
Chapter 1

Character Information:

Estell Aguilar-

>Her quirk is called The Earth and Stars

>she is 148 cm tall

>she is a very shy and timid person. It takes her a while to get comfortable around someone but when she is you will find that she is the best friend you could ask for. She has trouble expressing her options and often cries alot her brother gets mad when people make her cry but doesn't fight them because it make her cry more. She is often hiding behind Alistar, holding onto him in some way. Times where she isnt in her shell she will randomly hug and sooth someone she feels needs it. It's as if she's an empath.

Alistar Aguilar-

>His quirk is called Time and Space

>he is 178 cm tall

>he is more incline to talk to people and is like the one that talks for both of them. He is sort of outgoing and only really cares about his sister nothing else matters. He has trouble expressing his feelings and often bottles up emotions. He only really just tells Estell how he feels. He is protective as his sister is kinda sensitive she often asks people how they are before her self. He takes care of her rather than other because she needs someone to care for her if she won't.

Both characters have twin telepathy and are immortal.



"What Alistar i was asleep?!"

"You have to get ready or we ar gonna be late."

I quickly get dressed and run down the stairs. As I approach the kitchen I lean around the corner.

"Alistar? Whats for breakfast?"

"Um... I made you an omelet and some toast."

"Really thanks. I love you, your the best brother a girl could ask for."

"Love you too sis."

We quickly eat and head to UA. We got in by recommendation. I didn't want to take the exam plus people wanted to recomend us anyway.


As Alistar and i are walking i hold his hand, im scared to meet new people. We find class 1A and enter the room. We see a boy with blue hair and glasses and he approaches us in a very robotic scary way. He puts out his hand for a hand shake."Hi my name is Tenya Iida."

I hide behind Alistar  as he says." Hello Iida I'm Alistar Aguilar..." and he points to me behind him."...and this is Estell Aguilar we're twins." He then smiles shakes his hand and we walk past him. Alistar and I sit next to each other as always. Just as some green haired boy is about to enter the classroom Iida starts yelling at this angry dude with crazy hair.

"Take your feet on of that desk now!"Iida says and that crazy dude then says. "Huuuuh?!!". "Its the first day and your already disrespecting this academy by scuffing up school property you creaton.""Your kidding me right your old school put a stick up your ass." After crazy head said that I tuned the rest out. I then heard the teacher say something about changing. I changed and went back to Alistar. I asked him what was going on with my brain. Apparently we are doing a thing to see how our quirks rank.