be as weak as before. On Thriller Bark, Luffy uses Conqueror's Haki to stun his enemies, even sending a giant bear off guard with an air shot. After arriving at Sabaody Archipelago, Luffy unveils his Fifth Gear form, known as Gear Fourth: Boundman, combining it with his Nika form and mastering Conqueror's Haki. With enhanced physical strength, he effortlessly defeats a Pacifista with one strike and sends Admiral Kizaru flying with a single punch, leaving even Rayleigh astonished. During the Summit War, the Straw Hat Pirates, now reinforced, make a grand entrance. Each member displays an impressive combat prowess, adding to their formidable presence. As they face off against the Marines and Shichibukai, all eyes are on Ace, who stands at the execution platform. In a moment of intensity, Luffy activates his Conqueror's Haki, silencing the chaos of the battlefield with a whispered declaration: "I'm here to end this war." I will update one chapter daily!! MTL name is Opened Fifth Gear On The Sabaody Ground, Kizaru Is Numb

GregariousLion · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
123 Chs

58. Chopper's Awakening, Akainu Shocks

"I'm not a pet, but a ship's doctor!" Chopper yelled at the Marine soldiers in the distance. The combination of "pet" and "fifty Baileys" hurt him deeply.

As the smoke cleared, Chopper's complete figure emerged. Standing over three meters tall, his hair billowed around him, giving him an imposing presence. Despite his size, his form was still humanoid, albeit much stronger.

His antlers curved sharply, his muscles rippling with power. This was Chopper's special form, driven by four blue wave balls, enhancing various aspects of his body without turning him into a monstrous form.

"I've had enough, as long as it helps Luffy," Chopper thought to himself, eyes fixed on Zephyr rising from the smoke.

"Come on, Luffy. This time, it's our turn to stand in front," Chopper whispered, memories of snowy days in his homeland flashing through his mind.

"Thank you for saving us, Doctor," voices rang out around him.

"If this is your dream, then give it your all to protect him," another voice chimed in.

"Join us, Chopper," yet another urged.

"If I can be your strength, Luffy, even if I become a real monster, I won't hesitate," Chopper vowed.

As Luffy's footsteps faded into the distance, Chopper felt a sense of affirmation wash over him.

Zephyr emerged from the smoke, seemingly unaffected by Chopper's previous attack. Even in his old age, he was still a force to be reckoned with.

"Hey, little monster, have you made your final decision?" Zephyr taunted, his body exuding an overwhelming aura.

"Don't try to pass me and interfere with our captain!" Chopper retorted, his resolve strengthening amidst the chaos of battle.

"Speed Enhancement, Carved Hoof!" Chopper shouted, readying himself for the clash.

"Good awareness, but it won't save you!" Zephyr laughed maniacally, swinging his mechanical arm with ease.

Boom boom boom.

In an instant, the two monstrous figures collided, their clash reverberating across the battlefield.

The sheer force and audacity shattered the air into fragments, countless crystalline waves exploding outward like streamers.

"What kind of monsters are the Straw Hat Pirates?"

"D-Doctor Chopper." Diamond Jozu seemed taken aback, seeing Chopper in action. Normally cute as a civet cat, now he fought with the ferocity of a true monster, matching blows with a renowned Marine pillar.

Witnessing such a battle instilled fear in the onlookers' hearts. It wasn't just about strength; it was the resolve, willpower, and courage displayed in combat. Even facing Zephyr, Chopper showed no signs of faltering. 

"The magic of the Straw Hat," Jozu murmured, now using Luffy's formal nickname. He recognized Luffy as the soul of the Straw Hat Pirates, the core around which they rallied. In times of crisis, everyone was willing to lay down their lives for him. 

It wasn't just about power; it ran deeper, akin to the reverence for their father. Luffy, like a father figure, offered redemption to those in need.

"Jozu, follow up," Zephyr ordered, urging them to charge forward alongside Chopper. "Understood," Jozu replied, falling into step.

"The enemy is held at bay by the Straw Hat Pirates. We can't show weakness. We are the Whitebeard Pirates. Cover the Straw Hats and rescue Ace," Marco declared, rallying the troops.

The Straw Hat Pirates' sudden surge caught everyone off guard. With Luffy leading the charge, they broke through Marine lines, clearing a path to the execution platform. The monsters of the crew stood firm against the Marines, disrupting their formation.

Now, the battlefield was divided, with several inaccessible areas in the square. This posed a significant challenge to the defending Marines, facing multiple Admiral-level threats.

Seeing the opportunity, Whitebeard unleashed his captains, pushing forward with the momentum created by the Straw Hat Pirates.

With the combined efforts of Luffy's crew and the Whitebeard Pirates, they surged forward, determined to change the tide of battle.

"Damn it, Straw Hat Pirates," Sengoku muttered, his face grave. His meticulously planned battlefield had been disrupted by Luffy's reckless attack.

"Raise the protective wall immediately!" Sengoku commanded, realizing they had to act fast to salvage the situation. Without the protective wall, their carefully prepared defences would be useless against the Whitebeard Pirates.

