
One Above All (BNHA fanfic)

This work is written using Grammarly, cause I suck at English. Izuku Midoriya, a quirkless boy founds himself having the greatest power ever but before that, he must learn for what he lives for and what he wants. Izuku Midoriya wants to be a hero, without losing his hope he continues to follow his dreams, during his journey he meets many people ready to teach him and help him to fulfill his dreams. Will Izuku ever know the truth of his existence Join me and the bois at https://discord.gg/f6pPAP *I don't own the cover, nor the BNHA universe*

Crazy_Beast · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
54 Chs

Chapter 10.3


Hi, Peeps....

So if you like it send me power stones and check out my other stories too.

I told you all, about the proofreading, but I am kinda not able to do it as my Lappy isn't with me and I will get it done once I get my new Lappy

There is a ton of fast pacing, as in the past I didn't have much idea of slowing the pace.


(The Beach, Izuku is still running)

All Might widens his eyes as he sees Izuku running around the beach for thirty minutes, "The kid has surprised me again, he has been running, for now, more than thirty minutes and he hasn't slowed or taken a break. He is capable of superhuman feats without his quirks, now I get why he wants everyone to know that one can be a hero without a quirk with enough hard work and practice. He is not yet tired, his running all those years have improved his stamina exponentially"

All Might asks Izuku to stop, he stops and drinks water and rubs off the sweat from his face. He says, "All Might, it took you long to ask me to stop, I had been running for more than thirty minutes"

All Might turns his face away and says, "Young Midoriya, are you tired, do you need a break?"

Izuku replies, "I have been running around my past four years if you want I can still go on running for another thirty minutes without pushing my limits."

All Might is terrified by his answer, he says, "Your speed is impressive for a person without a speed quirk so now let's measure your physical strength, now lift the fridge and put it there."

All Might sits on the top of the fridge in his muscular form and gives out a sadistic smile, Izuku says, "The fridge weighs almost 40 kilograms and on top, you are sitting which adds additional 375 kilograms"

All Might correct him, "I have lost weight now I weight only 350 kilograms"

Izuku takes a rope and ties the fridge, he starts walking with all his strength pulling the rope. He manages to pull the fridge little by little till it reaches its destination.

"Not bad kid, you managed to pull it somehow but with enough practice, you can increase your strength", All Might is again lost in his thoughts, "Just who is he, he is clearly a superhuman, Am I right is he some incarnation or a devil. No, he has gained strength by years of hard work, I shouldn't question his skills."

Aizawa who was sitting on the chair and noting the result asked All Might to move to his next test, All Might now asked Izuku to go into the ocean and asked him to activate his quirk to its fullest. Izuku activates Wild Fire, its flames are now greenish blue instead of light green and are hotter than before, Aizawa looks at the new color of his flames.

"Now Young Midoriya, don't let water touch you, evaporate it", All Might goes into the ocean and shouts. Izuku covered himself in his flame, he was using his body oil to increase and fuel the flames, the color shifted to blue and his flames were now dark bluish-green. Izuku closed his eyes and focused, he felt energy rushing through his body, he continued to focus on it. He founds himself surrounded by flames, somewhere bright red, some burnt orange like the sun, some were blue a few were green and there were only two unique flames yellow and white, while yellow was hotter and brighter than the rest, the white flame was the brightest and hottest, it gave a warm vibe to Izuku. Izuku walks towards it and tries to feel its warmth more closely and touches it. His eyes are dazzled by its brightness which now continues to grow, unable to keep up the closes his eyes. All the flames were gone, it was completely white everywhere. Izuku finds himself in the middle of a white room, he hears a familiar voice.

(Welcome back Izuku Midoriya, you inherited a great power but do you know who has much greater dormant power inside you? You just need to awaken it.

A much greater power than One For All is lying dormant inside me, are you kidding me. If I have such power then why haven't I felt it?)

(You have only accessed a small portion of it unconsciously, your consciousness is still not even ready to feel it if you insist I may show you but it will cause harm to you and your loved ones.)

(So how will I be able to use it, if I ever can?)

(You just need to train, not your body but your consciousness, there will be no training you will be thrown directly into the fight, you have to let your consciousness grow till then you can use One For All for power, but you are not ready for its full potential too, you may use it to its fullest but you will have several backfires and your body will break. As of your current state you may use 20 % of One For All without any backfire and may even use up to 50 % with no serious backfires, but use it only in the time of danger as your body will be at its limit.)

Izuku: I will train harder and master both of them, thank you for your information.

(There is no need to thank me, I exist because of you.)

Izuku: But who exactly are you?

(It is something that you have to find for yourself. But there is something you need to know)

Izuku: What is it?

(It's about your quirk, you haven't understood your quirk. You need to discover it and improve, your quirk still has to evolve a lot, each time you will reach a new limit and gain new power.)

Izuku: Discover it, how? Where should I start?

(I am afraid I won't be able to help you, but you need to look at what are the uses of your quirk and improve them.)

Izuku: I got it, I will be sure to look into it.

(Now, if you stay here for any longer others might get hurt. Open your eyes and return back.)

Izuku: Others might get hurt.. how?

(You talk too much, now just go back.

Fine, see you soon.)

(Just go.)

Izuku opens his eyes, he sees All Might's worried face, he was shouting, "Young Midoriya, turn off your quirk right now"

Izuku doesn't hear him suddenly, his fire is gone, but he still feels its warmth, the Erasure Hero has erased his quirk, All Might thank him.

Izuku looks around him, he is surrounded by water, sees a massive burning hole below his feet, he gets out of the water.

