

Playing an ordinary game online to a world that is old and forgotten, exists under the scope of the world as we know it today, a world that has lasted for centuries.

Domswisu · แฟนตาซี
127 Chs

Chapter 82

"Master Tagem please step forward." The man stuck out his hand in my direction.

Taking my steps up the stage towards the Queen stopping within arm's length of her, I kneeled for this was all I could think of doing.

Queen Nancy was uncrossing her legs exposing herself to what seemed to be for my viewing pleasure and mine alone as she rose from her throne. The other two Elders on either side of her wearing their family color robes stepped forward next to Queen Nancy.

"Master Tagem as your maker your mother, it gives me immense pride to bring you into the Derivation. You have passed all the tests that have been brought before you with character. I am proud to call you, my son."

Placing her hand on the top of my head she proclaimed Tagem of MC is official in a family member of the Derivation.

The place erupted as they had done before when the other Ceremony had taken place. The place seemed to move from the roar of all in the stands and on the floor applauded.

Queen Nancy's hand went up with the staff in hand. "We now have a new honor to bestow on Tagem of MC."

"Tagem do you as my son take the new family name that has been bestowed upon you, taking the name to create a new family of the Derivation?" She asked with the intensity that those in the back of the arena could feel. I raised my head" I do mother, I do Elder, and I do my Queen." No noise at all from anyone could be heard within the arena.

"Then from this day forward a new Family will rise, a new King has been born. All greet King Tagem of NewBlood!" shouted out excitedly Queen Nancy of the NC family.

The arena exploded again with a deafening noise that made all the crystal chandeliers shake. Lights shining a spot on me as I rose from my knee embraced Queen Nancy in a hug with a slight passional kiss, turned to the crowd raised my arms yelling as loud as I could "To the NEWBLOODS!".

The place was wild, vampires from all families came up to me congratulating me on the Kingship as the Royals of the families greeted me first of course. But after all the hugs, shaking hands pats on the back, and drinks raised in my honor.

Someone yelled out "Hey are you going to marry?"

A big smile appeared on my face "Only if she wants me?" I yelled back.

Then that opened the gates of the pushing and slaps on the back, well go King and find out as drunken laughter erupted from those around me.