
Night of the Necros: The Rise of the Queen

Author: A.S. Heley
Completed · 12K Views
  • 21 Chs
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N/A Book has been deleted.... or as close to deleted as it gets

Chapter 1Chapter One

How many times has the world gone through its changes? Desolate landscape becomes beautiful green overflowing with rivers and flora and fauna in abundance. Things progress and people move across the planet's surface. They bring change. With that change comes good and bad things. Pollution, destruction, and chaos. However, it is in the midst of that chaos that we see all of the good that people can be capable of. When someone is down and hurting special people with kind souls are able to pick up the people around them. Long ago before the world was nearly destroyed a group of people known as the Council viewed people as a plague. They sought to destroy anyone who did not contribute to society in a way that they deemed acceptable.

When the Council learned about an approaching catastrophic event they did nothing to help the people. Instead they rounded up the people that they considered the best and the brightest and left everyone to die in what would become known as the Great Calamity.

Today would be the first day that Arabella would meet with the Elders. She had a feeling that she would be cast out of the village as an outcast. As a Vosat she was considered useless with nothing of merit to offer. She sighed as she paced the floors nervously.

She had been born to an almost extinct race of people known as the Vosat. One day a goddess came to a peaceful group of people. They became known as the Vosat. She decided that these people were kind and virtuous enough to be charged with the preservation and protection of the world's knowledge. The Great Tsigili gifted them with the power to heal and protect. As long as the Vosat remained virtuous and didn't abuse their power then she would not abandon them.

The Goddess had seen the good that people were capable of. She wanted to nurture them. She wanted to help them grow and she did. She worked beside the Vosat to help them maintain that which should be left behind by all.

Arabella sighed. She gnawed on her bottom lip. Her lips were full and a pale pink. Her cheek bones were high and rosy. Her bright green eyes darted around the waiting room as she tried to keep her mind off of her current situation. She was petite with long legs for her height. Now was not the time to get lost in academic thought. She knew this yet her brain often strayed in that direction because it was better than facing the memories of her past. She scrunched up her nose as she mulled over why she was being called before the Elders. She continued to pace the floor waiting for them to call her into the great meeting room.

Once a month each village would send elders to represent them during the meeting. Each village would send four elders out of twelve. There were a total of twelve villages that the Vosat lived in. To help preserve their villages it had been deemed important that they keep the number of Vosat in a single village to minimum of two hundred. After the Council's last attack against the Vosat, in which they lost over fifty clansmen, their outposts became villages to keep the Council from being able to locate them again.

"This month's major issues are such as follows: We have people fleeing their villages looking for a safe haven." The Elder Yang said. "From what we have seen here Hiroki Village seems to be filled with the most refugees. Why?"

The elders looked around waiting for someone to speak up. No one wanted to answer his questions. He had been a stickler for letting the humans handle their own problems. Opposing him might cause problems for Hiroki Village.

"Why?" Came a voice. "Because we have been entrusted with the task of preserving human knowledge and information regarding the events that are happening around the world." Came an annoyed voice.

Everyone looked in surprise towards the Grand Elder's seat. Even Elder Yang was surprised to see her in attendance. The Grand Elder never involved herself in such matters unless it was important. Everyone stood and bowed to her.

"Grand Elder," Elder Yang began.

"Oh shut up, Elder Yang she said rolling her eyes. "Do you want to know why we have a large number of refugees here or not?" She demanded. He nodded his head. "Then everyone sit down and shut up. I have things to discuss with you. Everything else can wait." She said waiting for them to take their seats. When they were seated she continued.

"Everyone, I know that seeing a large number of refugees when you came to the village came as a shock. However, the request was not one that I can refuse."

"Why?" Elder Yang interrupted. "Who could hold such power over you that you would grant such a foolish request?" He demanded. The Grand Elder's eyes narrowed.

"Listen here, boy, I will not be talked down to like this." The Grand Elder hissed. Everyone stared at Elder Yang in shock. "The person that you so rudely referenced is your princess and future queen. Which, I should remind you, is why we are all gathered here."

"Impossible!" Elder Yang shouted. "The Princess was lost long ago!"

"She was not!" The Grand Elder said. "Just in hiding as was advised long ago."

"I demand to see this impostor! I refuse to believe that such a person has been here all this time." He demanded.

