
One of us Has to be The Villain

Magic is an enigmatic force, bestowing upon humankind abilities beyond the ordinary, capable of reshaping the world for either better or worse. Within the revered Whitehaven Palace, the crucible where heroes are forged, the art of wielding magic takes precedence as their primary arsenal, with the noble intention of transforming the world into a utopia. However, despite these valiant efforts, the insidious nature of evil and villainy persists, an enduring dichotomy. It's an unyielding truth that in this realm, one must invariably assume the role of the antagonist, for the equilibrium between malevolence and benevolence is integral to the sustenance of this world. Hence, the perennial question arises: who shall bear the mantle of villainy this time? In this intricate tapestry of existence, a world devoid of villains paradoxically renders heroes ineffectual. For it is within the clash between hero and villain that the essence of heroism truly shines. Without the opposing force of villainy, the purpose of heroes dwindles into insignificance, underscoring the undeniable symbiosis between these antithetical entities. [Easy English version of the synopsis incase you did not understand the main one!] Magic is a mysterious power that gives people extraordinary abilities, letting them change the world in good or bad ways. In the Whitehaven Palace, where heroes are made, using magic is really important. The goal is to make the world a perfect place. But even with these good efforts, bad things still exist. This is a never-ending balance between good and evil. In this world, someone always has to be the bad guy because both good and bad are needed to keep things going. So, who will be the bad guy this time? In this complex world, if there were no bad guys, heroes wouldn't be able to do much. The clash between heroes and villains is what shows true heroism. Without bad guys, heroes don't really have a purpose, showing how they both need each other in a surprising way. [Side Note] updates are from Saturday to Wednesday, there will be no updates from Thursday to Friday---i might edit some draft chapters and updates them on Thursdays (sometimes though)

lovelyredpanda · แฟนตาซี
19 Chs

Ch:1 Whitehaven Palace

Inside the formidable confines of the towering Whitehaven Palace lies a prison, a fortress that entraps heroes within its impenetrable walls. This peculiar setting serves as the backdrop to the enigmatic tale of the Whitehaven witch—a tale steeped in the life of an elderly woman who dedicated her existence to the relentless pursuit of magic and superpowers. The driving force behind her relentless quest was a singular ambition: to transform the very fabric of this world.

Let us delve into the genesis of this aspiration. Mary Whitehaven, once a young girl bereft of joy amidst the spectrum of human emotions, found herself entangled in a life devoid of happiness. At a tender age of eight, she bore witness to the harrowing demise of her parents in a conflagration that spared only her. The singular survivor in her family, she was unjustly burdened with the blame for the tragic loss, branded by society as an embodiment of evil—the "little devil," the "daughter of Lucifer."

Enduring the weight of such malicious epithets, Mary bore a burden not meant for any soul. It's no wonder that her longing to reshape the world stemmed from an innate desire to bestow upon others the happiness she had never known. "I yearn to craft this world into a haven of beauty and joy," she professed with unwavering determination. Her fervent wish echoed through the corridors of her solitary existence, an ardent plea for a world devoid of villains, a world illuminated by love and boundless happiness—a vision forged from the crucible of her own anguish.

"I want to erase the shadows that haunt us," spoke Mary Whitehaven, harbinger of hope in a world shrouded by darkness. Her resolute spirit sought to weave a tapestry of love and unity, aiming to obliterate the very notion of malevolence that had plagued her own life, endeavoring to fashion a realm where every heart beats to the symphony of compassion and goodwill. -Mary Whitehaven

[ The End of The Beginning ]

The butler, a figure of utmost grace and precision, extended an invitation to the young man, gesturing with a subtle yet distinct inclination to follow him. As they traversed the vast expanse of a dimly lit corridor, flickering candles barely illuminating their path, the butler began an explanation. "Your abode awaits, sir," he announced, a hint of regret permeating his tone. "Admittedly, the room might appear unkempt. It has lain dormant for over a decade, forsaken as the students usually lodge within the dormitories. Unfortunately, with no vacancies remaining in the dorms, this shall be your dwelling for the year. Fear not, though, for our diligent maids shall soon restore its former glory."

To this disclosure, the young man, poised and composed, offered a gracious rebuttal. "I harbor no qualms about residing here in solitude. In truth, the prospect of inhabiting these quarters is akin to a dream, especially considering my reticence toward communal living in the dormitories. Besides, tidying the space is of no great concern; there's no need to dispatch a maid into these shadowed hallways at this hour, sir."

Grateful for the young man's understanding, the butler nodded in acknowledgement. "Very well, I appreciate your understanding and willingness. May this room serve you amply." Expressing his felicitations once more, the butler extended a warm welcome to the Whitehaven Academy for Magic and Superpowers.

"Thank you," the young man reciprocated with an earnest smile, watching the butler's silhouette dissolve into the obscurity of the darkened passageway. In that fleeting moment, a sense of anticipation and intrigue for the days to come dawned upon the young man as he stood in the corridor, embarking on a new chapter of his life within the enigmatic confines of Whitehaven Academy.

