
One Kick Man

Kenji, was finding a job while a monster came up to him and tried to kill him. Through sheer will he defeated the monster. After that incident, he oath to become a hero. Days later, he met a man while he was training, the two stared at each other and felt a spark. They felt that they have the same objective and the same circumstances. They later became best-friends but they didn't know that the strongest duo was born. Join Kenji and Saitama on their journey as the strongest duo. Can the world handle the two of them? Certainly not! I plan in following the canon but not too much though I'm just planning in putting the MC in the original story which makes it slightly different. -I don't own One Punch Man-

ConqueredSleep · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
14 Chs

House of Evolution

Long ago, there existed a brilliant scientist.

He was proclaimed as an astonishing genius.

He was able to make a number of contributions to human knowledge.

As time passed, however, he became disillusioned with the world.

Though constantly showered with praise for the subtlety of his mind, none of his ideas or theories was ever received.

He was rejected every time as the scientific community did not support his ideas in the slightest.

"We should not be striving to advance human civilization, but rather the artificial evolution of humans as a species."

That was his one and only dream he had ever had, but not a single person helped him on fulfilling that dream.

"Damn lowlifes! Saying that it's a dangerous idea? Writing about me as if I am crazy?"

A man snapped as he slammed the newspaper in his desk, he then proceeded to crumple and throw it away.

"Do they really think humans have come this far by avoiding risks?"

"Idiots who think they no longer need to evolve, have no right to pass on their genes!" The man growled as he brushed his hair up.

"Of course, this plan was always for my own sake." The man thought as he wore a crazed expression.

"I will carry it out, even if I must do it all by myself!" As his eyes were filled with determination.

He then devoted himself into research. It was only after he turned 70 that his efforts began to show results.

An old man looked at a microscope as his eyes widened.

He saw right in front of his eyes that his research for 70 years showed results.

First, the scientist regained his youth. Next, he began to clone himself.

He named his laboratory the "House of Evolution", and together with his clones he began to conduct numerous experiments with animals to create new species.

Eventually, his experiments shifted to human subjects-

"Stop! Time out!" Kenji cut off the gorilla as the explanation took too much of their time.

"This is the second time today and now I'm mad." Saitama retorted as he was getting annoyed with all these long stories.

"Huh?" The gorilla exclaimed as he wore a surprised expression.

"Just get to the point, okay?" Saitama complained.

"Both of my masters don't have too much time in their hands. Summarize it in 20 words or less." Genos reasoned as he looked down at the bloodied gorilla.

Kenji looked at Genos, he really took that into heart.

"I-I'm sorry." The gorilla was about to cry because of all the pressure.

"In summary, my boss has become very curious about his body." The gorilla pointed at Saitama.

"Sorry, but I'm not interested in dudes." Saitama looked at the gorilla with a worried expression.

"Um dude, I don't think that's what he meant." Kenji said to his bald friend.

"I think you misunderstood, Saitama-sensei." Genos joined in the conversation.

"He plans to use your body, which surpasses normal human limitations, for his research on his so called evolution." Genos explained to Saitama.

"If we don't do something, I'm sure he'll try again." Genos said what's on his mind.

"Okay then, Let's go." Kenji said as he started walking.

Saitama followed Kenji as they talked about the sale that's going on tomorrow.

"Huh? Now?!" Genos exclaimed.

"Yeah, there's a sale happening tomorrow, so it has to be now."

Saitama explained to Genos as he took out a pamphlet and showed it to him.

"This is bad, better tell the Doctor." The gorilla thought as his head began to split.

His head revealed a small receiver, used only in case of emergency.

"Hey, you." Genos interrupted him as he glared at the gorilla.

"Oh, Yes?" The gorilla was startled as he quickly hid the receiver.

"I have one last question."

"Was the House of Evolution developing cyborgs prior to four years ago?" Genos questioned him as he pointed his glowing palm at the gorilla.

"I'm not sure, but at the House of Evolution, I'm the only combat cyborg." The gorilla ansewred Genos' question.

At the Doctor's side,

"Impossible! Our elite force, formed for the extermination of mankind, was wiped out?"

The man clenched his fist as he looked at the screen.

He didn't expect that another variable appeared and ruined his plan.

"According to Armored Gorilla's report, the three responsible are on their way here." Clone 05 explained as he read the report.

"If they come, all our research, everything we've been working on, could be all destroyed." The man said to his clones.

"This is a serious matter." Clone 78 replied to the man.

"The only option left, is to use our trump card." The man clenched his fist as his nail dugged the skin of his palm.

The other clones were shocked at what the man said.

"Begin preparations for the release of Carnage Kabuto." The man groaned as sweat dripped from his face.

The other clones panicked as they were shooked about what he ordered.


"No, not him!"

"That's crazy!"

"He'll finally be released?"

"He's right, that might be the only way."