"Silence!" The Grand Elder shouted. Everyone jumped in surprise at the woman's commanding voice. "Elder Yang, you will sit down and be quiet!" She said glaring at him. "I have been caring for the princess all of these years. I can assure you that she is alive and well. You will see her in a moment. For now we have very important things to discuss." The elders of Hiroki Village nodded their heads in agreement. "It seems that the Princess's birthday is coming up. Those who are privy to her identity know that we have been preparing for this day for years. Now, this brings me to the problem at hand. I have been spoken to by the Great Tsigili. She came to me and directed me on how to proceed with the princess. We also have information on the person that they call the Master and his plans." She said. Everyone listened intently to every word she had said.

"After the Princess's birthday the Master plans to wake the demon that has been asleep atop Noquisi Mountain. He plans to destroy what is left of the human race." She said sadly.

"Then what do we do?" One of the Elders asked.

"There is only one thing that we can do." She said. The Grand Elder took a deep breath. "We must send the Princess to the Great Tsaligu. There Tsigili-"

"I am sorry but what is this foolishness that you speak of?" Elder Yang demanded. "What you are speaking of is nothing but a story we tell our children to get them to behave! It's just a folk story." Everyone gasped.

"Elder Yang, how did you even become an elder in your village?" The Grand Elder asked.

"It was natural that I became an Elder. I was next in line and-"

"You need to visit our restricted section." The Grand Elder said shaking her head. "I think that your position among the elders should be suspended until you go over every book in the restricted section." She said with a sigh. "You lack the knowledge and qualities it takes to be an elder. Please remove him from the room and send him to the library with instructions that he is to stay there until he learns the Vosat history in the restricted section." Everyone watched on in shock as Elder Yang was escorted from the room.

"Grand Elder, should we even allow the Princess to leave?" One of the elders from Hiroki village asked.

"What would happen if we sent her to the tree?" Another Elder asked.

"Tsigili will unseal her powers." She said.

"What do you mean unseal her powers?" An elder demanded.

"When the princess was but a child before our village was destroyed, she had been blessed with powers beyond belief. We had to have them sealed for her protection."

"Her powers have been sealed?" An elder asked astonished. "Then you mean?"

"Yes the Vosat without any power is our princess."

"But why were her powers sealed to begin with?" One of the Elders asked.

"Because the person that the Council calls the Master was able to find her." She said. She understood their confusion. They had been told for many years that she had been lost when the village was attacked along with her mother. Now they were being told that she had been alive all along.

"I do not think it wise that we send her out of the village." An elder said. A few elders nodded their heads.

"I agree."

"Well, I don't." Said one elder. "What will we do if this Master of the Council is able to wake the Demon? We cannot hope to defend against something like that. We couldn't when the queen was alive. The Princess will be our only hope." They said.

"But will she be able to make it out in the wilds on her own?" Another elder said voicing her concern.

"She will be fine." A young man said coming to stand before them. His brown eyes shown with confidence in the Princess's abilities. He had a strong jaw and an aquiline nose. He stood tall and muscular. His movements were confident and graceful as he came to stand before them. One wavy lock fell over his his high forehead. "The Princess is capable and strong. She may not have power now but she will. Until then I will act as her power."

"Genova, I am glad that you could join us." The Grand Elder said.

"Grand Elder," He said bowing.

"I have told you not to do that. You are the only other person that knows that she is the princess. You must not bow to anyone else."

"Grand Elder, I have also told you that if I was the only one that doesn't bow to you then someone would find that suspicious." He said. The old woman laughed.

"This is Genova Notifli. He is a knight to the Princess and has been with her since they were children. Genova is the only other person aside from myself and the Elders here in Hiroki Village that knows of the Princess's identity. Now aside from any discussions regarding the management of the villages is there anything else that we need to address?"

"No, Grand Elder. I believe that we are ready to vote." Said an elder.

"Good. Then all those in favor say, 'Aye'." She said.

Those who were in favor of the Princess leaving the village raised their hands and spoke.

"Aye." They said.

"Those opposed?"

"Nay." They said.

"Then we have a majority vote of thirty eight to nine." She said with a chuckle. "I would like to call her in before we discuss anymore business." Everyone nodded their assent as Genova stepped back.

Arabella jumped in surprise when the door opened. An older man was being escorted out of the meeting. She looked at him with a questioning look on her face. He scowled at her and let the guards march him away. The doors closed again leaving Arabella to sit there and wait.

