
Chapter one: Bodies Bodies Bodies

Jeon Jungkook was walking through the halls of his University, "Such a boring day" he thought, "I hope something interesting happens" he thought. Little did he know his whole world was about to be turned upside down in a matter of seconds.

"Jungkook-ah~ where have you been loca?~" Park Jimin, my best friend and step brother, said flirtatiously coming out of literally thin air and scaring the living life out of me, "Ah~ Jiminie paboo, I just had to suffer through a two hour lecture completely alone!" I complain while fake crying like a child.

Jimin laughed and was about to say something but stopped dead when he heard a blood curdling scream coming from outside. I immediately without any thought whatsoever ran towards it.

"Jungkook-ah, you know, just a thought here but- when you hear someone screaming bloody murder YOU DONT GO TOWARDS IT." Jimin scolded coming after me, but stopped when he heard several other students screaming, I however kept going like the real hero I am. Sarcasm... t-that was sarcasm. Don't go towards danger kids it's stupid.

I ran towards the balcony of the second floor that displayed the courtyard, freezing in fear as dozens of dead body's decorated the lawn. There's blood.... everywhere.

When I heard Jimin saying, "What's going on?!" I quickly grabbed him and yanked him away from the balcony so he couldnt see the complete massacre outside.

Without even hesitating I started running down the hallway tightly gripping at his wrists so that I don't loose him in the crowd of panicking students, "Jungkook-ah!" Jimin yelled clearly terrified, I didn't even look back as everyone including all my friends got brutally killed by some kind of... I don't even know...

All I knew was that I had to get my brother out of this, I quickly ran to an empty lecture hall and barricaded the doors, but ended up waiting a few seconds for some other students to get in as well.

After I noticed no one else is going to make it without that.... thing getting inside as well, me and some other dude I didn't know starting piling up random objects to the door while some of the other students that managed in barricaded the door on the other side of the hall.

We heard some banging on the doors, I signaled everyone to be quiet and pretend we're not here, and eventually the banging stopped and all we could hear was screaming and the sound of flesh being ripped apart.

I could see some students along with my Jiminie clutching at their ears trying to plug their them and drown out the horrible and quit frankly disgusting sounds, while others listened closely to where the noise was coming from to make sure it wasn't getting closer.

We all stay as quiet as we possibly could, some people holding onto each other, I could see a few omegas huddling into a corner holding each other while tears of fear streamed down their faces.

After a few minutes the screaming stopped, and all we could hear was clacking on the floor, like someone was dragging a stick across a metal fence.

I could see everyone holding their breathe and keeping their hands close to there face as to not make any noise, thankfully the clacking got farther and farther away, it was leaving slowly but surely.

When all noises stopped, everyone stayed quiet for a few more minutes to make sure it was gone, but eventually someone spoke up, I couldnt make out what they were saying. But they were scared, I could make out that much.

Everyone got close to each other, whispering to one another, I wasn't paying any attention and just frantically looked for Jimin. When I saw him clinging onto a random ass althas arm I got slightly possessive and yanked him away and towards me.

Then frantically checked all over his body to make sure he wasn't hurt, "Jungkook- Jungkook stop, you're bleeding!" Jimin whisper\yelled, still paranoid that whatever that thing was could hear us.

I looked around my body, I was indeed bleeding , I don't quite know from where.

"I don't feel any pain, it's probably not my blood." I say back, literally not giving a fuck wether or not anybody was watching, "You don't feel pain?! Half your arm is detached!" Someone whisper\yelled, Jimin immediately looked at my arm and so did I, "it's not that bad." I say, the injury is covered by my uniform so I couldn't see it, then suddenly I saw Kim Taehyung, my worstest enemy, literally pushing Jimin away to take a look.

I glare at him yanking my arm away from his grip, then gasped in complete and utter pain, "You were probably in shock. The pain should come in at any moment." Taehyung said, taking my arm back as i held back a groan biting my lip so hard it started bleeding, this is the worst pain I've ever felt in my life time.

Taehyung gently removes my jacket while I struggled to stay on my feet, when I looked down at my arm. Whoever said half of it was detached was right. Half of my arm wasn't even there anymore.