"But maybe we should stop him."

"It's too dangerous."

"I have a bad feeling about this."

"Is that really the only way to stop them?"

The clones discussed and argued at each other.

"Calm down! He will be our last resort." The man calmed the clones down as he reasoned.

"But..." Clone 33 was having doubts in what he said.

"First, from the first to the eighth floor, we'll activate all our traps."

The man pressed a red button as the tower icon in the screen began to light up one by one.

"If we're lucky, they will take care of the intruders." The man looked intently at the screen.

"I'm fully aware of what will happen to me, if we failed to stop them." The man glared at the screen as sweat dripped off his face.

At Kenji's side,

Two men could be seen running inside a dense forest as they dodge all the obstacles in their way.

"I didn't think we'd be running the whole way." Genos said as he was seen running at high speeds.

"How else are we gonna get there?." Saitama retorted as he too was running at high speed.

"I was sure that you could fly or something." Genos replied to Saitama as he dodged the trees in front of him.

"Humans can't fly, you know." Saitama said as he looked at Genos.

"Then, why is Kenji-sensei flying?" Genos said as he pointed at Kenji-sensei flying in the air.

"Well, that's his technique called Air Walk or something, I'm not sure about the details but he said that this technique makes him walk on air."

"So it's not really flying, more or like kicking the air to propel himself forward." Saitama explained as he see Kenji kicking the air and traveling in high speeds.

"I see..." Genos mumbled as he watched Kenji-sensei flying ahead of them.

He can do something like that with the help of his thrusters but he was not really stepping in the air.

"It's amazing that you are never late, Saitama-sensei."

"You really are a true hero." Genos jumped on the boulders as he makes his way on the top.

"Actually, I hardly ever arrive on time." Saitama replied as he looked at Genos.

"Oh, Kenji-sensei is already there." Genos saw Kenji-sensei looking at the tower in front of him.

"We're here, Kenji-sensei."

Genos and Saitama landed beside him.

"Took you long enough." Kenji looked at the both of them.

"Yeah yeah whatever so stop acting smug about it." Saitama retorted.

"So this is the place the gorilla told us about." Genos looked at the tower in front of him.

The tower was 8 stories high, and with a width of 60 feet. Its walls were made of unknown metals and looked very sturdy.

"One, two, three, fou-" Saitama was counting the floor of the tower but before he can finish counting.

Genos' body glowed as he charged both of his palm to the max. Lightning came out of it as he put his hand together.


An explosion occured as the tall tower was blasted out of existence.

Dust were flying, and you can see Saitama, he wore an awkward expression as the fog resided.

"Uh... What was that all about?" Saitama scratched his bald head as he saw the tower disappear.

"I decided it would be efficient to destroy them all in one blast." Genos replied as he answered Saitama's question.

"Genos really packs a punch huh~" Kenji whistled as he looked at the leveled terrain.

The small mountain behind the tower was completely wiped off the map.

"We could've have at least seen what they had in store for us."

"That was kind of mean." Saitama scratched his head as he looked at Genos.

"Well, what's done is done. Come over here, there's a passageway underground." Kenji lifted a metal trapdoor like it was nothing. It even creaked as Kenji pushed it aside.

They then jumped and went inside the tunnel.

In a certain underground room, a scream of agony could be heard.

A clone was firing a gun at a monster that looked like a rhinoceros beetle and its was thrice the size of an average human being.

The clone kept firing and firing, but unfortunately it had no effect on it as the bullets didn't even penetrate its armor.

The clone was scared shitless as his gun didn't have any effect.

The monster lifted his arm as he struck the clone leaving a bloody mess on the floor.

The room was filled with dead bodies, and blood was scattered all over the floor.

"Hey, Carnage Kabuto." The Doctor entered the room and walked toward the monster.

"It seems like you've killed a bunch of my clones again. Are you satisfied?" The Doctor asked with a forced smile on his face as sweat dripped off his face.

"Are you an idiot? How could I be satisfied with just that?" Carnage Kabuto sneered as he looked at the man.

"I've been locked up in this room deep beneath the Earth like a prisoner."

"Me?! The strongest warrior in the entire House of Evolution?." He broke the metal collar that was attached to his neck.

"You are mentally unstable, there was no other choice since we couldn't control you." He glared at Carnage Kabuto as his back is drenched in sweat.

"Control? Me?!" Carnage Kabuto laughed at what he heard from the man.

"I am the culmination of the 'New Human' you guys have sought for so long."

"My intelligence and physical strength is completely incomparable to yours!"

"You should be the ones obeying me." Carnage Kabuto mocked the man and put his tongue out.

"No, you're a failure." The Doctor said as he glared at Carnage Kabuto.

He really doesn't want to ask this mentally unstable monster a favor. Because he may throw a fit and kill him, but he has no choice.

