
One Ability To Invincibility

Jason, youth in his twenties got three powerful abilities 1: dismantle (it allows him to break down something up to a molecular level) 2: evolve (which allows him to make something transcend it's original form, it can make everything a treasure) 3: Merge (it allows him to merge anything with whatever he desired) after he accidentally evolved his wrist band into the most powerful A. I technology in the world, he dismantled it and merged it with his Soul, that was the biggest mistake he made as he experienced headache, he accidentally poured water into electricity, and before he knew it, he found himself in a Martial Arts world, as if not enough, when he was looking at some information from ancient books, he bumped upon the words 'Way of Ascension to the cultivation world ' that was the beginning of the story! I'm still looking for the right profile picture, but the current one was AI generated. Reminder: the real thing is about cultivation, not martial arts The martial arts world is just giving me time for more preparations. Thanks:Grand VoidDaoist

Grand_Void_Daoist_4510 · แฟนตาซี
21 Chs

Jason, A Confusing Feeling,And Confronting The Unknown






East Africa



Date and time

1\1\2025. 04:30pm


In the capital city of Uganda (Kampala),there are many universities, but in one of the best universities, (Victoria university),our main

character, Jason, was having a lecture about artificial intelligence technology,as the lecturer was giving explanation about the topic of the day, Jason got up and ran out of the room,after he got out,he looked at the wrist band that was on his right hand and sighed,

'Who would have thought that when I finally confess to a girl, I would be refused and given a wrist band in form of compensation,may be I should start a confession business,if many girls compensate me, I will have some money to eat' thought Jason as he looked at the wrist band.

This wrist band was a product of the Artificial Intelligence Technology Research Center (A. I.T.R.C) of Uganda, it wasn't the most advanced technology in the world but was

enough for basic A.I needs, it could be connected to every technology, it was even more useful that with it, you didn't need a phone, you could call anyone with it, it also had a big memory.

This was something he got after being rejected by the girl he confessed to, at that time, he went at the Islamic University in Uganda (IUIU) with his friend to visit his sister, but when he reached the gates, he saw a beautiful girl, after asking around, he got to know that her name was Shenta.

After that, he would always visit the university just to see her, she would pass by him and say hello to him, but one day, he got many tips from his friends, went grandly to confess to the girl, he was successful in his confession but he was rejected on the spot!

As if not enough, the girl looked at him and threw a wrist band to him, meanwhile she left cold words behind

"Never come in front of me again, also stop stalking me, or else you want to give Enanga something to talk about today" ¹

1:PLz, note: Enanga is the current Ugandan Police spokesperson.

After that, the lady walked away meanwhile Jason, still confused about why he was rejected after the grand entrance and confession, caught the wrist band and decided to keep it.

It was only after he got back to his friends when he knew that it was not a normal wrist band but the recent break through of Ugandan technology, the A.I wrist band. After that, he understood the reason why that lady rejected him, his grand entrance and confession was just dull in her eyes, the wrist band she gave him was priced as high as 10millions Ugx. Meanwhile even though his entrance was grand, it's total accountability was 1million Ugx, it was grand to him, not her .

After that, he never went in front of her again, he couldn't afford the bail from police (this doesn't mean that it's expensive, he is just poor).

As he looked at it, he felt the feeling like it was not enough, it was like he could make it be better, this feeling, he always felt it from many years, as long as he can remember, he always felt it whenever he caught something in his hands.

But this time, as he looked at the wrist band, the feeling continued growing stronger, he felt that in no time, he won't be able to suppress it, he started feeling like if he wished, with a command, he could make it better, he tried as much as he can but the feeling just became stronger.

As he felt like he can't stand it anymore, he hurriedly went and bodered an Uba ²

2:PLz note: Uba is a transport taxi company in Uganda.

