
Off to Worlds Unending

When going for broke, remind a man not to gamble everything he owns currently on his person. Like, really. Made that mistake once, never gonna do it again. That said, it ain’t all that bad. Fictional worlds made into reality. Magic and supernatural powers inhabiting different universes. However, there is one thing I could do without, the damned RNG mechanic of my very clichéd and overused power, the System. I HAVE SHITTY LUCK YOU KNOW!

IAmGuavaFruit · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
26 Chs


"289… 290… 291…" I kept count as I continued pushing up and down with my arms, my body feeling like it's been doused in water as sweat dripped down my skin. My arms burned with every push, and my chest felt like it was tightened with a vise.

But that didn't stop me from continuing my routine.

"298… 299… 300…" One last time, I pushed myself upward and held the stance for a second, before I came crashing down face first onto the wooden floor. My body felt like it was sinking silently into the bottom of a lake made of fire, but that was worth it with the gains I got this past month.

And yes, it has already been a month since I've been transported to Remnant. Not much happened during the time between now and the last time I finished my quest. Just the same repetitive routines as I continue to build up my body.

Speaking of which, my pot belly's gone, replaced with something more toned. I still have a belly, but at least it isn't made of 99% fat, 1% muscle. Also, damn, my epic perk do be helping me get gains.

I can't help but snicker whenever I see Yang glaring at me with jealousy in her eyes at how fast my progress is. According to her, it took her a few years just to get her dream figure. And boy, she ain't shy on displaying it.

I swear, she keeps on reminding me about her 'guns', or her 'babies'. It's annoying. Like, come on, they're just well-developed biceps. No need to remind me every few minutes.

Anyways, rant placed into the back of my head, I struggled to prop myself upward, what with my trembling pussy arms. The perk may have given me a bunch of stamina, but damn, does it not get rid of the pain I experience whenever I do these extreme workouts.

In fact, I'm pretty sure what I'm doing isn't normal for a sedentary person one month into his workout routine. Like, come on, 300 push-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups, squats, and a 30-minute endurance sprint? Yeah, a regular person would keel over just at the push-up part. The less said about the sprint, the better

I crashed to the ground once more and heaved out a sigh. Oh well, standing up is overrated anyway. Rolling over to ground my back against the floor, I got into position to continue my extreme routine.

Time for sit-ups.

"1… 2… 3…"


"297… 29…8…. 2…99… 300…" I gasped and collapsed onto my back, my belly feeling the burn of a wonderful workout. Also, there's a me-shaped puddle of sweat just right under me, so that's a thing.

Damn, does workout feel like a pain, but needs must when needs must. At least it isn't that painful anymore compared to before, thanks to my increased stamina and endurance.

"Hey, big guy, you still at it?" A voice called out to me as I lay on the ground, gasping for air. Turning my head to the side, I opened my eyes and spot Yang holding up a cup of steaming coffee based on the smell alone. Actually, scratch that, she has two. "Want one."

"Yes please…" Accepting the offer, I got off my ass with much effort, and grabbed the cup of coffee. The smell was tantalizing, causing my mouth to water slightly. "Damn, that smells good."

"Damn right it is." Yang laughed and took a sip, her throat bobbing up and down as the hot liquid flowed down her gullet. "Ahhh… Just make sure Ruby doesn't get hold of this. She's enough of a menace when in a sugar rush, can't let her be on a caffeine rush too."

Imagining the already hyperactive Ruby on steroids was enough to make me cringe. "Yeah, sounds like a good idea."

"Also, damn, you reek. Take a bath, dude." Yang waved her hand around her nose, and I gave her a deadpan.

"Really? I'm still on my workout, of course I'm gonna stink." Yang didn't care of my reasons and smirked at me.

"So? You think I'd let myself get stinky during workout?" Yang's smug face was all the evidence I needed to concede defeat. For some reason, even during her workout, she didn't stink up the place. That includes her being sweaty for fuck all. Seriously, it's like she was gushing out a waterfall of sweat, and not once did she smell bad.

Is it anime bullshit? I think it's anime bullshit. If so, please let it apply to me, ROB!

As usual, no response, and I heaved out another sigh, making Yang laugh out even louder.

"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up. We'll see who's laughing when I can out punch you in a few months." I heard Yang scoff, and I raised an eyebrow at her.

"You wish." Yang got up and started stretching on the spot. "I'll beat you up six ways 'till Sunday."

"Oho? Is that a bet I hear?" I smirked. Now that got Yang's attention.

"Oh, you do not want to go there, big guy." Yang's pearly whites were all on display. If I'm not mistaken, this girl is as excited as I am.

"Oh, but I do." I gave her my own smirk. "How about this, 3 months later, we'll have a spar. The winner gets a favor from the loser. Deal?"

"You're on." Yang and I shook hands, before the two of us separated to continue our work outs. "No chickening out."

[Quest Received]

[Brawl of the Century (Maybe)]

[Objective: Beat Yang Xiao Long in a spar]

[Bonus Objective: Dominate her in the spar]

[Rewards: 2 perk points, 2 item rolls, 20 stat points]

[Bonus Rewards: 1 epic perk roll, 1 epic item roll, (Redacted)]

I raised an eyebrow at the holographic window that suddenly appeared out of thin air. More incentive to win then.

