
Omni-Verse Chat Group

Luciel was an ordinary young boy who die of unknown cause drifting in the endless void alone in the darkness for unknown amount of time until........ [Ding.... An Abnormal Soul has Been found] . . PS: I don't own any novel or anime that will be shown in the story ok also this is a WishFulfilment novel so the MC will Be OP from the Very Start what do you think if I Combine ATG, ED, TGD, Doulou ?? ........ (Disclaimer:The Cover Photo is not mine Credits for the creator) ....... Also I have Decided that I will not Reincarnate MC In Any Anime Or novel World Instead Create a AU Of Earth That Have Every Supernatural beings Such As God, Demon, Angel, And Etc...... Also I will Keep There Personality As Close To The Original As Possible..

Luciel_EverNight · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
12 Chs

Chapter 2: Choices

Some Time Later ....

"And That's It Looks Overpowered Alright hahahha....."

After sometime of choosing His power the Abnormal Soul Was Nodding and wondering what type of Op MC He will become.

[Ding... Are Sure About Your choices?.]

" Yes!".

The Soul Said.

The Abnormal Soul Chose The Following Power, Abilities,Appearance, Cheat,System.

other than the Soul of course.



Name:Luciel EverNight

True Name:???????

Race: Progenitor Vampire God

Bloodline:Progenitor Vampire God

Physque:ENTERNAL Physque, Progenitor Physique,


Source: Nothingness, Death

Divinity:Death, Soul, Darkness, Blood

Blessing:Love By All

Traits: Absulote Adaptation, Blood Of The Night God.Last Story

Abilities: Ability Creation, Eye's of Akashic Record, Epilogue

System Type: Omni-Verse Chat Group

[Ding.... Are you sure About Your Choices?]

"Yes I'm Sure of It,Plus Look at It that's op already after all hahahaha"

[ Ding..... Hmmmmmm well your right with the "Progenitor Physique" Any Bloodline That You will Have Will Evolve To the Rank Of Progenitor Which Is the Highest Rank For Bloodline after all, And With The "ENTERNAL Physque' The Consept of Death In Flesh Will Never Happened to you, it will also give you Enternal Youth, Immense Mana capacity, Absulote mastery, Perfect Memory,Infinite Stamina, Godly Strength, Godly Speed Absolute Regeneration And Embodiment if ETHEREAL Beauty, also with "Absulote Adaptation" you are able to adapt to any situation even if your are in the Space or Void.]

[But every single one of your ability will be sealed for your reincarnation in will only be unsealed after you turn 20 years old]

"Eh??? so you mean my powers will be sealed? all of it???"

[Ding.. Yes, it is done so that the world that you will reincarnate will not be destroyed after you reincarnate there]

"Hmmmm... ok so Fit my Appearance I want To have Silver White, Voilet Colour eyes, 6'4Feet for height, As for How I look..... There's no need for that After All The ENTERNAL Physque Give me the Appearance of Embodiment of Beauty after all hahahah finally I will also become a handsome man. No! Divinely Handsome man hahahahahaha".

"But Before you reincarnate me can I ask a question?."

[Ding .. Ok]

" What is this place?, what is Outer-Verse?, and why will you reincarnate me with this powers? what's the Catch? After all there's no such a thing as a free meal in this world. "

[Ding... For your First two Questions as I Told You this the Outer-Verse the beginning of everything This is the place where the Outer Gods live and this is outside of Reality it self, for the third question... there is no real reason why I will reincarnate you, just think as a whim after all it's not everyday you will meet an Anomaly just like you who can survive in the Outer-Verse just as a Soul, and there is no catch or anything]


the soul was in deep thought.

"Hmmmm.... ok so I thought I can choose what verse I will reincarnate but why I can't find it??."

[Oh?... that I changed my mind instead I will Reincarnate you of the world of my choosing it's more fun that way as a exchange I will give you all of knowledge of the Anime and Novel that you have seen And Read Before.]

" Eh?. Nice ok so I am ready you do your thing now reincarnate me already. "

"But before I forgot what is this thing called True Name???? "

[Ding....Demons,Angel, And Gods/Goddess any any race that has connection from Order/Chaos has a True name each True name is unique to individual it also hold great power but it is also a double-edged sword as a True name is the true weakness of any being as long Your True name is known by anyone other than you, you will become their slave that will listen to any after orders if you like it or not so please never tell anyone your true name no matter how you trust them]

"a double-edged sword ha....ok i got it please reincarnate now."

[Ding.... Reincarnating process starts in 3... 2... 1]

After hearing the last notification the abnormal so vision have turn hazy until he blackout.

feeling of power that washing over his soul the abnormal soul letting it do it's work until the abnormal soul vanish in the deep void.





after the soul vanish into the deep void an enormous eyeballs with gruesome tentacles appeared in the deep void that the previous soul is located until it suddenly spoke.

"interesting a mortal soul survive the void that no creature other than Outer Gods can survive ,hehehehe interesting very very interesting i wonder how far can you go singularity"

" will you live until the day you reach the Apex of Power or become a dust in the passage of time let's see how far can you go singularity"