"I don't understand what they need me for. I am just a powerless Vosat." She said to herself with a sigh.

As time drug on she began to count the tiles on the ceiling in boredom. After counting about thirty small tiles the doors opened again. Arabella jumped in surprise when someone approached her. Her eyes landed on Genova.

"The Grand Elder has called you into the meeting." He said with a gentle smile.

"I don't know what this is about." She whispered. Arabella stood and smoothed her hands along her pants. "I don't think I did anything wrong."

"It will be okay." He said shutting the door behind them.

Arabella looked up in surprise at forty-six people that sat imposingly in front of her. She swallowed nervously. She had never been before the Elders before. A few of the elders eyed her with appraisal as they whispered among themselves.

"She is so tiny. Maybe she shouldn't be allowed to leave." One of the Elders whispered.

"Yes but what will happen if she doesn't. It's just too great a chance to take." Said another.

"Arabella, please step forward." The Grand Elder said.

Arabella jumped. She was surprised to see that the Grand Elder was there. Her mind began to race as she went over everything that she had done. Nothing came to mind. She took a deep breath and stepped forward.

"Yes, Grand Elder." She said softly.

"Arabella, You are being tasked with an important mission." She said. Arabella's eyes widened in surprise.

"Me?" She asked. The elders nodded. "But-"

"No buts." The Grand Elder said. "You are to travel to the Great Tsaligu. While you are traveling you will mark any villages that you see and report any council movements. Genova will go with you to help you in your travels." She said. Arabella looked at everyone and sighed.

"Yes, Grand Elder. I will do my best to complete the task that you have given this lowly and powerless Vosat." She said softly. Arabella bowed her head and stepped back.

"Arabella, we have been over this. You should never think of yourself as less than. You are a very special person and this mission will help you see it. Just because you don't have any power now doesn't mean that you will not gain something useful." She said kindly.

"Yes, Grand Elder." She said.

"You will leave out at first light tomorrow morning. You may be dismissed." The Grand Elder said.

"Thank you, Elders and Grand Elder." She said.

"Genova, you will go with her. There are things that you will both need. My assistant will have a list waiting for you when you leave." She said.

"Yes, Grand Elder." He said bowing.

Genova left the meeting room and found Arabella sitting outside. As usual she was lost in thought. She was staring up at the sky. Her clear green eyes shimmered as the sky was reflected back.

"What's wrong?" He asked sitting down next to her. Arabella continued to stare at the sky.

"I just don't get it. Why would she send my on a mission outside the village?" She wondered.

"I don't know." He said shrugging. It pained him to lie to her but he knew that the Grand Elder had noticed a change in her. "Here's what I do know. I do know that we have a lot to do before we head out. The Grand Elder said that her assistant would be giving us each a list of things we need to get before we leave. So that being the case lets go get that list and get ready." He said nudging her.

Arabella smiled at him and stood up. She wasn't sure how this mission would go but she did know one thing. She was finally going to see the world. That was something that she could look forward to.

"Hey, Genova," She said as she gathered supplies for the journey. "What do you think the world will be like when we leave?" She asked.

"I can't say." He said looking up at the sky. Beautiful blue reflected in his deep brown eyes. "Something tells me that nothing will be like we expect." He said.

The Vosat Villages were strategically placed in places that were long abandoned by ancient civilizations. Due to the world's many hardships the Vosat villages were like little havens that were free from the Council's corruption.

"Part of me hopes that it will be beautiful but another part of me feels like I will be sad and disappointed." Arabella said as she looked through the stalls. "How have the refugees been?" She asked.

"Good. Everyone is settling in fine. Though I know that you already know this. You were spotted by some of the village guards." He said sneaking a peek at her.

"What do you mean?" She asked feigning innocence.

"You know exactly what I mean." He said. "You sneaked into the Grand Elder's kitchen and gave them leftovers from the meals." He said. Arabella blushed crimson.

"I don't know what you are talking about." She said turning away from his prying eyes.

"Fine. Maybe it was some other good will bandit that has escaped the guards' watchful eye until now." He said sarcastically.

"What does that mean?" She asked.

"Arabella, you are the only Vosat that would go out of their way to make sure that the refugees were comfortable and had plenty of food. There are Vosat who do not care for their presence." Genova said.

"Why is that?" Arabella asked.

