
Ocular Menace: Misadventures of a Man with many Eyes

Johnathan Reed had just finished celebrating his 18 birthday, when like any self-respecting novel protagonist, died to the hands of Truck-Kun. He laments in his last moments the fact he never made it past 24 hours of adulthood, and should have looked before crossing the road. Next thing he knows he's in a old medieval style house. After successfully running away from the house, and whatever problems might come from meeting people, he's in the middle of nowhere until he hears the classic *Ding* any gamer would be familiar with. The Art Is Not Mine. If you are the owner of the art and want it down. let me know and I'll oblige. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Do I have you interested? please do let me know of any feedback you have, as again, this is solely for my own enjoyment and to improve my literary skills. I'm the only person proofreading this, and the grammar is probably killing you, so just bear with me, because English was never my best subject Also my jokes could be unfunny, let me know. Also I will do my best for compelling characters, but again first time writing. so stuff like romance might flop and be underwhelming for people and is probably gonna be a side bit, not the main focus and later on.

Literary_nightmare · แฟนตาซี
47 Chs

A Mans best friend. A Buster Sword.

After waking Ruby up, he takes the Buster sword out of pocket dimension, luckily for him, it came with a holster. After gearing up, they walk into the guild. The receptionist from yesterday greets them when they enter. "Ms.Scarlet, Mr John, please go to the arena in the town square, and wait for guild staff to spectate the match."

After hearing that message, they walk over to the town square silently. They then see a crowd gathered around the arena. Johnathan then finds a betting area of whether or not they will pass or not. Johnathan and Ruby placed 2 silver on their passing, as 1 silver was the maximum bet per person.

They then walk into the arena, and see a burly man standing at about 6'2, with two swords strapped to his belt. After walking in the arena he introduces himself. "Nice to meet you Scarlet and John, names Robert, and i'l be testing you for your ranking test. As an ex-B rank adventure, my pride is on the line here, I won't be holding back, I expect you to the same. Who knows? This could be one enjoyable fight, so ignore the crowds and fight me with all you've got."

[Another fight against a human has come, however this time, it's not to the death. Prove yourself and your companions might to the world.]


[If the user gets Robert's approval, 5000 exp. If the user forces Robert to surrender, an Instant level up.]

Johnathan nods his head and stands beside Ruby on the other side of the arena, after a few more minutes of waiting, the guild staff shows up. He begins announcing the rules. "The adventures Scarlet and John must receive the recognition of the tester, Robert, or force him to yield. If they are forced to surrender or are knocked unconscious and do not receive the testers approval, they fail! Let the rank up test begin!"

After these words are said, the crowd starts cheering, and nobody moves for a few seconds. Johnathan then suddenly dashes towards Robert, swinging his sword from the right. It's then blocked by Robert, he then goes for an overhead swing. After his blade is pushed upwards, he let's it go, sensing Ruby's spell finishing, he goes to low sweep his opponent. As soon as he ducks down, Robert sees a fireball appear before him. Robert rolls to the right, Johnathan dashes back and picks up his sword, before dashing towards Robert again. As soon as he's getting up, he sees a buster sword going vertically to cut him. He moves enough to just have it barley miss him, soon after he sees an Axe Kick going for his collar bone, and Robert can do nothing to dodge. Getting hit square in the collar bone, Robert staggers back. Sensing another spell he thrusts his sword towards Robert, Robert then goes to block his sword with both of his swords. Johnathan moves his sword slightly up, high enough to bring down the full force of his weight on an awkward angle for Robert. Robert tries to abort, but this time Ruby sent a spell from behind Robert, hitting him square in the back. After the direct hit, Johnathan takes his sword and holds it against Robert's throat.

"This, hah, is our victory, hah, surrender" Johnathan's breathing is heavy after the fight, but he looks triumphant

"I surrender." Robert can be heard gasping for air, it seems Ruby's fire had burnt the air around him, stopping him from breathing properly.

After Robert's surrender, the crowd goes wild and Johnathan wonders what the betting odds were, and how much they're going to make. He does a spin with his sword and sheaths it. He then puts his hand out, and Robert shakes it. He then goes and shakes Ruby's hand

[You have proven yourself once again user, congratulations on your promotion]

[Instant level up!]

[You have gained 1 stat point in every stat and 2 free stat points!]

[You have reached the threshold of power required to evolve!]

Walking towards the betting stand, Johnathan collects the money they made, 30 silver coins. Seems the betting odds were 1:15. After putting the money in his dimensional pocket via sack, people try to greet them, they quickly evade and go to hunt goblins.

After leaving town to hunt goblins, Johnathan starts a conversation with Ruby. "Wanna take the day off?" He's asking because it's almost midday, and there search for goblins was becoming unfruitful.

"Sure, let's go back, there's no real reason to stay here, the goblins are all probably hiding because of our massacres. By the way... no never mind."

"Why don't you finish your sentence Ruby? I'm not gonna kill you if you say something a bit insensitive."

"Why are you acting more open with me!" Ruby blurted this out, and then closes mouth with her hands.

"Oh that's simple, I trust you to an extent now. Something like a friend, I guess."

"A friend, huh..."

Between the two of them, they both had some trust issues, but after a few life and death battles together, anyone would become closer, and for them, this was their first step in their partnership.

After arriving at the inn, he puts out all the volumes of Hell's Notebook on Ruby's bed. She looks at them eagerly and then starts reading. Johnathan then buys some paper for 5 credits, and starts sketching gun designs after buying the [Art] skill from the shop, he also bought a table to sketch on. The [Art] skill was worth it in the end, as it was not only just drawing but music and the like as well. His final sketches come out as 10 mm semi auto magnum pistol, based on the M1903 and M1905. It looked like the AMT AutoMag III. It has a long slide to counteract the recoil with it's weight. It shoots .454 custom made he would make later, the mags being 6 rounds single stacks. But reloading would never be a problem if used his space magic correctly. As there were magic metals to discover, most materials were undecided as of now. He would implement magic to make his shots to make them hit harder. The whole thing would weigh about 6 kg, making it unusable to ordinary people. After designing his potential trump card. He lies down on the bed, waiting for the message.

I definetliey didn't steal the gun idea from somewhere. Jokes aside I heavly based it off of alucards Casull. (Hellsing Ultimate) Knowing nothing about firearms, i kinda copied the wiki. Don't shoot.

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