

Marcos left the Adventure Guild because it's getting evening, so he went to the Academy sneak and went straight into his room, because there's several guard on the floor 1 and several patrol on the road of Academy. So he need to sneak and went straight to his room and lie down on the bed.

A day pass and now Marcos is sitting at the desk while looking into the teacher.

"Okay class, I group you into 5 so I randomly selecting whether you are group 1 or 5"[Jefferson]

Jefferson is Hunter Teacher that taught all about hunting a monster and about the Mission Hall and what mission can do.

There are 25 Student at the Class and every group have 5 member each.

Teacher Jefferson randomly pick a name of student then announce it into class.

Marcos is group 5 with 5 members include him, his compqnions are all beautiful girls including Ashley.

All the boys except for Hardey feel envy toward Marcos because he's so lucky being selected full of beautiful girls, while all their members is boys and a few normal looking girl.

Jefferson tilt his cheeks because he felt the aura of all the boys toward Marcos so he cough and explain why he group them.

"Now that all of you have a group, you all can select your own party leader and your party will be your party in the next few months or a years "[Jeff]

Jefferson look at his student then feel proud to teach cause of their behaviour'are good and some is smart mostly Marcos, but a few days ago he once get irritated at Marcos because he's sleeping while holding the book when he said that they need to read that book in 1 hour but after 30 minutes Marcos is quietly sleeping, but he thought that Marcos didn't memorize the text in the book, but he's wrong because, Marcos is already memorized the text and the other topic he memorize it easily and that when he thought that Marcos is genius among genius.

"I also say that your party will fight other section in Section Tournament and this tournament can rank your Party and do a high mission in the Mission Hall and earn a Mission Points when you attain a top 1 to 10"[Jeff]

"So I give you Activity, it's all about Hunting with your party member, I give you 2 weeks to complete a 5 E Rank or 3 D Rank or 1 C Rank Mission on Mission Hall that's all and class dismiss"[Jeff *Smile]

Ashley call her party member or shout at them?and said they need introduce to each other because it's only a week they met and didn't know about them.

"My name is Ashley"[Ashley]

Ashley first to introduce herself to others and she look at Marcos.

"I am Marcos"[Marcos]


Marcos loot at her then think this girl is brave or Adventurer.

"I..I my.. name i-is Shy"[Shy]

Marcos look at Shy then smile because of her name match her personality.

"My name is Cherish"[Cherish Smiling cheerfully while patting her chest]

Jessica is 13 years old have long red hair until her waist and her eyes is brown with long eyelash, and her chest is not flat but look mature with her height of 158cm, and her cultivation is level 5 Mortal Realm

Shy is 12 years old and small with 143cm and flat chested with blonde hair until her shoulder and her eyes is brown and has a long eyelash, with Level 4 Mortal Realm

Cherish is 13 years old and cheerful personality with 150cm and normal chest and with black hair until her chest and black eyes with long eyelash, with Level 5 Mortal Realm

They decide that Ashley will take the role of being a Party Leader because yesterday Ashley made a breakthrough and now she is level 6 Mortal Realm and Marcos also approve about that, because he's too lazy to think a small thing and he wants to level up using the quest on Adventure Guild.

While they are meeting Ashley look at Marcos with complicated look because when Marcos ask Uncle Tutoy about Ashley, Uncle Tutoy said that it's Joshua cousin so he didn't think it seriously and that it's the case because she's always late with an excuse, he thought that, that it's all about the genes again, and after they done talking Uncle Tutoy loot toward where Ashley and said it to her that Marcos ask about who is she.

Then their meeting is finish at last because it's getting evening and Marcos thought he need to prepare about something, his thought got interrupted by someone.

"Marcos and Jessica, Shy, Cherish as a Party Leader we will meet on 2 days 7:00 Am on the front entrance of Mission Hall to look what mission had"[Ashley]

After that they leave and Marcos wave at Hardey and ask him if he want to walk with him and Hardey said yes and Marcos looking where Ashley but she's already disappear.
