
Episode 82 - Outer God (3)

[Uh-hum. I'm not this Ha-Yeong-or-rather, but someone simply passing b.... Damn it, hey, Disciple Sun. Get over here and fetch this elixir already.]

The blondie mountain deity spirit promptly gave up on her acting and called out to me.

Such a thing happened often back in the Journey to the West.

[A portion of judges are complaining that such events didn't need to be imitated.]

[One additional point has been awarded.]

A spirit would suddenly pop out of nowhere and help out the group, saying that it was the will of the Buddha-nim or something similar. Such blatant acts of ignoring probability and deus ex machina ran rampant in the original Journey to the West; so much so that I had to wonder whether it was the very first 'lump all lucky coincidences to one person' type novel or not.

I courteously bowed a little and spoke. "Thank you for helping us out always."