"Wouldn't dream of it." I cracked my neck and got ready to do some pull-ups. As my eyes beheld the iron bar hanging from the ceiling, my arms shook.

Damn it, they're still sore… Oh well, no time like the present.


"It… Hurts…" I groaned as I slumped on the grassy field. Zooming by Ruby continued on, leaving my rotting corpse to silently lay on the shades of green.

"Oh, come on, you've only ran for about 30 minutes." Ruby returned, leaving a dust trail in her wake. She was also jogging in place while the rope tied around her waist dragging tires along clung tightly against her petite figure.

"Well… Excuse me for… going at… full throttle… for 30 minutes…" My chest continued to heave up and down as I struggled to get air in my burning lungs. "Damn… your Semblance…"

"Swear!" Ruby chided with a wag of her finger. "But really, are you okay? You look like you could use some help."

"I'll be… fine…" I continued to bask in the sunlight that was burning my retinas as my sweaty back smothered the green grass underneath me with my nasty fluids. "Just need… to rest a bit…"

"… Suit yourself." Ruby shrugged and turned around. "I'm still not done with my routine yet, still trying things out with my Semblance. You know how it is."

"I do not… in fact know… how it is…" I sighed and all I got from Ruby was a childish giggle, before she zoomed off. "Damn hyperactive… children…"

I stayed there for the better half of ten minutes just to feel my legs again, and another half of that to make them respond. Another five minutes later, and I'm walking back to the patio while the sun beamed down on my exposed skin.

Also, and don't get me wrong, I somehow dig the look, my skin be looking kind of tan. A fair contrast to my old white-ish skin. Huh, reminds of ROTC. I was white inside, but brownish black on my limbs.

Good times.

Thoughts about skin color on the back burner for now, I finally reached the patio and came face to face with Taiyang, who was smiling at me while holding a tray of cookies.

"You're making some good progress, Jack." Taiyang's words made my chest leap into celebration. A word of praise from the man himself who looked like a goddamn Greek statue was enough to set my spirits high. "By the way, where's Ruby?"

"Still running, probably. She'll be back any secon-" And lo and behold, Ruby really did arrive as I was saying that, her eyes focused on the tray of cookies with saliva dripping down her mouth. "She's here. And looking very hungry."

"Figures." Taiyang's only response was a sigh before he beckoned Ruby closer. "Come here, daughter of mine. I've baked cookies, just like mom used to make 'em."

"Gimme!" Ruby rushed towards the tray while I silently took a piece. No way am I letting the opportunity slip to get some god-tiered cookies. I was pretty sure Ruby would scarf them all down the moment she got her hands on it.

"Hey! Wait!" I looked behind me to see Yang, sweating her ass off in her tight crop top and booty shorts, glaring at Ruby as she reached for the tray of cookies. "Share, Ruby! Share!"

And then a war ensued between the two half-sisters, while I made off with my own share of about three pieces. Taiyang, seeing the incoming battle, purposely let the tray down onto the patio table and made off with his own as well.

The both of us went to one side of the patio to observe the following battle of growls, quick movements, and dirty tricks as each sister one-upped each other in the battle for the tasty treats.

Beside me, Taiyang was sighing as he slowly bit into the cookies he made off with.

"If there was a Grimm that turned to cookies when it dies, it would be the first to go extinct because of your daughters." I offhandedly commented while biting into my own, causing Taiyang to cough out a laugh.

"Yeah, I can see that." Taiyang's smile turned somber for a moment as he continued watching his two daughters fight for dominance. "Summer would've loved to see this."

I glanced at the grieving husband for a moment, before I let him have his silence. What happened to this family was a tragedy. A tragedy I wasn't too keen on letting happen again in the near future.

I wonder if Summer is still alive. In canon, I think she was killed, but this universe could've been an alternate one for all I knew, just following the canon timeline for a bit while adding in some other elements.

Maybe there's a chance to reunite this family with their long-lost member if we're lucky. A possibility I really wish could happen. Nobody deserves this kind of situation placed on them, much more so Ruby and Yang for what's going to happen in the future.

Hm, what can I do for when Yang loses an arm? Can I prevent it? Or is there unexplainable force that forces the world to follow canon, no matter how many times it's been obstructed?

In that case, is what I'm doing all useless? Will this world still suffer major damage right at the end of this shadow war because it's impossible to change?

No, I can't think like that. I'm sure that ROB wouldn't introduce a mechanic like that if he wants to use me as entertainment. What use is reliving the same story over and over again? Why no make a new one on the ashes of the old story? Remake it. Introduce a new element to it.

I'm pretty sure that's what ROB is trying to do here. But if I'm wrong… No, stop that line of thought. If I keep on overthinking this, it'll just be my mind that'll break. Just take it one step at a time. Do your best, and everything will follow suit…

I just hope I'm not wrong…

The results are in, and, to no one's surprise, Elden Ring x MHA is the winner. Expect the first chapter to release same time next week.

Shameless plugs:

patreon.com/IAmGuavaFruitFictionHub (If you want to read 5 chaps ahead for all my currently ongoing fics, head on over)

discord.gg/v9f5kjsfVv (It's kinda lonely here)

Special thanks to: Justacommenter69, Chao Landy, trey hill, GAMEZILLA, and GAMER HERZ

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