"Because not everyone sees their innocence. Many people are worried that they might report our location to the Council. No one see through people like you can. If they could they wouldn't be so worried. Your request angered a lot of people. Even other village elders complained about it during the meeting." He said keeping her pace.

"I see..." She said. Hazy visions like a dense fog filled her mind. Her hands began to shake. Instinctively she reached for the handle of one of her katanas. "I didn't realize that people were so afraid." She mumbled.

"It's okay. I know that you only mean well, as does the Grand Elder." He said. He could see her hands trembling. He knew that she was steeling herself against the fear welling up within her heart. "None of us would hold anything against you. You sympathized with them because you witnessed first hand how cruel the Council can be." He said.

His eyes involuntarily went to the scar on the side of her neck as it dipped into her shirt. His eyes filled with sadness. Her life had indeed been difficult. If only the people around them knew who she was and how she had lived her life. They walked back to the Grand Elder's estate in silence. When they made it back to Arabella's room she looked up at him with sadness in her eyes.

"I know that asking them to be let in was asking a lot. Maybe-"

"Do not finish that sentence." Genova said. "You would not be you if you had not asked." He said.

"What do you mean?" She asked cocking her head to the side.

"I mean that you are a kind person. Even after everything that you went through, you refused to break. Somehow you got stronger. It was like you were preparing for the day that you would make the Council answer for every crime that they had committed." He said admirably. "I don't know anyone that would not crumble after facing such horrible circumstances." He said. He remembered seeing her after the Council had attacked their village. A fire burned deep within her. He could see the rage building.

"Thank you, Genova, for staying with me all these years." She said gently.

"I will always be with you." He said. "Make sure that you are ready to go in a few hours. Just because we leave out at first light doesn't mean that we can't spar."

"I thought that you weren't going to spar with me any more." She said with surprise.

"Well, it would seem that I am the only one crazy enough to spar with you." He chuckled.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Arabella asked.

"Nothing. See you in a bit." He said.

Arabella nodded and stepped inside her room. She looked around and set her things down with a sigh. Her room was sparsely decorated. Her bed, a desk, and a single bookshelf were all that occupied the room. The only decoration were three pictures. One was of her and her mother. The second one was of her and her brother. The last one was of her with a group of people that she couldn't remember, except for Genova. She couldn't remember who the others were but everyone seemed really close. She looked around at the books that littered her desk and overflowed from her shelf. Arabella sighed as she began to pick them up. She needed to pack but she didn't feel like doing it at the moment. Instead she wanted to clean up before she packed. She knew it would help her reorder her thoughts.

When she was done everything was neatly in its place. She took out her purchases and laid them out on her bed. She had grabbed only necessities. She was used to living with only the things that she needed so packing was a simple thing for her to do. Arabella sighed and stretched when she was done. She took another look around the room. She was almost fully packed but it was time for her to get ready to meet with Genova. As she got ready she wondered what he had meant when he said that he was the only one crazy enough to spar with her. Arabella shrugged and strapped two leather belts around her hips. The belts sported scabbards on either side of her hips. She slipped her katanas into the scabbards and then slipped her quiver filled with arrows over her head as well as her bow.

Arabella sighed and rolled her shoulders. She reached for the door handle just as a knock sounded. Arabella jumped at the sudden sound. Her hand shook slightly as she reached for the door knob again. She gently turned it and looked up to see a guardsmen standing in front of her.

"Can I help you?" She asked eyeing him coolly.

"Lord Genova requested that I spar with you tonight in his stead. It seems that there was a last minute meeting that he needed to attend." He said nervously.

"Okay." Arabella said shrugging. "Lets go."

"Um... Before we go..." He began.

"Yes?" Arabella asked curiously.

"Well... It's just... Would you please go easy on me?" He asked bowing his head. Arabella's eyes widened in surprise.


"It's just that I am afraid that you-"

"Let me get this straight." She said holding up a hand and cutting him off. "You, a Vosat village guardsmen, are terrified of me, the one Vosat that cannot use magic?" She asked incredulously.

"That is correct." He said clearing his throat. He blushed crimson as she stared at him.

"Do you realize how ridiculous that sounds?" She asked. "I am not some demon that you should fear." She shook her head at him in exasperation.

"We know this but..."

"But what?" She demanded impatiently.