"What was that? What did you do?", All Might asks him while maintaining his distance, Izuku's body was still radiating heat.

Izuku unable to assess the situation asks his mentor who replies, "You activated your quirk and soon it became darker and darker with increasing its temperature, your flames were almost dark bluish-green with slight yellow. You were evaporating water in about a 20-meter radius, all the fishes were looking like they had been roasted and the sand below your feet literally turned into glass and then melted. Just what the hell did you use"

Izuku was shocked at what he had just done, he replies, "I fuel my flames with my body oil and then tried to closed my eyes and focus on increasing its temperature so I concentrated and I felt energy rushing through my body and when I opened my eyes I saw All Might screaming but couldn't hear him properly.

All Might says, "Remember One For All stockpiles power, maybe you used it to fuel your flames and increase its temperature but still I am shocked that you were able to manage to produce such super-hot flames, even Endeavour's Hell Fire was nothing compared to it, your fire comes from you father, right, just who is he?"

Izuku looks down, All Might realize that he shouldn't have asked about it, Izuku tries to smile and replies, "I haven't met my father since birth, he went missing after I was born but his quirk was very powerful, my mother told me that he was a professor and a vigilante but never told me his vigilante name, he was able to split fire using hydrochloric acid in his stomach and could produce flames of even 1450°C, do you know any vigilante with a similar quirk"

All Might apologizes and replies, "I haven't met or seen any vigilante not even any villain or a hero with such quirk maybe Aizawa knows someone"

Aizawa thinks for a while, his expression changes, he replies, "I haven't seen anybody with such a quirk either."

He hands over the paper to Izuku on which he was noting the results, "Here, look at them"

Izuku looks at the paper, All Might peep, and is shocked.

Speed without quirk: 55 km/h

Running time without any break: 34 minutes 49 seconds

Strength: can lift 170 pounds and slide 400 pounds with ease.

Colour of flame: greenish blue, Bluish-green, Dark bluish-green with slight yellow

Temperature: about 4000° C - 6500° C

Izuku finds nothing unusual other than his temperature, his hottest flame had a temperature of only 2500°C and now it has almost doubled.

All Might looks at his face after looking at those numbers, he says, "I knew One For All enhanced your existing quirks but I never thought it would enhance it to this level, now there's one thing left to check, you have to fight with me, just try to hit me."

Izuku's voice faints, he tries to refuse, "Al...All Might, you are the No.1 Hero how can I even hit you?"

All Might laugh, "No problem Young Midoriya, I will go easy on you"

Izuku agrees, he smiles secretly, Aizawa gets what the green-haired boy is planning. He also gives out a sadistic smile and sits on the bench. He knows what Izuku is capable of and starts the fight.

Izuku runs and tries to punch All Might, "Too slow, I thought you will be a little faster", All Might laugh. Izuku desperately tries to land a punch on him, he looks at Aizawa who is smiling.

"It's time to get serious but let him underestimate me a bit more, let him down his guard.", Izuku thinks as he lands another punch at him but All Might dodge it.

Izuku tried to act more desperately and acted irrationally, looking at him All Might comments, "You may have a lot of strength but possess no experience. You still have a lot to learn"

Izuku replies, "I don't have much experience and I still have a lot to learn but all I can do now is try to land a hit on you"

He runs and tries to land and punch but All Might evades it. 

"It is taking too long, guess I have to finish it."All Might now punch him reducing the force and speed. 

Izuku dodges it, he ignites his hand and catches him off guard and hits him on his stomach. He says with a smile, "Finally I managed to land a punch, I am so happy"

All Might praise Izuku for managing to dodge his punch and hit him but replies, "Good work but I will get serious now"

He punches Izuku again, Izuku dodges it and kicks him at his back with his ignited leg cheering up with joy, "Thank god, I was able somehow able to evade it and hit All Might"

All Might look at his clumsy movements and laugh, "Your movement is easily predictable", he jumps at him.

Izuku evades and shouts, "Sensei, should I get serious? Please stop me before anything happens"

Aizawa shows a thumbs up and gives his signal to get serious. All Might laugh saying, "Young Midoriya, you are taking me too lightly"

Izuku replies, "No, I know well about your strength, I had literally dissected your quirk over and over again, I know all your weakness"

"It's good to know your opponent's weakness but it will be of no use if you can't exploit it", All Might replies

"So All Might can get serious, don't think bad of me", A sadistic smile lands on Izuku's face, Aizawa is worried looking at that face.

All Might says, "Come at me with your full power, I won't even use my full power"

Izuku replies, "I know your full power can kill me so I am glad"

Izuku runs towards him, All Might predict his next position and jumps, Izuku evades it, he says, "My movement may be predictable but it makes your next move predictable too"

All Might continues to hit him whenever he finds an opening but Izuku always dodges them and hits him, igniting his body parts, sometimes he ignites his hand, sometimes legs, and even his whole head.

"You may be able to hit me but I won't take any damage from them", All Might jumps at him again, Izuku tilts his head, and ignites his head burning his hand, All Might quickly pulls his hand back.

"Sorry for that, but I shall end it now", Izuku surrounds All Might and himself in a ring of fire.

"A pretty move but it won't work on me", All Might punch causing the air pressure to blow off the fire.

"That was Detroit Smash, right?", Izuku once again creates the ring but now it's a lot bigger and hotter. He says, "You may be able to blow of fire with air but what if I remove all the air inside the circle"

He increased the temperature of his flame outside the ring, the air became thinner and thinner. All Might asked, "What did you do?"