
First changes

c(3rd Person POV)

Odin is currently standing on a hill, overlooking the castle, or rather the city that Cul has created for himself. 


He has come to Aesheim, soon to be Midgard, to deal with his problem. The serpent has grown arrogant and thinks itself a dragon. Odin isn't happy with what he will do, but it is what he has to do. He understands why the original Odin didn't kill Cul. He was his brother and they might have had a sense of kinship. But this was not a story. (lol)

This was the real deal and he wasn't willing to bet his life on assumptions. And he didn't have to either. Now using the power and knowledge he had over runes, he was nigh omniscient. He saw what would happen in the future. He knew of the 'prophesy'. But he didn't care about it. He was different and just like he told those who sit above in shadow (TWSAIS), he will show them that the Loom of Fate, has nothing on him. 

"How do you feel?", Gaea asked Odin. They were newlywed and as such, almost always together. That might seem logical but Odin was now the All-Father and as such he had responsibilities. Bor was dying and Bestla wasn't very skilled in fighting. He had plans with Asgard and especially the soon-to-be renamed Midgard. He would use his growing power and influence to shape the Earth as she will be called in the future. 


"Is that so? There is very little that ever gets to you is there?"

"You know me best, you tell me."

"Fufu, you and your jokes. You're right I do know you best. Now go before you decide otherwise.", Gaea said and kissed Odin on his cheek. 

"Aye, my lady. I apologize for the mess in advance.", Odin says and then jumps down the mountain. He lets his body be pulled and accelerated by gravity and then lands on his feet with a loud boom, alerting everyone to his presence and preparing them for what will follow. 


People of different races appear before Odin. They're dressed in armour and hold weapons. Odin on the other hand was dressed in his striking armour. He had an antlered helmet on and a blindfold which he had enchanted himself. 


"I have come for Cul Borson, the serpent. If you don't wish to die, I recommend you call him here immediately. I shall grant you a moment to think about it.", Odin declared proudly. Everyone looked at him questioningly and warily. No one said anything but they looked at each other to understand what the others thought about this. None of them did anything though. So Odin just stood there, giving them time as he said and waited for Cul's reaction. 

Odin has made his presence known and Cul had to decide whether he wanted his people and dolls to die or whether he would stand up for them and fight. Odin of course knew the decision of his brother, but that didn't mean that he wouldn't still give him time. 


Nothing happened and after a while, Odin sighed and looked at those around him. 

"Well? Are you all prepared to die for your lord and master?", he asked them knowing the answer to that. 

"Yes! We don't cower before anyone. The great serpent will make us free and grant us power for our loyalty.", one of the soldiers said and others began to join the screaming and praise of Cul. 

"I was not talking to you.", Odin says and looks directly at the 8 people holding different hammers standing next to Cul. The Worthy were standing next to Cul and were watching him like Cul was. Cul looked Odin directly in the eyes in defiance and slight shock as well. 


"We will always serve our lord.", Skadi says. 

"And we will gladly die for him if that guarantees his victory and glory.", Nerkkod adds. 

"Indeed.", the others also nod at this.

"A shame, you all are as unlucky as you are foolish since you have come all the way to my wife's planet only to forfeit your pathetic lives. So be it.", Odin says and then ... the air around him changed. The sky darkened. The sun was blocked by thunderous clouds. While the air grew oppressive the only thing that was shining, was Odin himself. Using the Odin Force and focusing it on his fists, Odin stood there as if he was about to judge this entire city. 


And he was.

He outstretched his hand and used his power over the sky as well as his full Conqueror Haki. The entire weight of the Sky came crashing down. It looked like the sky fell on these people's heads ... literally. The sky looked like a blanket that fell down where Odin wanted it to. He made sure that only this area was affected and those he wanted were crushed and not the planet or the ground itself. 


And after that he unleashed his full-powered Conqueror Haki, causing the sky he had pulled down to crack and break like glass. 


The world lost its colour and everything turned black and white with shades of red coming from Odin. The power behind this Conqueror's Haki release could affect the ground and cause enormous amounts of destruction. But Odin controlled it to only affect the city. 

The city ... was in shambles. Death and destruction are all that was seen for miles. While this should have taken multiple days to reach this place, Odin only took a few minutes to bring everything down and kill 99% of everyone who lived there. Smoke rose to the sky, debris was lying everywhere, hundreds of thousands of litres of blood and gore were lying everywhere and painted the earth red. 

And yet among all this destruction, slow footsteps were heard. 

*Tap Tap Tap*

Slow and steady they were getting closer. Where once the throne room was of Cul's city, lay Cul together with his mostly crushed Worthy. Cul and the Worthy only survived because he used all of the fear his subjects had for him to empower him and increase his durability. At least that is what he believed. At this point, Odin could swipe his hand and everyone would fall to the ground dead. But that's not what he wanted. 