After he bodered the taxi, he told the driver to go straight to the 'Galaxy Motel' , after he reached there, he payed the taxi and quickly went inside the building that had the words 'Baagala Building ', he went inside his room hurriedly, at this moment, the feeling had reached its peak, he couldn't suppress it anymore, he yelled out a word which he didn't realize that he said it himself

<Evolve >

After he gave out a command, golden light appeared around the wrist band,it automatically got off his hands but what shocked him was the fact that it didn't fall down, instead,it levitated in the air.

After a few seconds,he saw a brand new wrist band, this one was different from the one he was wearing a few seconds ago, even though they had something in similar, that was the black colour that it had.

As he looked at the wrist band,a lot of information was transmitted to his mind,he felt a sudden headache but it was gone in a few seconds, after that,he got to know that what he had experienced had something to do with the three Talents he had awakened for God knows which reason, these talents included

1: Dismantle (Ex)

This talent enabled him to break down something into many particles, but what made it terrifying was the fact that it could break down something up to a molecular level.

2: Evolve (Ex)

This talent enabled him to make something transcend it's original form, it can make everything a treasure

3: Merge (Ex)

This talent enabled him to merge anything with whatever he desired,

As he looked at the information that was provided to him from God knows where, he couldn't help but feel like he had entered some kind of novel, he was one of the readers of Webnovels and had just entered the 1k mark of novels he read, in which many strange things occurred, and as he looked at his situation, he felt like it was novelic..

His thoughts started running wild, he started wondering if all the people in the world had awakened their talents or it was only him whom God had smiled upon, was the world going to end?, Was the apocalypse coming? Did he need to be the hero to save the world as he read in many novels?

As he was in his thoughts,the new wrist band started vibrating,in a few seconds,a virtual screen appeared in front of him,on it were words,

<Congratulations sir Jason for coming into contact with the Artificial intelligence of origin, you need to go through security settings fully active it and access it's full functions>

Jason was shocked, the wrist band now had the function of Holographic panel display, it should be noted that even though the old wrist band had many advanced technologies, it couldn't do this, it had one function for communication and that was the Bluetooth earbuds that came with it, but now, it had reached the stage of projecting a holographic panel display like in the games he played, he could also hear the voice from the wrist band it's self, not from earbuds. this was something new, if those researchers saw this, then they would do anything to get this technology for them selves, he looked at the virtual screen and asked

"What security settings are needed for you to fully active?"

<The security settings include your finger prints from both hands, full body scan, and a scan of two irises>

After he got to know what he needed, he started with his two irises, he looked at the screen without blinking, meanwhile the process appeared on the screen

<1%... 9%... 15%.... 20%.... 40%.... 70%... 89%.... 95%... 97%.... 99%.... 100%>

After his irises were scanned, a flickering light appeared on both of his hands,, then it went on scanning all of his body, after a few seconds, the light disappeared and he heard a notification.

<Congratulations Sir Jason on fully activating the A. I of origin, it's most advanced A.I in whole world before 'Destruction'. It's a combination all technologies world, with wide range functions>

"What do you mean with the word 'destruction?' was the world destroyed? Which Year was that, did I just bump into a plot? "

<Sir Jason, in the year 2050, world will welcome a major break through energy research program, they find other human civilizations like us, that be beginning of new era, era 'Evolution' it also cause 'Destruction '>

After Jason heard this, he felt like he had entered the novel (News From The Future, My Phone Mutated).he could just become a seer from this information

"What? Something like that will happen, when will the destruction happen, who will be the culprit?"

<Sir Jason, the 'Destruction'will happen year'3030', even if you tell people now, what has it got to do with them? It's not like they will be there at that time>

As Jason heard this, he couldn't help but suck in a few breaths (it seemed like his 'Almighty Seer Jason ' plan had failed before it even started)

Welcome aboard everyone, it's your author Grand VoidDaoist here, New, but oddly shameless enough to ask For power stones and reviews , recommendations, and downloads

English is not my mother tongue so in case of any mistake, sorry in advance!