

Playing an ordinary game online to a world that is old and forgotten, exists under the scope of the world as we know it today, a world that has lasted for centuries.

Domswisu · แฟนตาซี
127 Chs

Chapter 56

Daria turned her head positioning herself to look me in the eyes. "I see your dilemma Tagem, but all I can tell you is that it will change your life as you know it. It is up to you how you deal with the change. What I mean is everyday something changes a person at some level. It is the moral compass of that person to deal with that situation.

"Yes, I know that seems to be the story of the day. but what happens at this Ceremony?"

"How am I transformed as you and Vixen say?"

"Ok"! With a sigh, she starts to speak in a hushed tone.

For what I remember is this. Someone within one of the families notices something in a person in the outside world. That person is brought up to a council for review. If he or she passes the first stage, the name is sent to a Gatherer. That person's life is watched over for a certain amount of time. The Gatherer reports back his or her findings relays the report to the first counsel again to determine if the person should be continued to be further examination and that report is sent to the Elders. An Elder will read and agree or disagree with the assessment of the Gatherer. The council will send out a different Gatherer assigned to that person and watch again for a period. Some of the Gatherers have watched others for years and some just a few months. A high rating individual "you in this case" are invited to the Chateau. After further testing during the week unperceived to you as she "winks" If the score you are evaluated at, is high enough, then you are invited for the second week. Usually, the Ceremony is performed by the person who took notice of you in the first place.

"Who was the person that took notice of me?" I looked at her with a sad attempt of sad puppy cuteness on my face. No, it was not me If that is what you are thinking. It was Vixon who loved your presence in the game Utherverse. Once the Gatherer started following you it was clear that the same qualities of your character in the game were the same as your true personality.

When Vixon brought you to my attention and after a year or so brought more attention from others within the family. Vixon and I have not ever had feelings for the same person before, and this attracted others towards you.

The brightness of her facial expression was looking at me as if all explained. All I could do was take a deep breath "Thank you Daria" as I laid my head back down on the pillow. Daria rolled off the bed, grabbed me by the shirt, pulled me up. "Get dressed I will show you around so you can see for yourself what is to come."

The strength she possessed woke me out of my numbness; all I could do was either stand there like a fool or get dressed.

"Ok let's go."