

* Sebastian's P.O.V.*

I always feel out of place at these party's, but if I didn't show up my PR manager would kill me. So when I got here I went to see her first. She told me all the people I should talk to and then told me at go and mingle so I did. I made small talk with all the directors and producers I had to then I found myself just wondering around the edges watching people, that's what I usually ended up doing at party's like this. I'm vary awkward in big groups of people and I'm a bit shy, witch is ironic when my job is to be in front of people all the time as an actor. While I was wondering the edges my eyes fell on a girl how also looked out of place, she was just standing twords the back and looked like she was in her own head. I walked twords her but when I got closer to her I noticed something seemed wrong. She looked scared and like she was having a hard time to breath. She was having a panic attack, I've been through this before myself enough times to know, so I went up to her to get her out of here before anyone really noticed. I took her out the back so the paparazzi in the front wouldn't get any pictures when she is in such a vulnerable state. when we got outside she calmed down some and I introduced myself. she closed her eyes and leaned against the wall breathing steadily. I was watching her, I have never seen her before, she was cute. In her heels she was a little shorter then me, she is curvey and fit. she has a beautiful heart shaped face and wavy golden hair that was starting to fall from the clip holding it together. she was unconsciously holding her stomach with one hand and playing with the two rings she had on a necklace with the other.

"How are you doing?" I asked. I thought I glimpsed a small smirk pass her lips when I asked.

"I lost them all." she whispered and I saw tears in the corner of her eyes.

"Do you want to talk?" I asked softly.

"My parents they died in a car crash, and, and..." she muttered trailing off. The tears started to fall down her face and she held her stomach, but she didn't continue. And I wasn't going to ask further she didn't seem like she wanted to say any more about it. She stood up straight, wiped the tears from her face opened her eyes, witch are a bright green, then she looked at me and said " Hi my name is Rosemary, and thank you."

I chuckled softly " Nice to meet you. and what for?"

" For listening, and getting me out of there." she said looking away from me embarrassed.

" Hay, anytime you want to talk I'll listen." I said with a shy smile. " and I should be thanking you for getting me out of there." she giggled in response and looked down but not before I saw the hint of a smile on her face. Great now I'm embarrassing myself. " So why are you here? I've never seen you at one of these before." I asked cuz I didn't recognize her from anywhere.

" I'm new in town and my friend had to work to put this together and she invited me and I didn't want to be alone. But I'm not so good with big crowds." she responded and looked down embarrassed again. " There I go rambling again." she said with a laugh. "I need to be heading home now, thank you again."

She seems nice I like her laugh " If are paths cross again and you want to talk I will listen." I said smiling at her. " Would you like me to walk you home?" I asked

" No, you should go back in there people will notice you gone I will text my friend so she doesn't worry about me leaving" she said a little sadly. I was worried for her but I got the feeling she wouldn't let me help her and I knew she was right that I should get back in the party before people noticed I was gone or questions would be asked.

" be careful out there and take care of yourself" I told her as she started to walk off.

" I always have" she replied with a wink and she left and I went back inside with a smile.