"I have a favor to ask you, bring him to me. Dead or alive." a screen popped up and the man pointed at the person that was in the middle.

It was a picture of Kenji who was yawning, Saitama who was picking his nose, and finally Genos who was glaring at the camera.

Carnage Kabuto sneered as he glanced at the screen and looked at Saitama.

At Kenji's side,

They were walking down a tunnel as they chatted to each other.

"This basement is huge!" Kenji exclaimed as he looked at the never ending tunnel.

"I'm getting kind of fired up." Saitama said as he was getting excited on what the enemy has in store.

Genos steps halted as he sensed something was coming there way.

"Masters, two lifeforms are approaching." Genos warned as he looked in front.

"Here we go!" A voice echoed in front as it laughed.

Crashing sounds were heard as Carnage Kabuto was seen holding a man as he ran towards them.

"There are three. Which one is it?" Carnage Kabuto asked the man in his hand.

"The one on the middle..." The man grunted as he felt like his body being crushed.

Meanwhile, Kenji was reading the pamphlet he got from Saitama because he was very bored.

He looked at the pamphlet and examined it closely.

He suddenly stopped on his track as sweat dripped down his back.

'Crap, I better tell Saitama!" Kenji thought.

"In that case, you don't need the two on the sides right?" Carnage Kabuto lifted his arm and launched an attack.

"This is bad, I better end this quickly." Kenji mumbled as he glanced at the fist going to them.

"Alright! Bring it on-" Saitama was about to move but he saw a flash went by.

Kenji faced Carnage Kabuto as he jumped and hit him with a reverse roundhouse kick to the chest.


Carnage Kabuto's upper body was destroyed and his lower body fell to the ground.

Blood rained down as Kenji landed gracefully.

The Doctor flew and crashed at the wall as he fainted.

When he saw the kick kill Carnage Kabuto in an instant, he knew he was done with this 'evolution' bullcrap as he vowed that he will change.

"You bastard! You stole my kill! I was even fired up with this one!" Saitama snapped as he watched Kenji run towards him.

"This is bad, very bad!." Kenji exclaimed as he was in complete dismay.

"Huh? What happened?" Saitama was confused when he saw Kenji.

"The bargaining sale is not tomorrow but today!" Kenji showed the pamphlet and it was really written that the sale was today.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" Saitama cried as he fell on his knees.

Kenji looked at the kneeling Saitama as he felt guilty.

Genos analyzed the pamphlet and voiced out what's on his mind.

"It is certainly today, but the store closes at 10:00 pm and the current time is 9:15 pm."

"The store is about four hours away from here." Genos explained as he looked at Kenji and Saitama.

"Then we can still make it!" Saitama stood up and ran back to the entrance.

Kenji and Genos chased after Saitama as they reached the surface.


"You guys ready?" Saitama tensed his leg muscles as cracks appeared on the floor.

"You bet I am!" Kenji screamed as he was in a squat position.

"Saitama-sensei, we have 43 minutes left." Genos shouted as his whole body was glowing.

He used 100% of his power as lightning was flashing around him.

"That's plenty of time!" Kenji shouted as his body was ready to take off.

"Ready... GO!"



They arrived at the store at exactly 9:20 pm, because they were waiting for Genos to arrive.

They immediately went inside and bought everything that was on sale.

People at the store only saw flashes of light as they were too fast to follow with their eyes.

Moments later,

"We got everything we needed." Saitama let out a breath of relief as they walked home.

"Yes! Saitama-sensei! I already checked all of our bags and nothing was missing!" Genos reported to Saitama.

"That's good then. Saitama how about we have a party at your place. We got all the ingredients here." Kenji said as he glanced at Saitama.

"I agree with Kenji-sensei." Genos joined in.

"What?! Why my place?!" Saitama retorted.

"Well, because it's near?" Kenji reasoned with Saitama.

"Yeah yeah, whatever." Saitama groaned.

Laughter echoed through the street as they went back to Saitama's apartment.


The day after, at the place where the House of Evolution was, an investigation took place.

A team of men were busy strolling around as they looked for clues.

Two men could be seen ordering the other men around.

The man with glasses squatted and picked up a rock.

The rock upon contact with the man's hand turned into ashes.

"Everything points to the young cyborg being responsible for this." The man with a beard reported to his phone.

"Yes, understood." The bearded man placed his phone back to his pocket as he looked at the leveled mountain.

"Such devastating amount of power." the bearded man said to the man with glasses.

"Yeah..... but is he also the one who did this?"

The man with glasses pointed to a large hole that was near the site they were investigating.

The hole's size was two times bigger than the one they were currently investigating and on how deep it is... Well they don't know.

"I highly doubt it..." The bearded man replied.

I switched to 1 chap a day but it has 2,500+ words in it. Anyways thank you for reading~

ConqueredSleepcreators' thoughts