"holy phoenix!" Felix mumbled to himself in shock after entering his room, the room was messier than he thought, Felix took off his long coat, revealing his silk white shirt that he was wearing makes him look much comfortable and then he started to clean his room with the available cleaning utensils, as he was cleaning the room Felix came across a shelf with books on it,

curious Felix looked at the books to find the most of the books being about Heroes and superpowers like "1,000 years hero" or "promised evermore" and some other books until his eyes landed on a book with the title "How to be the Villain" Felix looked confused and curious about that book,

"Whitehaven Academy, where they make the heroes of the future and teach the superpowers for the good use, but why is this book even in Whitehaven? aren't they fighting the Villains what is this book about the Villainess doing here?" Felix said to himself while taking the book off the shelf, curious about what's written there, Felix threw himself on the bed with the book on his hands as he was flipping through the pages, time had passed and Felix was deep diving into the book not realising it's been already 3 hours and he haven't done cleaning his room yet,

as he was reading the book he came across a chapter with the title "little goodness with little villainess makes the world perfect" then Felix started thinking with himself "well, this quote makes sense, if the whole world turned into heroes then who will the heroes fight? if there's no Villains then there's no use of heroes, we'll all fight for nothing because easily there's no Villains so no Villains means no evilness which goes to no need for heroes"

While Felix immersed himself in the captivating pages of the book, an unexpected disruption shattered the tranquility—a piano, its notes akin to a distressed avian's cry, echoed through the hallway. Annoyed by the unsettling tones, Felix peered down the corridor, only to witness a procession of students marching in unison, drawn by the eerie melody. Perplexed, Felix, too, followed the enigmatic procession, finding himself among the students converging upon a colossal hall. In the center stood a stage-like structure, gathering all the students in attendance.

An elder gentleman, seemingly in the twilight of his years, ascended the wooden platform, poised to address the assembled students. "Greetings, heroes of Whitehaven Academy," he began, his voice resonating through the hall. "For six centuries, this institution has nurtured heroes, those destined to carry forth the mantle of transforming our world into a realm of greater virtue. You, dear students, mark the advent of our seventh generation of heroes. Prepare yourselves."

He articulated his instructions with a sense of solemnity and purpose, tasking the 1,428 students with the formation of 204 teams, each comprising seven members by the following day. "A hero's duty is not just to save lives but also to safeguard one another. Teamwork shall be your cornerstone," he concluded, prompting a subdued chorus of acknowledgment from the students, their response echoing throughout the hall.

Upon the final utterance of "understood," the elderly figure vanished into the ether, leaving the students awestruck and bewildered. Stepping forward with a hint of amusement, a new figure emerged onto the stage, introducing himself as Mr. Gilbert, requesting to be addressed as 'Master,' and advising the students to extend the same honorific to all their professors.

"Amidst the shock and bewilderment, fear not," he reassured, his voice carrying a note of levity. "This is but a glimpse of the extraordinary powers that lie ahead. Embrace the unknown, for here you shall unravel the intricacies of these powers." Mr. Gilbert's words aimed to pacify the students' uncertainty, promising an educational journey beyond the realm of their current comprehension.

"Join hands and minds, for teamwork shall be your ally," he emphasized, echoing the sentiments of the headmaster. The enigmatic disappearance and Mr. Gilbert's reassuring presence set the stage for an intriguing and transformative chapter in the lives of these budding heroes.

In the wake of the impromptu assembly, Felix sought solace within the confines of his room, intending to resume both tidying his space and delving deeper into the intriguing book. However, fate had a different plan as he found himself intercepted by an individual who firmly grasped his wrist, imploring Felix to join their team formation. The beseeching plea came from a peer of similar age, yet Felix's countenance remained stoic, prompting him to effortlessly extricate his hand from the young man's grip.

"I am disinclined to join any group or individual," declared Felix, his tone resolute as he declined the invitation. The young man, undeterred by Felix's rejection, chuckled in response, drawing a quizzical glance from Felix. "Am I missing a joke?" inquired Felix, bemused by the sudden laughter.

"No, not exactly," responded the persistent peer, his demeanor a blend of persistence and understanding. "With the daunting task of forming 204 teams from 1,428 students by tomorrow, your absence would indeed be conspicuous." An ensuing silence ensued, Felix contemplating the situation before acquiescing with an air of resignation. "Very well then, it seems I must yield to the inevitability of joining a team sooner or later," he conceded, a note of reluctant acceptance tainting his voice.

"Excellent! So you're on board!" the young man exclaimed with palpable excitement, to which Felix merely nodded in acquiescence. Before he could fully comprehend the situation, the enthusiastic peer swiftly clasped Felix's wrist, tugging him along with an unwavering enthusiasm. "Let's not waste any time! Off we go!" the young man exclaimed, propelling Felix into the whirlwind of team formation and the impending camaraderie that awaited him.

They proceeded to navigate through the grand expanse of the hall, veering towards a secluded corner where a boy and a girl awaited their arrival. "Any luck finding additional members?" inquired the boy, his hopeful gaze fixed upon the newcomers, who, regretfully, shook their heads in negation. "But I did," the boy exclaimed, his finger extending towards Felix, a statement that drew an amiable smile from the other boy, welcoming Felix into their fold.

Eager to familiarize himself, Felix expressed his confusion, prompting an introduction. "Could you divulge your names, please?" he inquired. "Certainly! I'm Sebastian, and these are my companions, Luke and Rae. And you?" Sebastian courteously extended the invitation for Felix to share his identity. "You can refer to me as Dragon," Felix declared with an air of mystery, momentarily causing the trio to exchange puzzled glances. Eventually, their expressions softened into understanding, and they amiably acceded, addressing him as "Mr. Dragon."

"We need to secure three more members," proclaimed Sebastian, a statement met with unanimous agreement, save for Felix. Engrossed in observing his newfound companions, Felix's focused scrutiny prompted Rae to inquire about his intense gaze. "Why the scrutiny, Felix?" she questioned, half expecting a jest, only to be met with a sincere response. "I'm assessing if this team aligns with my vision for a cohesive unit. Working together until graduation demands synergy, not a team of amateurs," Felix stated matter-of-factly, his commitment to excellence evident in his words.

Deciding to depart, Felix bid adieu as they sought other potential members, leaving behind a perplexed yet intrigued trio. Amidst their calls to ascertain Felix's dormitory, he departed without a word, his measured steps gradually carrying him away from the area, leaving a sense of enigma in his wake.

if you like from chapter one keep reading!!

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