"We have seen you sparing with Lord Genova and well, even he can't touch you. You have surpassed us, Lady-"

Arabella sighed and massaged her temples in frustration. She didn't understand what the problem was. If she had surpassed him in sword skill then he should just use magic. To her this was the next logical step. She sighed and looked at the down trodden guardsmen.

"Fine. I will make a deal with you." She said. The guard's head perked up. "During this match you will use magic. If I can still get past you then I will think of another way." She said. The guard looked doubtful. "If not then I will tell Lord Genova that you refused to spar with me." She said.

"Please, Lady Arabella." He began to plead with her.

"I will not go easy on you." She said glaring at him. The guard stepped back in fear. "Will going easy on you help me?" She asked. The guard stared at her in shock.

"No, Lady Arabella." He said.

"Will going easy on you help you?" She asked. He looked up in confusion.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"There will always be someone out there that is better than you at sword skill and magic. If I take it easy on you do you think that will help you get better?" She asked.

"No, Lady Arabella." He said with shame.

"Then man up and spar with me." She said with a good-natured smile. The guard still looked embarrassed that such a small girl was able to grasp something that everyone else was too blind to see.

"You know, Lady Arabella, you're not so terrifying." He said blushing.

"You thought I was terrifying?" She asked shocked.

"It's not a secret that most of us are too afraid to spar with you. We just never realized that we were running from something that would benefit us. We had never seen someone fight without magic before and win. It was like watching a dragon come to life." He said with a chuckle. "Honestly, I feel stupid for feeling that way." He drug his hand through his hand nervously.

"Like a dragon?" She asked cocking her head to the side. She stared at him with curiosity.

"It was terrifying and beautiful to watch." He said.

"How? It's just sword skill." She said shrugging.

"Just sword skill?" He asked.

"Yeah." She said shrugging.

"Hold on." He said when he spotted another guardsmen.

He ran over to him and began talking to him animatedly. The guardsmen looked towards Arabella nervously. He nodded his head and followed him back to where she stood.

"What's going on?" She asked.

"Mark does reconnaissance. He has the ability to replay what he sees and broadcast it for others to see. I asked if he would record us sparing so that way you can see what we see." He said with a nervous smile.

"That's great! I could have used this ages ago to correct my form. How come I didn't know about this sooner?" She asked excitedly. Mark stared at her in surprise.

"You won't mind?" He asked nervously.

"Of course not! Thank you!" She said bowing her head. "By the way, I apologize for my rudeness earlier." She said turning towards the guardsmen.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"I did not ask your name earlier and I talked to you so formally." She said. "May I please know your name?"

"My name is Shaun and there is no apology necessary." He said. "I should have introduced myself earlier.

Mark stepped back in surprise. He had not expected such a reaction from her. She was nothing like he had thought she would be. He had never seen her fight before but he had heard the rumors and it had inspired a nervous fear in his heart.

"I told you." Shaun whispered. Mark looked at him in shock.

"I can't believe it." He whispered as Arabella walked ahead of them to the sparing arena. As they followed her to the arena a few guardsmen looked at them sympathetically. They felt sorry for them. They had somehow been forced to spar with her and they were going to be seriously hurt. They could read the looks on their faces but they paid them no mind. A few of the guards followed so they could see the sparing match. When they arrived Arabella looked around in surprise at the crowd that had followed them in. Most of her practices were private. She wasn't used to having an audience.

"Alright. Let me know when you can no longer go on. Remember I want to see more sword skill than magic. It will benefit you but please use your magic as well." She said as the two turned to face each other.

"Shaun, I will pray for your soul after we bury you." One guard said laughing. Arabella glared at him.

"Pay him no mind." Arabella said. "Mark, are you ready?" She asked. Mark gave the signal and the two turned to bow to each other. They both drew their swords. Shaun's hands shook as he faced her. "Take a deep breath and calm yourself." She said. "As soon as you are ready attack." She said waiting for him to make the first move. Shaun nodded his head. He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. Everyone held their breath as they waited with excitement. Shaun tightened his grip on his sword and charged forward. Arabella met his attack head on. Her swords rose up to block his. Arabella kicked him in the stomach as she blocked his attack. Shaun staggered back gasping for air. He looked at her with surprise. He had not expected such power in a physical attack. The excitement in her eyes seemed to light a fire in him and he gathered himself and prepared to attack again.

