
Nine Quadrillion 'Loyal Follower' Credits

Thief_Jerry · สมัยใหม่
1 Chs

"Chapter 1: The Lick Dog System"

"Chen Yuan, let's break up!" Lin Shutong declared, her eyes filled with disdain as she gazed upon the disheveled man before her. His hair resembled a chaotic bird's nest, and her face was etched with scorn.

"Why? Shutong, what have I done wrong? Just tell me, and I'll change for sure!" Chen Yuan implored, utterly bewildered, his expression a mix of panic and unease. Lin Shutong was the goddess of his heart, the one he had adored since their first year of college.

To win the heart of his beloved goddess, Chen Yuan had devotedly pursued her for three long years. He would often deliver breakfast right under the girls' dormitory, attending to her every need with utmost care. His dedication extended to the extent of working part-time as a delivery man for four months, all to afford an iPhone she desired, hoping just to see her smile.

Perhaps it was his relentless efforts that finally moved the heavens. A month ago, Lin Shutong had agreed to be his girlfriend. But then, she dropped the bombshell. "Chen Yuan, my ex-boyfriend is back. I still love him, not you. I appreciate everything you've done for me over the years, but I don't truly like you. I agreed to be your girlfriend only because your kindness touched me when I needed comfort the most. But being touched isn't the same as being in love. Let's break up!"

"But Shutong, Huang Kaijun is a terrible person. He got you pregnant and shirked responsibility. How can you still be so blind to his faults? Is it just because he's wealthy?" Chen Yuan asked in disbelief.

"Please don't insult my boyfriend. You can't even compare to him, not even to a single finger of his. You're just a loser. Do you have any idea how my friends view me now? Walking out with you, I feel utterly embarrassed. Just leave me alone!" she retorted.

Chen Yuan's face turned ghostly pale, his heart wrenching in agony. Three years of unwavering devotion had culminated in nothing but disdain. Lin Shutong was the first woman he had ever truly loved. To win her over, he had turned a blind eye to her flirtations with other men over the past three years, content with being her backup, silently enduring and even accepting the role of a rebound. He believed true love meant accepting a person's past.

But all his sincere affections were met with contempt and humiliation. Why is the world so cruel, always letting the pure-hearted and kind suffer? Does a devoted admirer truly end up with nothing?

"Shutong, please don't leave me. I beg you, don't break up with me. I know I was wrong. I'll change anything you want!" he pleaded desperately.

"Go away. You're just disgusting to me," Lin Shutong said coldly as she shook off Chen Yuan's hand and quickly climbed into a red Maserati parked by the road, driving away without looking back.

"Lin Shutong, you'll regret this!" Chen Yuan yelled, his eyes bloodshot with anger.

"Ugh, another pathetic loser's tantrum," someone muttered in the background.

"Hey! Isn't that the ultimate admirer from our school?" another voice chimed in.