"The situation is dire. Admiral Sengoku, the control room personnel, were taken out by Blackbeard's crew. Our reinforcements are on their way," came a report over the phone.

Blackbeard's interference had further complicated matters. With control of the control room, the protective wall and the Door of Justice were now inaccessible.

"Blackbeard!" Sengoku cursed under his breath, his frustration evident.

"We can't open the barrier, Sengoku," Garp interjected, his expression conflicted but resolute. He pointed out the dilemma they faced: raising the protective wall would trap both the Whitebeard Pirates and their own soldiers in the cramped square.

The narrow space was already crowded with tens of thousands of elite Marine soldiers, compressed even further by the intense battles between Admiral-level fighters and other powerful combatants.

Sengoku understood the consequences of raising the protective wall. It would turn the square into a battlefield of hellfire, with countless casualties among their own ranks.

Realizing the gravity of the situation, Sengoku made a difficult decision. "Don't raise the protective wall yet. Withdraw all soldiers from the square to block the Whitebeard pirates on the ice and prevent them from entering."

Garp expressed his disapproval, but Sengoku was firm in his resolve. He knew they couldn't afford to lose control of the situation, even if it meant deviating from their original plan.

"This isn't just about your grandson's recklessness," Sengoku snapped, frustration evident in his voice. Luffy's impulsive actions had thrown their carefully laid plans into disarray, leaving them scrambling to adapt to the new circumstances.

With their home-field advantage lost, Sengoku and his forces had to regroup quickly if they hoped to contain the chaos unleashed by the Straw Hat Pirates.

Sengoku's gaze fell upon the battlefield, his expression darkening with dismay. The intelligence reports had been grossly inaccurate, underestimating the strength of the rookie pirates.

The Straw Hat Pirates, led by Luffy, had proven themselves to be formidable opponents, capable of holding their own against multiple Admiral-level fighters. The discrepancy between their perceived strength and their actual combat prowess was staggering.

Roronoa Zoro effortlessly held his ground against a modified Shichibukai, while Sanji and Chopper displayed powers far beyond what had been anticipated. The Straw Hat Pirates had surpassed all expectations, presenting a challenge that Marine forces struggled to contain.

If it hadn't been for the Straw Hat Pirates, Sengoku realized that the Marine would have been able to deploy its full strength more effectively. Instead, they found themselves constantly on the defensive, forced to divert attention to the unexpected threat posed by Luffy and his crew.

Recognizing the gravity of the situation, Sengoku issued orders to Sakazuki, instructing him to mobilize the strongest forces available to apprehend Luffy. With the Straw Hat Pirates disrupting their plans, it was imperative that they be stopped at all costs.

Akainu, seated atop the execution platform, received the command with a steely resolve. Rising to his feet, he prepared to confront Luffy head-on, his magma-based Devil Fruit powers ready to unleash devastation upon the young pirate.

As Luffy charged forward, his mind raced with possibilities. With a quick decision, he activated his Second Gear, enhancing his speed and agility to evade Akainu's impending attack.

In a split second, Luffy vanished from sight, his movements too swift for the naked eye to follow. Akainu's magma arm crashed down, but Luffy had already darted out of harm's way, his determination driving him ever closer to his ultimate goal.

As Luffy faced Akainu's advance, his resolve remained unwavering. He knew that this battle would be unlike any other he had faced before. Akainu's presence exuded an aura of overwhelming power and danger unlike anything he had encountered thus far.

"Bring it on, magma man," Luffy called out defiantly, his voice steady despite the rising tension.

Jinbei and Diamond Jozu watched anxiously from the sidelines, fully aware of the gravity of the situation. Akainu was not to be underestimated, and any misstep could prove fatal.

As Akainu closed in, the air crackled with intensity. Luffy braced himself, his muscles tense and ready for action. He knew that he would need to rely on all of his strength and cunning to overcome this formidable opponent.

With a sudden burst of speed, Akainu lunged forward, his magma-covered fist aimed directly at Luffy. The ground shook beneath his feet as he unleashed his devastating attack.

But Luffy was ready. With lightning-fast reflexes, he dodged to the side, narrowly avoiding the searing heat of Akainu's magma. In one fluid motion, he countered with a powerful punch of his own, aiming for Akainu's exposed flank.

The two clashed with titanic force, their blows echoing across the battlefield. Each strike was filled with determination and resolve, as both combatants sought to gain the upper hand in this fierce battle of wills.

As the battle raged on, Luffy's determination only grew stronger. He refused to back down in the face of adversity, drawing upon his unwavering resolve to push forward against all odds.

With every punch and kick, he chipped away at Akainu's defences, slowly but surely gaining ground in their intense showdown. And as the dust settled and the smoke cleared, it became clear that this battle was far from over.

For Luffy, the path ahead was fraught with danger and uncertainty. But with his friends at his side and his dreams within reach, he knew that he would stop at nothing to achieve victory.


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