Once again he charged at her. Her swords rose up to block his again this time when she went to kick him back blocked her attack. Arabella grinned up at him and countered with a round house kick. Shaun backed away barely missing her kick. Everyone watched with surprise as Shaun and her battled. Her movements were both graceful and powerful. It was obvious that she had spent many years training. She was more skilled with a sword than most Vosat guards.

Shaun could feel himself being pushed back as her attacks became more and more fierce. His arms were beginning to hurt. She was indeed a formidable opponent. How such a small person had come to acquire such an advanced skill was beyond him but he knew that he never wanted to be on the receiving end of such a dangerous opponent.

"I believe that I said that you could use your magic." Arabella said.


"Do it!" She shouted.

Shaun took a deep breath and stuck out his left hand. He could feel the energy pulsing in the palm of his hand. It flowed out as fire leaped up in front of her. Arabella jumped back to avoid the flames as they came up in front of her. Arabella looked around to weigh her options. She didn't have many as the flames had circled around her. A crazy thought popped into her head as she looked around. She didn't know if she could jump over the fire but the sand on the ground should be enough to create a cover for her.

"What do you think she will do?" One of the guardsmen asked excitedly.

"I don't know. If you ask me she should just surrender. I don't think that she can-" He was cut off mid-sentence when someone shouted.

"She going to run through it?" They asked someone next to them.

"How would I know?" The other guardsmen said excitedly.

Everyone watched with shock as Arabella ran towards the fire and slid legs first into the fire. A few of them gasped in horror expecting a horrible outcome. As she slid on the ground the sand flew up blocking the fire. When she emerged unharmed. Everyone cheered. She had shocked them all by sliding into the fire and even more when she emerged without so much as a scratch.

Arabella's face was covered in soot and dirt but she was elated to finally have a guard spar with her. Even Shaun was so shocked that he actually ran over to her to see if she was okay.

"Lady Arabella, are you okay?" He asked.

"Fine." She said. "Now draw your sword." She said pointing one of her katanas at him. He nodded his head and drew his sword.

The two clashed again as everyone watched. Everyone cheered excitedly as the sparing match came to a close. Arabella and Shaun were both covered in sweat and dirt as they bowed to each other. In the end Shaun couldn't go on any longer but the guardsmen had been impressed while they watched the match. Arabella's chest heaved with each breath she took, but her face glowed under all the dirt and soot. Once she had caught her breath she turned to everyone.

"Thank you for coming to watch us spar. I know that a lot of you have been afraid of sparing with me. I apologize for making you feel that there was no hope in sparing against me. I hope that after seeing this you will believe in yourselves more." She said. "I know that a lot of you think that I probably forced Shaun to spar with me but I didn't. It was requested of him by Lord Genova. However, he asked me to go easy on him when it was time to spar. I want all of you to know that I didn't go easy on him. Instead, I told him that by asking me to go easy on him he wasn't challenging himself and sparing would have no benefit for either of us." She said. Everyone looked at her in embarrassment. "I know that all of you have been too afraid to spar with me but I hope in the future that will change as we work together to push ourselves. I know that it is a lot for this simple and powerless Vosat to ask but I hope that after today you would consider it." She said bowing to them. Everyone flooded into the arena and began to swarm around Shaun and Arabella.

"That was so cool." One of the guardsmen complimented. "I don't see how you could see yourself as a powerless Vosat." She said with bright eyes.

"What do you mean?" Arabella asked.

"I mean, that just because you don't have magic doesn't mean that you are powerless." She said. "If anything you just proved that anyone can be powerful." Her eyes glowed with admiration.

Lord Genova stood in the shadows and watched as everyone willingly approached her. He had hoped that would be the reaction when everyone watched her spar. He had not been disappointed. A wide grin lit up his face. He turned to the two people with him. The Grand Elder and the man next to her watched with faces filled with emotion.

"She's ready." She said. The man next to her nodded. "Soon you the Elite Guards will be able to reunite with her." She said as tears filled her eyes. "And that man as well."

"My queen... my love." He whispered. His hand gripped the hilt of his sword. "Why had she been allowed to take up arms?" He asked. His throat tightened as he stared at her.

"After that night..." The Grand Elder began.

"I see..." He said. "Then I can understand. How is the-"

"It's still there. It's just not as visible anymore." Genova said. The man sighed.

"That scar will haunt me forever." He said as he fingered the scar on his forehead. It had mostly faded and was a small cut compared to the wound that she had received.