*Cough cough ...*

"My worthy ... s-stand .... up and ... fi-figh-t...", Cul's words were slurred and he had blood coming out of his mouth. All of his bones were broken, his organs crushed. He was slowly healing himself through fear but it wasn't going as he thought it did. That was obvious because what was dead, could not fear him. And 99% of his forces were dead. 

*Tap Tap Tap*

 The footsteps seemed to get louder as Odin made his way towards Cul. 

"I don't under-stand ... this ... thing in me ... this thing I'm feeling ... what ... what is this?", Cul muttered. 

"This is what it feels like. Outside of this room. In your shadow.", Skadi managed to say as the light in her eyes slowly died out. 

"He can't kill me .. he knows that I know that. Wo what does he hope to accomplish?", Cul asked no one, since there was no one alive anymore. 


The wall to the room was destroyed and Odin walked in. 

"Brother, you look bad.", Odin said looking down on Cul, who had an angry expression on his face. 

"your brother is dead! And I killed him. I am the- *cough* the serpent that will feast on the world ... Odin. You can't kill me .. you can never kill me. We are bound in blood!"

"'In anger smites the warder of earth. Forth from their homes must all men flee; nine paces fares the son of Odin and slain by the serpent. Fearless he sinks.' Yggdrasill told me about this prophecy. I had to laugh when I heard it.", Odin says. 

"You have no son and if you think you'll ever live to have one ... you'd have to slaughter each and every one of my people. Everything I have touched, every soul I have warped. My infection spreads deep, little Odin. Do you really think you can kill them all?", Cul said and tried to attack Odin now that he had managed to stand up again. 

"That's not why I laughed, Cul.", Odin says and flicks the weapon of Cul away, "I laughed because the prophecy is wrong. I have decided to give you a choice, brother. An ultimatum, one last chance. Either I wipe your mind clean and you start again and you come back to serve Asgard and me as your King, like it was meant to be, or ... I kill you now. I see everything now, with a thought my hand can reach across the ten realms and strike every one of the poor souls that you have ruined. 

So tell me now, brother. What do you choose?"

Odin knew that 'Those who sit above in shadow' influenced this prophecy to cause more death and destruction to feast on. But they also did it because they thought they could fool Odin and make him do what they wanted by not killing Cul and instead sealing him. But little did they know that this would be the first of countless changes Odin causes. 

The prospect of wiping Cul's mind was preposterous, to say the least. Why would he want to do that? Well, Odin would then basically make Cul a poppet, a loyal subject to be used for the good of Asgard. It was cruel. Odin could also take away Cul's power, but then he would be of no use to him anymore. 


"As you wish. Farewell brother.", Odin says as he dodges another strike. He then puts his palm on Cul's head and uses the power of runes to destroy Cul completely. He does first take his power away from him and only then kills him. 


After everything is done, Odin can feel the future changing. He can tell that this was not expected. They didn't expect Odin to kill his brother, but Odin was a king now, the All-Father and he had a responsibility to the ten realms. He would rule differently than he did in his past incarnations. And this was only the first of many changes, Odin had much more planned. 

Now that Gaea was his wife, there would be a lot of gods missing from Midgard. And those spots had to be filled by someone. He would take that spot and improve the conditions as well as help guide humans in the future. He was still thinking of whether he should separate the supernatural from the mundane or not. 

Odin waves his hands again and rises into the air. He begins cleaning the area with the Odin Force. He has already taken all of the weapons and shields and stored them with his 'Gates of Odin', at least that's what he calls it for now. He couldn't call it the Gates of Babylon. So Gates of Odin was sufficient for now. 

Then he made all of the debris float into the air and began to separate the useless materials from the useful ones and also sorted them into piles of the same material and metal. He created a portal to the sun and sent the useless things, as well as all the bodies, at least of those that still had bodies, through. 


"Are you finished, love?"

"Aye. There is still a lot of blood, but maybe you can deal with that if you want."

"I don't think it's a problem. How do you feel about being the master of your own destiny?", Gaea asks.

"Good. I probably also wouldn't have taken that deal, so I understand my brother's choice. It wasn't easy though."

"I can imagine. So what now? Are you going to hunt down the followers of Cul?"

"No, I will wipe Cul from the minds of everyone in the ten reams. No one will suffer and be forced to resurrect him after that."

"Our minds as well?"

"No, we are strong enough to deal with that knowledge. And even if Cul somehow came back, it wouldn't be the same one as I have destroyed him completely and taken away his power."

"So any plans for the rest of the day?", Gaea asks with a grin.

"No. What do you have in mind?"

