

Ivy refuses to marry. She then created a scandal by sleeping with her driver, Jayde Ulrich. Ivy forced Jayde to marry her only to derail her marriage to a man of her father's choice. After successfully marrying Jayde, Ivy hopes that love will slowly grow between the two of them. Even though the caste gap is huge between them and her father hates Jayde for working as a driver, Ivy tries to accept Jayde for who he is. But Jayde's dark secret is starting to come to light. He was once engaged to a supermodel and almost had a child before the model miscarried. One by one Jayde's secrets are revealed. The man was not as good as Ivy had suspected. Their marriage which was originally full of sweet romance in an instant turned into a terrible disaster. And while Ivy is facing complicated issues involving her marriage, Ivy discovers that her father is dying. Ivy is in a dilemma between having to fight for her marriage or standing by her father who is struggling with his illness.

chalista_saqila · สมัยใหม่
116 Chs


"Omegosh! He's the sexiest and handsomest man at the party tonight. Do you know what his name is?"

"Which man?"

"The one with dark brown hair, in a black tuxedo, in a very charming bow tie. Oh God, I melt seeing his smile."

"I agree that he is the handsomest man at this party. Did he come alone?"

"I didn't see anyone around. Which means he came alone and he's free to dance with anyone."

"I'm going to ask him to dance."

"Tsk, I was the one who targeted him first. You wait here while I approach him."

"No, Rose. You have to wait. I'm going first."

The three tight-dressed, dorky-looking women were busy bickering as I moved behind them carrying my drink. I've been watching them and listening to what they're talking about. That handsome man is mine! Good grief. They really are horribly tacky women. No one should come near my man tonight.

"Hey, can you stop looking so cool in here. They even fought over you."

"Ms. Ivy—"

"Stop calling me Ms. Ivy, Jayde. You are my partner in this party. They don't know that you work for me." I whispered beside him with great emphasis.

I warned him repeatedly to drop the formality because it disgusted me to hear that. Ewhh... Jayde is too formal and polite. Like we were living in the era of slavery.

"But I just wanted to be polite."

"I said stop it, Jayde. I brought you here to be my partner, not my driver. Now let's go to the center of the ballroom and dance."

"But I—"

Jayde looked agitated as he placed his empty glass on the table. Huh, Jayde sure can't dance. I know. Yeah, not that I want to embarrass him in front of those tacky women. I just want to show them that Jayde is not that cool guy. Ughh.... they'd run away from Jayde anyway if they knew what Jayde did for a living.

Behind Jayde's masculine and stunning appearance tonight, Jayde is a driver. My personal driver to be more precise. And I honestly admire Jayde a bit too. He looked a thousand times better behind the three-piece suit he was wearing. A suite set from Armani that I chose for him really fit his body. He managed to make the wealthier men here jealous of him because all the women's eyes were on him. And I feel so proud to have him tonight as my partner.

"No need to be nervous. Just put your hands on my waist."

"Ivy, are you sure you want to dance with me?"

"Of course. Why not?"

"What if I can't live up to your expectations?"

I pulled Jayde's hands and put them on my hip. Jayde's hands were a bit stiff there, frozen like they just came out of the fridge. Jayde's eyes seemed to twitch uneasily, trying to avoid looking at me. I playfully grabbed his chin and made him only look at me.

"Just look at me, Jayde. Let your feet move to the rhythm."

"Yeah, but I might not be used to it."

"You'll get used to it after a few songs."

My arms were wrapped around Jayde's sturdy neck. He's quite tall. Even when I was wearing four inch pointed heels, Jayde was still taller than me. But at least my face was almost level with his. I don't have to look up when I want to look at him or talk to him.

"What if I step on your foot."

"I'm going to step on you back," I replied annoyed.

Oh damn! Jayde is really handsome from this close. I don't think the ladies are exaggerating when it comes to Jayde's good looks. I also found myself mesmerized as I gazed at his firm facial features and sexy curved lips. Jayde has an indentation on his chin which makes him even more charming. And I'm curious to kiss the curve of his chin.

"Let's get started. Relax, okay."

Classical music playing softly. We started our dance with a slow, lazy step, but we adjusted it to the rhythm of this beautiful classical music. Jayde beyond belief, he is not a man who clumsily dances on the dance floor. He can keep up with my moves pretty well. At first I thought he would step more on my dress or even my feet. But that didn't happen at all. Jayde moves very solidly with my footsteps that move lazily near him.

I deliberately stuck closer to him. My chin occasionally rests on his shoulder to enjoy the envious glances of women who wish to be in my current position.

"Ivy, I think you're getting too close."

Jayde pushed my hips back and I took my head off his shoulder.

"Why? I like it."

"Um, yeah. But it makes me a bit uncomfortable."