"I know." Genova said sadly. "Are you ever going to tell me what happened that night?" He asked.

"Hasn't she told you?" He asked astonished.

"No." Genova said shaking his head. "She won't talk about it. She doesn't remember much, nonetheless what she remembers still haunts her." He said. The man nodded.

"Makes sense." He said. The Grand Elder nodded her head in agreement. "Thank you for looking after her, Grand Elder." He said.

"You're welcome, Young Master. Will you be going?" She asked turning towards him. He nodded his head.

"There was a guy recording that match, right?" He asked.

"Yeah," Genova said. "His name is Mark."

"Request a copy of that for me, please." He said turning away from them. "Grand Elder, I will await the call." He said. She nodded her head.

He left the sparing arena without drawing attention to himself. His heart throbbed at the pain of having to leave without speaking to her but he knew that the time would soon come where he could be with her again. That was all that he dared to hope for in this life. That and nothing more.

"Was it right to let him see that?" Genova asked turning towards the Grand Elder.

"It was the only way to reassure him that she was fine and ready to undertake the task at hand." She said.

"He protested her leaving?" Genova asked with a surprised look on his face.

"Not her leaving. He wanted to be sure that she was ready." The Grand Elder said.

"I think seeing her might have hurt him more." He said cautiously.

"He's been coming to see her secretly for years. He has only been able to watch her from the shadows." She said knowingly.

"Really? I didn't know that." He said.

"Of course not. Your head is filled with nothing but your duty to her." She said turning away from him. "I going to rest. I will see you off in the morning."

The Grand Elder left the arena and returned to her Estate. She knew that Arabella was ready but she hoped that the young girl would be okay on her journey. After watching over her all these years Arabella had become like the daughter she never had.

"She will be okay, Grand Elder." Her assistant said coming to help her back to her room. The old woman nodded her head.

"I know. I just worry." She said.

"Sometimes, you treat her like your daughter." The assistant observed.

"Someone had to." She said. The assistant nodded her head.

"I would like to spar with you." One of the guardsmen said approaching Arabella. "Would you spar with me tomorrow?"

"I'm sorry. I can't. I am leaving the village at first light tomorrow morning. The Grand Elder has assigned me a mission." She said.

"What?" They asked. "We should have spared with you sooner." They said sadly.

"We can spar when I get back." Arabella said.

"Really?" They asked hopefully. Arabella nodded. "Alright! I get to be your first partner when you get back!" He said excitedly.

"When she gets back?" One of the guardsmen asked. Everyone turned towards her.

"What's happening?" Another asked.

"Lady Arabella, are you leaving?" A guardsmen asked. Arabella nodded.

"I promise that I will come back as soon as my mission is over and we can spar then." She said.

Everyone looked at her sadly. They had spent so long being afraid of her that they hadn't realized that she was a really nice person. Now that they were learning this they were disappointed to hear that she was leaving.

As Arabella was about to leave the sparing arena she turned towards everyone one last time. She looked at them nervously. She still felt bad that her request had caused everyone such hardship. She wasn't sure when she would be back and she felt the urge to apologize. Everyone stared at her curiously as they wondered why she was looking at them like that.

"Before I go, I want to apologize. I made a request of the Grand Elder and it has made your job a lot harder." She said bowing her head to them. "I asked the Grand Elder to let the refugees in when they came here. It is my fault that I made things tense. I am very sorry for not considering everyone's position."

"Seeing as how they needed a safe place, I am glad that you sympathized with them." Mark said. "I have talked to a lot of them and they are very nice people who have been wronged by the Council. If not for your kindness, they would have died." He said bowing to her. "If you have a request we will do our best to honor it, even while you are gone." Everyone nodded their heads and bowed as well. Arabella's eyes filled with tears.

"Thank you." She said. "Please allow me to make one request then."

"Anything, Lady Arabella." Shaun said.

"Please continue to look after them in my place." She said bowing to them.

"We will gladly look after them for you." A young woman said smiling.

Arabella nodded and left the sparing arena. Everyone waited until she left then began talking all at once. They wanted copies of the video that had been taken. Mark was suddenly bombarded with requests. Those that wanted a copy of the video lined up to place a request.

That night the whole Vosat guard was buzzing over the sparing match between Shaun and Arabella. No one had seen a sparing match like that before and Mark had caught the whole thing from start to finish.

