
another victim of truck-kun

Axel was walking and thinking of a solution to fulfill his dream of having a harem, always watched anime or read novels about harem with the hope of getting some help to have his own harem, although he did not like harem animes very much since the protagonists escaped from women, axel always wished he could replace them.

It was already night and Axel was waiting for the last bus, while he was sitting reading a novel from his list to distract himself for a moment, suddenly, he heard a screech from the tires of some vehicle, looking up to see if there was any kind of accident, only to realize that truck-Kun is giving him a warm hug and sending him to a better life.

while Axel was unconscious in the void, there was an entity not far from the one that sighed, since he lost count of the number of victims of truck-Kun, the entity could only see the memories of this new victim of truck-Kun and give him some gifts based on your dreams and goals as an apology for what happened.

After creating the gifts and merging with Axel's soul, he decides to send Axel to a world based on the stories of his memories as it will be easier to fulfill his dreams in those worlds. although axel remained unconscious he felt an unknown but warm energy that spread throughout his "body". after an indeterminate time, Axel hears a pleasant and melodious voice that awakens him from his long "dream" although axel did not want to wake up since in his dream he was surrounded by many beauties that gave him massage, they fed him among other things.

while he woke up with annoyance because they interrupted his best sleep, after a few minutes his mind clears up when he remembers the accident he had and disconcerted by what he sees. because what he sees is not a hospital room, but pure darkness, thinking that maybe he was blinded by the accident, tries to touch his face only to realize that he does not feel his body, going into a panic, listening Again, the voice that wakes him up even though he does not know where it comes from.

(* Host please calm down, it will not solve anything entering panic*)

Axel: " wh...who are you a...and where am I?"

(* I am a gift given as an apology for your death and this is the void where the souls that died before time go. They gave you some gifts to fulfill your dreams in another world, and the world we go to is from some anime or novel of your memories although we go to a parallel universe where there may be some differences.*)

Axel: " So some higher entity gave me some gifts to apologize for my untimely death?"

(* Yes and now we are modifying your soul so that it adapts to the obtained gifts also creating a body that can support it. Also, since you were unconscious, the entity decided to send you to a random world at any time.*)

Axel: " What world are we headed to?"

(* we go to the world of boku no hero academy but we do not know at what time since it is totally random you will also be materialized in a baby of 1 month near an orphanage.*)

Axel:" and what are the gifts given by the superior entity?"

(* 1- a system with AI included

2- choose any skill no matter the cost

3- decide the appearance of your new body

4- Keep your memories of your past life

5- have a unique ability that allows you to travel to any world in a certain time.*)

If you have any suggestions about the skill or if you find any errors in the text please comment

koala1of2the3abysscreators' thoughts