
Once upon a summer

all about friendship and girl drama

Manila_Tasnim · วัยรุ่น
4 Chs

Summer break part 1

Last day at school before summer!! You know how exciting this is for an average teenager. I'm excited too. I've been thinking about this last night, all the fun stuff I'll be doing next few weeks. Speaking of which, where are my idiot friends??

My name is tazz. I'm a high schooler. I have my own friends circle. It's like a girl squad. We do all fun stuff together. Relax!! we're not like mean girl squad.

I walk towards library cause that's where my bitches are. We always hang out in the library. Relax again!! We're not book worms. We just like hanging out there.

Here I go time to find my friends. They should be in the corner table. But no, there's no sign of them. Instead I see two guys sitting there. What the ****!! It's a girl's school. What are these guys doing here?

I walk towards them, "Excuse me, Did you just pop out of a time portal? Because there's absolutely no way anyone let you in a girl's school."

A guy in white shirt stands up, "Oh well sorry...."

"You should be. Now get your sorry ass outta here this is my table"

"Don't be rude tazz!!", I hear my literature professor. "These guys are here for an important business"

"Right", I say with an annoyed voice.

Guess I have to seat somewhere else. I find another seat far from them. But not far enough cause I still want to keep and eye on them. they look suspicious.

"You're early", Nina says sitting next to me.

There they are. My little ninjas. Nina, Sinthia, Kaci and Rosa. Nina is tall,fair and has straight black hair. She has great humor. Sinthia on the other hand has super curly brown locks. She's like a mini star. She can sing,dance,cook. Kaci is always reading or solving puzzles. She's a book freak. Last but not least our cute little Rosa she's always nervous and freak outs easily. We're different but get along really well.

"Who let them in here?", Rosa says pointing at those guys.

"Yeah they look suspicious", Sinthia says.

"Super suspicious", I agree with them.

"Let's go find out", Nina stands up.

"Don't make trouble Nina. Sit down", Kaci warns.

"I'm not making trouble. I'm gonna ask nicely. Right girls?Be nice" Nina gives a evil smirk.

"Super nice", We all say in chorus smiling evil ear to ear.

"Hi! Old perverts what brings you here?"

"We're not perverts and definitely not old. I'm in my thirties and he's in his late twenties", The guy in blue jacket says."We work at a summer camp that's only for girls. Your principal requested us to take 40 girls this summer. Would like to join?"

"Booorrrringggg", I say with a robotic voice.

"First 10 to sign their names can go for free"

We look at each other.

Sinthia starts, "Ahem, actually seems a little less boring now. Since you have no one to sign up we feel bad for you. So we're the first ones to sign up."

He hands out forms to us laughing, "I like you girls. It's gonna be a fun summer vacation."