The following morning Arabella met Genova at the entrance to the Grand Elder's estate. The sun had yet to fully rise and the night's hazy spell was being broken as the sun began to paint a picture of purple, pink, and orange. The Grand Elder was waiting with Genova. The old woman smiled warmly at her.

"I am going to miss you." She said wrapping her in a warm hug. Arabella smiled and hugged her back.

"I will miss you too. I will make sure that I have Genova report back as often as possible." She said with a smile. The old woman nodded.

"Be safe out there." She said to the two of them. Arabella and Genova bowed to her. "Both of you knock that off already." She said. Arabella smiled and kissed her cheek.

"Never." She said cheekily as she waved to the old woman. The Grand Elder laughed and waved at them as they left.

"Are you excited?" Genova asked as they made their way to the village entrance.

"Aren't you?" She asked looking over at him.

"Of course. I am. I have been dying to see something other than a Vosat village." He said with a wink. "What about you? I know that you have been pouring over old maps and books about the world before." He said.

"Are you kidding! I almost couldn't sleep last night." She said excitedly. "I have- What's going on up there?" She asked.

When they got closer to the entrance the Vosat guardsmen were lined up along both sides of the road. Genova shrugged. He had no idea what was going on. He was just as surprised to see the guardsmen at the gate.

"Lady Arabella and Lord Genova, we all came to see you off on your adventure!" Mark said when they saw them. Arabella laughed heartily at the display. Everyone said goodbye and wished them good luck as they passed.

"Thank you, everyone." Arabella said. Her heart was truly touched as she looked upon them. "We will try to be back as soon as possible." She said waving as they left the village. Arabella and Genova looked at each other and laughed. They had not expected such a send off.

"You're quite popular." She said nudging him with her elbow.

"I think that was mainly for you. After yesterday you earned not only their respect but their friendship." He said.

"What?" She asked looking at him. "You saw the whole thing?" She accused.

"Guilty. So did the Grand Elder. We almost had a heart attack when you were surrounded by that fire. I almost stepped in but the Grand Elder was imperative that I stay out of it." He said.

"Yeah. I would have been angry if you had interfered." She said. "Still I can't believe that you bailed on me like that! Everyone practically accused me of forcing Shaun to spar with me." She said.

"I believed that they would understand you after watching the two of you spar." He said. "But what really did it was your encouraging them to push past their limits like that and bowing your head to them like you did earned you their respect and admiration." He said smiling down at her.

"You did that for me?" She asked. He nodded his head. "Thank you, Genova!" She said throwing her arms around him for a hug. He laughed as she put all of her strength into the hug.

What Arabella didn't know is that he had always felt bad that she had been an outcast because of her situation. He wanted to ease her suffering at least a little if he could. He had always tried to make a situation where she could gain friends but most people didn't want anything to do with her since she was a Vosat without power. When she took up the sword he had tried to get people to spar with her but unless it was one of the older guardsmen no one wanted to spar with her. At first they were afraid of hurting her then one of the guardsmen tried to teach her lesson about knowing her place. It had taken all he had not to interfere like the Grand Elder ordered. It was as if the old woman had known that she would win. A little girl of thirteen took out a guardsmen that had been in the Vosat guard for five years. When that happened no one wanted to go near her because they were afraid of her so Genova began to spar with her. Over the years he had seen her grow stronger. She constantly challenged him and he constantly pushed her forward. It had been his job to protect her but he had always seen to her mental and emotional care as well. Yesterday had been his final push at getting people to accept her and it had worked better than he could hope for. He had figured that most of the guardsmen would still be afraid of her. However, almost all that fear had been replaced by respect and admiration. He knew that without a single doubt Arabella would be the kind of queen that would inspire people wherever she went. To him that was a queen worth serving.

After they left the final gate to the Hiroki Village they were greeted with a sparse landscape. They looked around and wondered how the refugees had made it so far in such an unforgiving environment. They shook their heads in wonder at their persistence.

Arabella pulled out her map and looked around. Nothing seemed to match the current landscape. But she noticed something far off in the distance that caught her attention. She looked back down at her map and smiled. She knew that finding their way to the Great Tsaligu would be difficult. As she tucked her map away she vowed that she would see the mission through.

"Which way, Arabella?" Genova asked. Arabella looked up at the sky and smiled.

"West." She said taking a breath to steady her pounding heart.

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