"Take it easy. Rachel's not here. She won't know that I'm sticking too close to you."

"It is not like that. It's just… I'm not used to it."

"Tsk, you've been working with me long enough. Don't give me such ridiculous reasons."

I whispered softly in his ear. God, I'm annoyed that Jayde told me to put some distance between us. Even though I deliberately pressed my body against him and rested my chin on his shoulder so I didn't have to stare at his handsome face for too long. Being this close allowed me to see his beautiful electric blue eyes. I don't know where Jayde's family came from, but for a man who works as a driver, Jayde is too handsome. And Jayde's thick strands made me want to sink my fingers in them.

"It's for your own good, Ivy. I don't want people to think badly of you."

"Tsk, to hell with them. We don't do anything outlandish anyway. Everything is still quite normal."

"Don't let your dad hear you swear."

"Then don't tell him." I replied fiercely.

For about forty minutes we danced. We changed songs three times with varying tempos. Sometimes the music is very soft and slow, sometimes it changes to louder and more stomping music. Jayde is an unbelievably great dance partner. He took me around the ballroom in such graceful dance moves that I didn't even realize we had been dancing long enough. Our dance move ends with a beautiful pivot where Jayde holds one hand and I spin in front of him like the happiest ballerina. We laughed together. Laughing at our silliness because we danced to our heart's content. But without us knowing it people were clapping for us when we finished.

"Thank you."

"Anytime you need a dance partner," Jayde whispered with a mischievous wink.

Oh my gosh this man! He really is an unpredictable guy right?


We came home around twelve o'clock. We spent a lot of time socializing in that place. According to my dad it is good to increase business relations. But I rarely take that kind of time to do business. Too lazy to think about work when I should be having fun there. I joined a socialite group to share experiences. Actually, I pretended to be more interested in their stories instead of listening to them busy showing off their luxurious lives. At least I act like a high class lady when attending a party.

"Thanks for tonight, Jayde."

"You're welcome."

I took off my pointed heels and carried them on my shoulders as the two of us climbed the steps together in front of my mansion's terrace. I let my feet tread on the cool tiles and it felt incredibly comfortable. Jayde chuckled next to me seeing how unladylike I was after we got home.

"What? My leg hurts after the pivot movement earlier."

"I told you you don't have to do it. Even without doing a spin like that you've attracted attention at the party earlier. Don't you realize that many men are watching you?" Jayde looked at my body with a grin that made me shudder.

"You pervert!" I pushed his chest slowly.

"I'm not a pervert. Those were the gazes of the men at the party. You're wearing a very provocative sexy dress."

"Oh stop it, Jayde!" I groaned.

"I didn't really pay attention to them. I didn't make that move to impress anyone after all. It's more to please myself. I'm satisfied that I was able to do it beautifully and smoothly."

"You danced well. I didn't know you could dance like that."

I smiled happily in response to Jayde's sincere compliment. There's nothing nicer than getting compliments from a guy.

"I joined modern dance and salsa classes years ago. I thought all my dancing skills were gone, but I still have them and it's not bad."

"That was a beautiful move. You can create graceful movements between the different beats of the music."

I don't want to boast and sink deeper into this pleasant euphoria. My head swelled immensely with pride that I could perform my best dance in front of Jayde. He is the only man, who so far can appreciate me sincerely. All the compliments or admiration he showed me were not just a formality. That's what I like most about him.

When we entered the living room, the corner of my eye saw a small movement near the wall that separated the hall and the living room. Rachel stood there in a knee-length nightgown and her back hair left loose. She peeked at Jayde from behind the wall and seemed so impatient to pull Jayde away from me.

"Okay Jayde, good night. Sweet dreams. Rachel is waiting for you."

"Good night too, Ivy."

Jayde nodded slowly and walked away to Rachel who had stretched out her arms to hug him. I smiled a little seeing the romantic scene. They are really lucky to have each other. Especially Rachel I think. She is a very lucky woman to have a lover like Jayde.

But my dad would have disapproved if he had known that one of his workers was having a relationship under his roof. My das really hates unprofessional work. But since I'm not a snitch and I like their sweet relationship, I let them keep dating behind my dad's back. I just asked Jayde not to show his affection when my dad was still hanging around the house. And because now is my dad's bedtime, they are free to make out in this house without worrying about my dad's presence around them.

I walked away leaving the couple in love to my room on the second floor. I felt very tired and I was unable to climb the stairs one by one to my room. And tomorrow morning I have a pretty busy schedule at the office. Meeting with several shareholders and potential clients who will invest in our subsidiary. Then go to the factory to check the production.

Huh what a busy day!

Without taking off my dress, I plopped down on my back on my comfortable bed. I grabbed my pillow before I closed my eyes and purred softly like an exhausted cat.