In the intriguing utopia of Cybrmille, a special breed of Humans exist; Occludes and Observers. People with the power to bend reality to their will using something interesting: their emotions. The notion of '...he who is cool headed wins every fight...' is destroyed. The story follows three teenagers who get involved in several dangerous activities which leave them with several questions about themselves and the world around them.
A city set in space known for its utopian setting and cutting-edge technology as well as the fact that it has departed the Solar System and is on course towards the Milky Way, this city houses a population of over 1,000,000,000 lifeforms and is still expanding. The city was a concept thought up by Alex, a renown prodigy who is known for his several inventions, concepts, intelligence and his superhuman physical capabilities.
The Perfect Human.
Is what people call him…he is the reason why this city has lasted for over a millennium…his unparalleled intellect and physical prowess has vanquished every threat to this city until there was none…I heard he rules as a dictator having invented a drug that can vastly extend the lifespan of a human.
Even as a dictator he isn't evil in fact the level of crime and poverty in this city was last estimated to be below 1%. This place is as calm as a Buddha literally you'd think a billion people living in one city would cause it to be rowdy but it isn't…
"Maybe am thinking too much…"
"You sure are."
"Sup Iguro hop in we're off to school", she said as the brown-haired boy walked into the levitating futuristic limousine.
The limo began to float before blasting off in the direction of their school.
"Pretty weather, huh?", Iguro said in a bored tone.
"If you don't have anything to say it's don't need to force it.", Amanai said in a chirpy tune.
"Am happy with you just being here.", she said as she slipped her fingers into his loose hand.
"…Yeah", Iguro said as he slightly held her hand.
Meanwhile, not too far away a boy with messy black hair was utilizing the means of parkour to cover ground. Using the excuse of "needing exercise" to effectively cause the law enforcement to turn a blind eye to his antics.
The boy got onto a large beam above a construction site using it as a means of acceleration, he ran faster, aiming to perform a swallow-dive despite the wide gap between the beam and the ground.
The boy without fear approached the edge at a dangerous velocity before immediately rocketing off the beam. He closed his eyes, hoping for luck to be in his favor. And fortunately, it was indeed in his favor as he landed right onto the limousine of Amanai.
A few moments before the abrupt landing.
I keep looking...I keep having these the world really this...
Why does everything look monochrome...why does everyone lack color?
This city has seemingly no color, no planet.... they're all...
The only one with a speck of color is this girl next to me...that's why I'm with her...
I guess am selfish...
She genuinely loves me but I only like her because she has color...I only like her because she's not...
Is this how my life will be...a life filled with darkness?
A life with nothing but black and white?
Is this how others see the world?
If so? Why don't they say anything or have they decided to live life as it is?
Maybe it's just me...
Maybe am just the colorless o-
Before he could continue his thoughts, a loud sound startled both Iguro and Amanai.
"What was that?!", Amanai yelped in fear.
"Calm down...I'll go check.", Iguro said as he prepared to climb unto the top of the limo to search the source of the sound.
"Shit...", the black-haired boy said as he tried to regain composure after the impact.
Iguro got out of the moving vehicle through the window before getting atop the limo.
Am pretty sure it's just a pigeon or some bird..., was the thought of Iguro but...
Lo and behold, the moment their eyes met.
For the first time in Iguro's 16 years of life, he saw someone who was fully colored.
His eyes widened in surprise.
The black-haired boy's eyes widened as he saw Iguro who now had tears streaming from his eyes as they reflected the colored teen.
"Wait...wha-Are you crying?!", the darkhaired teen, said in surprise.
"Iguro! Iguro! What's wrong? What's going on up there?", Amanai exclaimed in confusion as she too snuck a peek as well.
"Wha-who are you?!", Amanai asked in shock.
"That's my line.", the darkhaired boy said.
"Iguro! Iguro? Are you okay?", Amanai said in worry.
Iguro wiped his tears and looked up with a smile for the first time in his life as he looked at the teen.
"Thank you...I can see it all...Your colors...Thank you."
Amanai was shocked, she had never seen Iguro smile before.
The darkhaired boy was as confused as ever.
"Uh...what the fu-"