

Mystery is something that captures her heart and he was the definition of secrecy She didn't know who he was yet loved being enchanted by him.

LoveRubyJane · วัยรุ่น
6 Chs

The Devilish Stare

Wildest dreams, put some faith in me

- Fantasy By Bazzi


"A very good morning to one and all present here. I'm Jane and I'm currently in my third year of counseling psychology.I'm here to render my presentation about the importance of mental health"

Jane started her presentation as the lights went off and darkness enveloped the whole room. The white screen was now filled with multiple colors in the presentation slides.

"Mental health is a crucial need. We have to be stable in both emotional and physical ways. It's easy to find if someone is hurt on the outside but finding what's going on inside someone's head is tough. In order to sustain the cruel world, we have to strengthen up our emotions and brain. The way we express how we feel is something based upon our heads. Adults are not the only ones who suffer from mental anxiety and depression. Students and young adults suffer from it without even realizing the mental pain. Self-Killing is becoming common nowadays, we have to stop it."

The speech she prepared day and night went on and on as her fellow classmates cheered for her that made Jane smile in between. The professors were silently analyzing her skills and techniques and they were pretty impressed.

"Let's make the world a better place with the help of proper mental health. Thank you"

She completed her lecture and clapping of hands was reverbing through the room. Jane felt proud of herself, working day and night didn't go in vain.

"That was good Ms.Jane," one of the bald professors remarked.

"But this wouldn't suffice to get you into master's degrees. You need more information and motives" He added clicking the pen and writing a few comments in his paper.

"Do your best in the next discourse that is conducted next week" A female teacher with thin framed glass commented with a tight lip smile. Jane nodded her head in slight embarrassment.

"Don't listen to the baldy stinker pants, you did great Jane"

"Roseanne the well-wisher, Thank you" She dramatically bowed before the strawberry blond beauty and smiled.

"Don't forget us dum dum" Lily with her blonde bangs stated with a crossed arms.

"How will I ever forget the leeches tattooed inside my brain?" She candidly answered with a small giggle.

"'good, stay that way" Charlotte being Charlotte made some weird faces that might make them laugh. Lifting up Jane's discomfort the three girls hugged the brunette tightly.

"where will I get more information? I literally juiced all the information in our university's library and spilled it here" Jane whined.

"Google, duh" Lily answered sassily receiving a smack on her head from Jane.

"forgot the no google rule that fast lily?" Roseanne chuckled.

"Of course not I was just joking around" Lily quickly added scratching her nape.

"Whatever floats your boat" Roseanne rolled her eyes knowing that her younger friend clearly lied about it.

Jane who was totally disturbed by the bickering and silly fights from the younger duo quickly stood up from her seat and dashed outside before telling them the reason "I'm going to the Arantxa library to get some notes"

She hopped inside the black compact car and drove away to her respected destination. The drive was clearly smooth, The tires rode over the cemented ground swiftly. The golden sun was smiling at her and the clouds sloppily moved to hide the hot sun rays from hitting her honey tanned skin. Enchantment is the way you can describe her. Cat eyes that can pierce through any soul, She had the most unique character and physical features adored by everyone.

"Good morning Mrs.Brown" Jane greeted the old lady who turns out to be the librarian.

"Morning too Jane" The elder waved back to the brunette and Jane beamed placing her bag on the table. She took some books that she assigned for herself. Games people play by Eric Berne was the first one she has to go through.

Jane felt something, a heavy burning sensation on her, The blazing hot waves the sun failed to give her. Her eyes wandered off to see if someone was staring at her and her breath hitched when her hazel eyes landed on the black dark orbs.

Eyes that locked up all his mysteries, a perfect sized nose that was proportioned well, His red luscious lips created a flawless heart shape. Bewitched by his looks her nose inhaled his masculine scent. She shivered under his gaze, It held so many emotions but she couldn't understand anything. She was the one who reads people's minds unparalleled but she couldn't even describe his stare.

Was it devilish?

She brought her phone near and opened the camera. She decided to take a picture to prove greek gods are real. She checked her flash before clicking the snap button, can't blame her she watches a lot of tik toks or used to. Before she can press the shutter she felt someone's hand on her shoulder.

"young lady, may I have a pen?"

Jane eyed the grumpy young man and nodded sighing. She placed her phone on the left and searched her bag. A ball blue pen was stranded in her purse. She grabbed it and gave him "you can keep it, It has only less refill"

"Thank you" He emotionlessly uttered without giving a smile. At least he could have faked one but he just left without sparing a glance at her. Jane brushed it off and took her phone.

"Where is my phone?" She panicked when she found her phone was not in the place it was supposed to be. Her hands ran over the whole table to see if she kept it somewhere but it didn't want to be found.

She grabbed her hair anxiously and headed to the Librarian's desk."Mrs.Brown, My phone got lost"

"Where did you keep it"

"On the table but now it's gone"

"I will search for it Jane, Go and relax"

Jane just nodded half-heartedly and left. Her phone was literally the heartbeat, It had all the memories and photos of her dead parents. If it got lost she doesn't know what she will do.

"Oh my god," She squealed when she saw her phone on the desk next to her back. She was a little disappointed that she didn't even notice it. Her eyes were filled with happiness and she rapidly grabbed. She gaped when she was a photo. Not a photo of her or someone who had the access to her phone. It was the mysterious guy she tried to snap. A selfie of him which seemed like he took it voluntarily. His gaze was unexplainable. she felt a hot breath on her skin and a chill went down her spine.

"do you like the photo scarlet?"

It was not an audio recorder or her mind voice. It was him, really him. A voice that is keenly sharp as a knife, It was sensational and divine at the same time. Stellar features were explained in six words. He echoed esoteric in his eyes. The devilish stare weakened her pride.

He was mystical.