
Obtained Yamamoto Genryusai template after joining the Straw Hats

An old man who was a former warlord who was reincarnated into a pirate world.

KochoKanae · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
23 Chs

Chapter 14

Under a small cliff.

Klahadore looked somber: "Please don't use bad words like 'murder', Jango."

Jango was a little embarrassed, and quickly corrected himself: "An accident, it's an accident, Captain Kuro."

"I stopped using that name three years ago. Don't call me that. Remember, you are the captain."

It turns out that Klahadore is the great East Blue pirate who disappeared three years ago, Kuro of a Hundred Plans!

Usopp was horrified when he heard on the cliff: "Wait, I've heard of Kuro, but I heard that he was captured by the Marines three years ago and executed."

Under the cliff, the two continued to discuss plans.

Jango: "By the way, I was really surprised at that time..."


"That is to say, you suddenly stopped being a pirate, and quickly promoted your subordinates to vice-captain, making others think that Kuro was executed by the navy, and then appeared in this village, then ordered me to anchor here quietly. three years later... Your plan was carried out and it was successful and the pay couldn't be less, right?" Jango said while dancing, like an elementary school kid.

Kuro: "Of course, once the plan is successful, you will get a share too."

Jango heard the words and showed a sly smile: "Then leave the killing to me."

Kuro continued the instructions: "This time it's not just about killing people. If you want Kaya to die in an accident, you have to be careful, don't make any mistakes!"

"I see."

"I'm still uncomfortable, tell me again."

Jango raised his index finger: "I will attack the village after receiving your signal and get rid of the young lady, then you can logically inherit his great inheritance."

Kuro made the iconic push-glass action: "The key is, use your best hypnotism before killing him, and let Kaya write a suicide note! Be sure to write [After I die, I will inherit All property to the butler, Klahadore] this sentence!"

All the words of the two made the two people on the cliff listen to the truth.

'This is bad, that is bad!' Usopp shouted in his heart.

Luffy next to him looked ridiculous: "What's wrong? Doesn't sound good!"

Usopp looked at Luffy's face that he didn't understand the situation, and he wasn't angry (gently): "Weren't you listening the whole time? Very bad things! That guy has been planning for a long time, I have been calculating the Kaya family property since three years ago and it was so much! Even worse that damn butler turned out to be Captain Kuro. I didn't expect him to be alive now! Now, Kaya will really be killed, and the whole village will be affected. Something big is going to happen!"

After listening to Usopp's words, Luffy was a bit confused.

The next moment, I didn't expect Luffy to stand up without thinking.

Usopp (gently): "Hey, don't stand up, they'll find out."

"Hey! You two! Don't kill the girl!" Luffy's next voice, not to mention Kuro and others, even sounded across the ocean.

Luffy's actions are really confusing at times, you never know what this great god will do in the next moment.

Usopp has been petrified, and more terrifying things are yet to come.

Kuro and Jango weren't blind, of course they saw him, and Usopp was found.

"Isn't this the liar?" Kuro still looked calm.

Usopp put his head in his hands, showing a slightly exaggerated expression: "Wow ah ah ah...I got caught too!"

Kuro's face turned gloomy: "You... did you hear anything?"

Usopp was surprised: "No...no, I didn't hear anything! We just arrived, nothing..."

Luffy folded his arms in front of his chest: "I heard everything!"

Usopp's eyeballs almost flew out: "Hey!"

Jango put on his hat: "Really? You guys heard everything, it will be dangerous at this rate, you two pay close attention to this ring..."

As he said, he took the ring out of his pocket and shook it from side to side: "You two take a good look at this ring..."

"What?" Luffy was intently staring at the ring, his eyes moving from side to side.

And Usopp broke out in cold sweat: "No...not good! it's a disc, we're going to be killed!"

"I said [one, two, Jango] you're going to sleep, one, two..."

Before Jango could finish speaking, Usopp hugged his head and crawled on the ground trembling: "keep your head down! Otherwise you will die!"


Sure enough, Luffy felt his eyelids getting heavy, and he swayed and fell off the cliff.

But... Jango also sleeps because of his own technique.

Kuro gave him a hard slap to wake him up.

Seeing Luffy fall off the cliff, Usopp was even more horrified: "Shit! You actually killed him!"

Kuro and the others also thought that Luffy was dead.

Jango looked at Usopp and said to Kuro "How about the other one?"

Kuro still looked calm: "No need, no matter what he says, no one will believe it. Jango, the time is tomorrow morning, at dawn, the village and the villagers' houses should be destroyed as much as possible and It should feel more like an accident."


After finishing speaking, Kuro gave Usopp an evil look: "Did you hear that? Usopp? No matter what you hear, it won't threaten my plans."

"Unlucky!" Usopp turned and ran into the village.

"It is not good! That's no good!" Usopp screamed as he ran, and he didn't say hello when he met Kondo, Zoro and the kids in the village, just rushing into the village, "Everyone listen up! Tomorrow morning the Pirates will come! They will attack the village! Everyone, run for your lives!"

"This bragging man again, it's the second time today."

"Won't this person get bored?"

"Don't pay attention to him, there will be no pirates at all."

"That fellow has gone too far recently…"

It was obvious how the villagers felt.

Some angry man just came out: "Hey! Usopp! Don't be so impudent!"

"Our patience is limited, don't provoke us again and again!"

"Looks like this time, really is the time to teach him a good lesson!"

Usopp: "Once joked, this time it's true, believe me!"

"When didn't you say that?"

Usopp shouted almost hysterically: "Believe me, run for your life! Otherwise, everyone will really be killed!"

On a cliff.

Kuro got on the pirate ship: "You all, very happy for you to come. I haven't seen you guys for three years. Once the plan is successful, I will pay you enough!"

