Lectures just ended and three girls meet up at a bus stop and strolls to a restaurant to get some snacks. The security pulls the door inward, letting the young ladies in.
"Hey girls, pick up what you want, anything, it's on me" she said pulling out her purse from her hand bag.
"Ohh really?" She nods in agreement. "Thank you so much babe" Nora thanks her friend while clasping her hands in front of her.
"Thank you Niella" Ariana said gratefully to her friend.
"No problem, order what you want" she signals to them that the sales girl is waiting for them.
"Now, let's see what... " just the three guys walk into the store and Nora draws her words whole staring at them. "Whhhaattt we have hereee"...
"Are you talking to me angel?". The young guy flashed a dashing smile at Nora, winking to complete it all, showing a flash if that teeth.
The girls all look at him, Nora mesmerized by his charm, Ariana not caring too much and Niella just giving a slight smile.
"Hi... "
"Hi, hey... " they all chorused.
"So miss, what would you be having? " the sales girl asked the mesmerized Nora again.
"Lemonade " Nora replied.
"And you miss" she asked Ariana, turning to face her.
"Umm give me an apple juice please"
"Yes miss, and you miss? What are you having?" the sales girl ask one more time.
"I'll take an ice milk shake please "
"All right miss, your order would be right up. I'll be back.
"How about mine angel?" He said looking at Niella.
"All right miss, give them a drink" she spoke politely to the guys".
"For reals?" she simply smiles at them. "Why, thank you miss... "
"I'm Ella"
"Ella as in Emmanuella? " one of the guys asked.
"Misters, could you place your order please" the young sales girl drew their attention back to her as she begged.
"My manners, sorry. I'll get a Pepsi" the first guy said.
"A sprite please" the second guy who asked for her name placed his order.
"I'll have a coke" the third guy said.
"Okay, roger that" the sales girl said and left.
'Thank you very much" the first guy said to Ella.
"Thanks a lot" the other two chorused.
"No problem, you're welcome".
The sale girl return with their orders, there take it and went to sit down.
"I'm Charlie by the way" the first guy introduced himself.
"I'm Daniel, nice to meet you ladies" the second guy also introduced himself adding g some charm to his words.
"My name's Uriel. What are yours? "He asked the ladies sitting in front of them, extending a hand, gesturing for them to continue.
"Hi, I'm Nora, this is Ariana" she said pointing to herself and the girl by her side.
"And this young lady is Niella, the generous lady" she introduced Niella.
"Oh don't mind her please" Niella said trying to brush what Nora said.
"Thought you said your name was Ella" Uriel cut in confused.
"Dude, that's the short for Niella" Charlie said looking at his stupid friend.
"Niella, hmm nice name. But its not common if I do say so myself".
"Actually, my name is Daniella. Shortened to Niella or Ella" she explained to the guys.
"Oh my gosh bro, you've got a female namesake. My friend here, his nickname is Niel" Uriel said hitting his friend on his arm.
"It is nice, I never thought someone else was as creative as I was with names. I'm glad" he said giving her a wink.
"Nice meeting you guys" the girls said.
"Nice making your acquaintance"
"Pleasure is ours"
"Pleasure meeting you as well".
They made small talks as they continue with their drinks and ice cream.