

Playing an ordinary game online to a world that is old and forgotten, exists under the scope of the world as we know it today, a world that has lasted for centuries.

Domswisu · แฟนตาซี
127 Chs

Chapter 127

Elder Nancy showed up for the send-off. I was not surprised. She seemed sorry for our or my departure, I did not know which. I walked over to her dropped my bag from my shoulder to the ground, wrapped my arms around her, not letting her get the chance to deny me. Her hands to her side, she finally placed her arms around me. I will miss our talks you know and do not be a stranger I will expect you up at some time. I kissed her on the lips feeling the pleasure from her kiss and the feelings running through her as my arm tattoo picked the feeling up; I squeezed harder.

Andre waved as we approached the van to take us to the airport. He was a guy of small stature but with a big heart and a smile. He liked to go into the area's history as we passed locations since his other job on land was a tour guide. Pointing out certain legends of this village or that village. Costa Rica was a beautiful place the roads well a different story. Going from a two-lane highway to back road dirt roads made driving in this land impressive indeed. A few hours later after finally reaching the Airport. Andrea called over for the locals to pick up the luggage from the back of the van. We gave our hugs to Andrea walked into the airport with the locals caring our bags behind us, I looked back noticing the Volcanos in the surrounding view simply breathtaking.

Waiting in line to receive our boarding pass proceeded to security as always Catharine was stopped to be patted down. We waited for our flight to arrive so we could board. I checked my phone sent some emails off for work advising all that there will be some changes to come as I have made some contacts while down in Costa Rica.

I am sure I will get the calls or voicemails from Ran about the emails but that can wait till Monday I thought. I looked up and noticed that the plane had arrived and people departing the plane as they made their way to customs and yet no Samantha.

Daria stood up first with plane tickets in hand looked around for Samantha. I could only guess, turned to face us giving us our tickets as the first-class seats started being called for boarding. Catherine placed her electronic device away and grabbed a ticket from Daria. I asked for both to stay and wait until Samantha arrived. They nodded in agreement.

Daria placed her hand on my chest, "you know that is one of the reasons we all fell in love with you." Kissing me then turning her head in the other direction looking for Samantha.

Last call for seating announced Catherine cocking her head to the side. "We have to go, she will have to meet us there," she said it with an annoyed tone in her voice. I gave a sigh, closed my eyes for I would have loved to have gone back home with my girls intact. We walked down the hall heading to the plane. I looked back expecting Samantha to run down the hall with a suitcase in hand but no. Entering the plane, I grabbed the bags from the girls and stored them in the overhead compartments. Daria took the far-left seat, Catherine, placing herself in the far-right position. Closing the compartment after placing the last bag in, I gave one last look at the door being closed with no Samantha running in at the last minute.