"Wait until dawn tomorrow, and destroy the village to your heart's content!"

Thinking of the bloody scene that would happen in the village, there was a bloodthirsty joy in Kuro's eyes...

"Everyone, listen to me!" Usopp still didn't let go of his persuasion to everyone, "Tomorrow morning, the pirates will really attack the village!"

"If we trusted you every time, we would have to run a hundred times!"

The villagers didn't believe his words at all, and greeted him with various weapons.

"It must be right this time!"

"I will definitely catch you this time!"

"Unlucky!" Seeing that the villagers couldn't believe it, Usopp ran away...

At the same time, Kondo and the others also found Luffy under the cliff.

The three kids were the first to get shocked when they heard Luffy's words.


"Is Miss Kaya really going to be killed?"

"The village will also be attacked? Is this true? Straw Hat Brother?"

Luffy: "Yeah, that's what they say, it can't be wrong."

Kondo: "Then why are you here?"

Luffy tilted his head, also with a question mark on his face: "Strange, I also thought I should be on a cliff, I don't know why I fell..."

Nami folded her arms in front of her chest, and looked a little suddenly realized: "I see, no wonder your captain rushed to the village in panic, fortunately we knew the news beforehand, otherwise it would be dangerous."

"No...not good!" Luffy said suddenly with a shocked expression on his face.

Luffy has always been a stubborn man, and he is indifferent to everything. Except for breaking his straw hat, he rarely looks like this.

Things seem serious.

Everyone looked at him seriously and asked carefully, "What's wrong?"

Luffy's expression was exaggerated, with a serious expression on his face: "Hurry and buy some meat! Otherwise, the meat shop boss will run away!"

Kondo, Zoro, and Nami punched him in the head with one punch: 'This is so troublesome, we thought it was a real big deal.'

Inside Kaya's house.

Usopp came panting through the wall and came to Kaya's bedroom window.

When she saw Usopp coming, Kaya seemed to be cured of everything: "Usopp! Well done! I thought you really weren't coming!"

Usopp's face was very worried: "Kaya, run! You will be killed!"

"Hey what's wrong?"

"You have been tricked! Your butler is actually a pirate!"

Kaya: "Wait... wait, are you kidding me, how did Klahadore become a pirate?"

Usopp: "Don't joke, I heard it with my own ears, I heard him and his henchmen talking by the sea!"

Next, Usopp reveals Kuro's identity and their plan.

Kaya looked in disbelief: "Usopp, what are you talking about?"

Usopp continued: "And tomorrow morning, the gang will come to attack you. They say they want to kill you! That man is so evil, go and run for your life!"

Unexpectedly, Keya became furious: "You gave me enough time! Usopp, I completely misread you!"


"Please don't take revenge on others like this. I'm also very sorry about what Krabatel said about your father. I also think he's exaggerating to say that. But you can't get revenge on him by saying that, such a lie, really isn't . Think, you are such a person." Kaya said, with a look of disappointment on her face, "The stories you tell are always full of dreams, and they are also very interesting, I I am very happy, so I really like your lies, But it's too much for you to say such things today, Usopp! "

"No, no!"

"You suck!" said Kaya, tears of disappointment flowing.

"No, I'm really not taking revenge on that housekeeper..." Usopp quickly defended.

Outside, two guards having heard movement here, both came and grabbed Usopp's arm from left to right.

Doorman: "Don't worry, we'll kick this guy out."

"Shit! Get off me!"

Usopp bit their arms hard, and the doorman let go with a scream of pain.

"Damn man!" The guard held a gun and aimed at Usopp "Don't move!"

"Don't follow my path!" Usopp took a slingshot from his pocket and fired two rocks, knocking out both guards.

"Stop! Usopp!" shouted Kaya.

Kaya, please believe me once, and escape from this village before the housekeeper returns! Usopp's face was serious, not joking at all.

"What's wrong with you, you don't look like you usually do at all!"

At this time, the villagers rushed here.

"Usopp is here!"

"He ran into the mansion!"

Seeing the people of the village come to sort things out with him, Usopp's heart skipped a beat.

"Then," said Usopp grabbing Kaya's wrist, "I must force you to leave!"

Kaya didn't expect Usopp to turn out like this, and shouted: "No, let me go!"

"No matter what, tomorrow you will know the truth, please believe me once!"

Kaya couldn't take it anymore, she slapped Usopp in the face, but her tears couldn't stop flowing: "You... the real bad guy!"

"You bastard, let go of that woman!" At this time, the cat ear butler didn't know when to come out with a gun.

The housekeeper cat is more aggressive, so she can't resist shooting him, hitting Usopp in the arm.

Usopp was shot in the left arm and fled in panic.

Seeing this, Kaya didn't know if it was because she was too shocked or what, so she fainted.

The cat housekeeper supported her: "Miss Kaya, please get up!"


Tomorrow at dawn, Jango will lead his army to attack the village.

Thinking of this, Usopp walked down the street towards the entrance of the village in a low mood, looking back at the village, tears couldn't help but flow.

Although he loves to brag and often offends the villagers with great displeasure, he still loves the fertile land that has raised him. Usopp's face turned to ashes when he thought that the villagers and Kaya would be ravaged by pirates.

"Hey! Usopp!"

At this time, Luffy and the others came, and seeing them coming, Usopp wiped his tears: "How many of you, Huh?"

Seeing Luffy, Usopp was even more confused: "You're still alive."

Usopp thought he had fallen off a cliff and died.

Luffy looked dumbfounded: "I just woke up as if I fell asleep."

Moon stars are rare.

The four of them stood in front of Usopp, who sat down on the rock with a heavy heart: "It's all my fault for lying to others before, and now everyone doesn't believe me at all. I was really naive."