
Week, Discoveries

The sun already sunk into the horizon, but Aurora and Charlotte still didn't found Theo.

"Aurora, Do you think Theo's okay?" Charlotte then continued roasting the meat as she turned the almost cooked meat.


Aurora was silent as she herself didn't know what or how to answer to Charlotte.

To be honest Theo missing was mostly the reason she was a bit absent-minded and partly because of the smell of the chicken wafting through her nose. Watching the oils drip from every part of the chicken as it fell on the fire was very salivating.

Suddenly, a hand appeared behind Aurora as it then covered her eyes while the other...dishiveled her hair?

Charlotte was already in a stance preparing to throw a rock on the assailant, but when she saw the culprit she couldn't help smiling.

"Who-? Theo?!?!"

The culprit was naturally Theo, seeing the two girls having such a sad atmosphere he couldn't help but give them a "surprise"!

"Ouch! What was that for" Theo thought that they would give him a hug, yet all he received was a kick.

Aurora kicked Theo on his foot, then went beside Charlotte as they both gave Theo a deathly stare. "Where have you been?"

"Ha? Yes! so uhh..." Not knowing where to start Theo told them first that he can now use his skills.

Telling them about how he became a spider and was suddenly slapped just as he landed on Charlotte's shoulder. He also told them about his encounter with the unlucky bird. Everything that happened from how he awoke and found out that they were about to leave without him until he finally found them while he was stuck in his spider form. Almost every detail was told except for the evolution matters which is strictly private to him.

"Sorry that I almost killed you..." Aurora bowed as she closed her eyes in fear that Theo might be angry at her.

Theo waved his hands awkwardly. "Hehehe, it's alright no harm done. See I'm fine!" Theo even flexed his arms to assure her.


Theo didn't know whether to laugh or not and even if he did how can he get angry with someone apologizing so sincere. How could even something like this madden him so easily?

Theo and Aurora's history goes way back. He doesn't even remember how they met before as for how long...Maybe since they were 6 or 7 years old? Not to mention he had a crush on her for years. If it weren't for them getting separated, maybe Theo had already pursued her. Just as Theo was going to flex a little bit more to assure them because their face was really blank.

"You have a...tattoo?"

"Eh? Your mother actually let you had a tattoo?"

No wonder they were confused about learning that Theo had a tattoo whom didn't seem like he'd have on.

Theo searched for the tattoo that the girl said that he had. Even he himself was surprised that he'll even have one as having a tattoo was quite painful and Theo wouldn't go through such pain just to have his body vandalized. "It must be a dirt, My mom would kill me if she knew I got tatto-, WTF!?"

Theo almost couldn't believe himself but facts speak louder than words. There at Theo's right shoulder was clearly a tattoo resembling a spider. Illuminated by the bonfire it definitely looked badass.

"It looks coool!" Charlotte admired the life-like spider as she traced its legs with the tip of her fingers.

"hehehe, don't touch it too much you're tickling me"

Meanwhile, Aurora was just staring at Theo's arm intently as if pondering about something. Who knows what she was thinking?

After having the delicious roasted chicken for dinner, the trio fell fast asleep due to exhaustion. Before they would have to sleep on top of trees to ensure their safety but now with Aurora's magic, she casted a barrier to protect them and detecting spell to alert them if any wild animals attack them while their sleeping.

"Chef Charlotte what's for breakfast? I'm starving..." Theo grumbled

Hearing Theo, Charlotte joked"Oh, Berries and roasted wolf meat as for you I'm sure you'd like flies and mosquitoes"


Time passed quickly as the trio lived their lives in a very carefree manner. Playing games on each other for fun, wild animals for food, and shelter were easily made by magic. It's not live there were anything big changes in their lives. They still had their everlasting phone for everything. Days were never boring with "Class Champions" and practicing their spells and learning new was surprisingly addicting.

Soon they unknowingly spent their first week in this new and unknown world. There wasn't really anything that big happen excluding a few accidents such as Theo "accidentally" looked at something which wasn't meant to look at. The girls really gave him a beating when they saw him reading something on their phones. (What were you thinking?)

Charlotte's cooking got better and better as she became well versed on wild ingredients they commonly found. She also got better with her martial skills which were mostly thanks to her class. As for Aurora, she learned many convenient spells such as making a roof for them made with icy magic which let them cool off in the afternoon.

Theo also had two more forms! One was obviously the Emerald Shore Bird and the other one was a piranha!

This was what happened. The night before yesterday, while Theo was taking a bath on a river when fishes started jumping into him. Dozens of pairs of red eyes gleaming with viciousness leaped on him and tried to eat his nipples! Dodging the nearest fish to his chest while slamming his arms to the others. After successfully avoiding the fishes assaults to his nipples he tried running ashore.

Honestly, if it was the past Theo he wouldn't even have the chance to react and can only scream in agony as he gets bitten to pieces. But Theo wasn't the same as before. Having the spider form Theo inherited it's acute spider senses and only thanks to this he managed to avoid this terrible crisis.

Of course, Theo wasn't able to come ashore as this devious fishes were just too god damn fast in water. Due to being outnumbered and surrounded Theo got no choice but to at least to bring down one of this fishes with him to death.

Luckily, Theo was enlightened to found a path which managed to save him. After killing a fish he found out that this school of fish attacking him were piranhas belonging to a species called "Silver Piranha". This type of piranha excelled in its stealthy tactics. Thanks to its silver scale working as a camouflage it became the king of this particular river.

Transforming into a piranha in hope that they'll recognize him as one. Indeed Theo's plan became a huge success as the piranhas became more "gentler" as they noticed that their prey was gone. While Theo was swimming with the "school" there was one time when they actually started biting one another out of a sudden.

There was this particular bigger piranha that tried to chomp him into two, in retaliation Theo also tried chomping it to death. Although his piranha form's physical abilities were a tad weaker than this bigger piranha. Theo was different from this savage piranha who acted in instinct. What did humans boast of? Intelligence! If Theo wouldn't make use of it wouldn't he just disgrace himself as a human?

Although the odds were against him the battle was still won! Devouring his enemy whole Theo experience a big spurt of growth. Soon the school of piranhas was down to two-thirds of its original population and amidst of it, Theo was the one who actually ate the most. Due to him being the strongest, naturally, the weaker piranhas soon submitted to his control.

His original silver scales were now, even more, shinier making him stand out with the rest of the school. After the assimilation period was done, Theo easily found Charlotte and Aurora. Different from before where they knew nothing about Theo's "stuck-period", now they instead stayed put and waited for Theo to come to them.

Aside from having additional forms, there's a critical information that he found out while he was flying in his Emerald Shore Bird form. They were stuck in an ISLAND!

MrHartHeart: Well we didn't get any screen time again

RoseGold: Yeah

Newbist: I wonder what's happening on Earth

MrHartHeart: IDK maybe my mom is searching everywhere for me

RoseGold: Yeah mine too

Newbist: Oh where's the new character whom you speak of RoseGold?

RoseGold: Idk -_-

_ELF_sancreators' thoughts