
Omniverse- starts with Naruto Universe

Larry_Page_0183 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
12 Chs

Chapter 1: Elementary, My Dear Past

Lerish Holmes, a wisp of a boy with eyes that seemed to hold the glint of a thousand mysteries, stared out the rain-streaked window. Unlike the boisterous children chasing laughter and puddles on the playground, Lerish felt like an outsider in his own skin. Fragments of memories, vivid and unsettling, flickered in his mind – memories not of this life, but of another.In his past life, he wasn't Lerish Holmes, son of the renowned NYPD detective Amelia Holmes. He was a name lost in the swirling vortex of reincarnation, a name tied to a life where fictional detectives weren't just characters on a screen, but heroes he aspired to be. He devoured stories of Sherlock Holmes, the master detective with his unparalleled observation skills and deductions that unraveled the most intricate puzzles.These memories felt more real than the life he was now living in the quiet suburbs of New York. Though his mother, Amelia, instilled a keen observational eye in him from a young age, Lerish felt unchallenged in his current reality. He aced every test at his prestigious private school, but a nagging emptiness gnawed at him. It felt like going through the motions, lacking the thrilling pursuit of truth and the satisfaction of unraveling hidden secrets.One rainy afternoon, while exploring the attic of their stately home, Lerish stumbled upon a peculiar wooden box tucked away in a dusty corner. Its surface was adorned with intricate symbols, sending shivers down his spine – a forgotten relic from a past life, perhaps? Curiosity gnawed at him, and with trembling fingers, he pried open the lid.Nestled within the crimson velvet lining lay a smooth, metallic sphere, cool to the touch. It pulsed with a faint blue light, a beacon in the dim attic space. A wave of dizziness washed over him, and the world dissolved into a swirling vortex of colors and sensations.When his vision cleared, he was back in his bedroom, the rain still drumming a steady rhythm on the window. But something had changed. The sphere lay innocuously on his desk, the blue light a mere flicker now. Yet, a vast library of knowledge had unfolded within his mind. The memories of his past life, the fictional worlds he devoured, intertwined with a newfound understanding, a deeper connection to the world around him.He wasn't just recalling facts – he understood them with an uncanny clarity, able to analyze and synthesize information at an incredible pace. He picked up a detective manual, the methods of deduction and observation now second nature. He devoured legal documents, the intricacies of jurisprudence suddenly clear. This wasn't mere knowledge; it was an intuitive grasp of the principles that governed the world of investigation and law.Lerish Holmes, the boy from another world, was reborn. This newfound power, a strange echo of his past life, ignited a burning determination within him. He would use this gift to become a detective unlike any other, to forge connections with these extraordinary minds he once admired only through stories. He wasn't just a prodigy anymore; he was a descendant of a legendary detective, armed with the knowledge of countless fictional investigations and the intuition honed by a past life spent living through Sherlock Holmes' adventures.A glint of excitement sparked in Lerish's eyes. This new life, filled with unique challenges and boundless possibilities, was far from mundane. It was time to start his adventure, an adventure that would take him beyond the confines of his comfortable suburban life and into the heart of a Multiverse brimming with mysteries waiting to be unraveled – mysteries that even the most brilliant minds needed a consultant with a mind like his to solve.