
New World: Becoming The Harem King

After dying, Darius transmigrated in another world. A world that existed only in fantasies. Now he was forced to accept a system against his will. And will be forced to have a harem against will. "Why does this all happen to me only, when there are so many perverts out there?" He cried in fake sadness. (The cover does not belong to me. I can remove if you don't want it here.) Join the discord: https://discord.com/invite/Pvezz2kU

RipplingLake · แฟนตาซี
31 Chs

Truly an otherworldly delicacy.

They arrived at the dining area. The two dragged the chairs and sat beside each other. The air was occupied with the sweet, gentle hum of Fiona, together with the delicious smell of food being made.

Darius gazed at Fiona's beautiful back; going around the small kitchen, cooking on a firewood stove with great care and experience.

Her ears picked up their arrival.

"Have you had a good rest, Darius?" She asked.

"Yes, of course." He replied.

His mind was becoming numb to the sounds and talk from Tiara. Steadily entering a state of trance where he saw nothing but his loveable, ravishing, most adorable Fiona cooking food for him.

Chin resting between his palms, colours becoming vibrant, petals of beautiful rose like feathers in the air, in this place there was only him and his most graceful Fiona.

It mattered not that she had a daughter of marriageable age, a daughter who was seemingly only a few years younger than him.

At the same time, Tiara was speaking to him but realising that her words did not get a reply, she noticed his inattention. Seeing his smiling expression, she followed his gaze to the origin of his distraction, finding at the opposite point her mother. She felt a bit strange.

Her hand waved in front of him with her calling his name gently, "Darius."

No response. She held his shoulder, trying again a bit loudly, "Darius."

She felt annoyed. At last, she shook him hard and screamed, "Darius!"

The other occupiers of the room flinched at the loud voice. Darius, startled out of his world of imagination, looked at Tiara whose mouth had puckered into a pout.

"What?" Said he, calmly. She almost gave him a heart attack.

"Don't scream, Tia!" Fiona also had a mini heart attack. This action of her daughter deserved some firm reprimand, "Now come here and help me serve these."

"Sorry." Tiara apologised, guiltily. She stood up and went to help her mother, along the way giving him a frustrated stink-eye.

Soon, the table had food on it; three bowls filled with some meat and broth with a plate filled with fruits. He did not know what meat it was, nevertheless, the smell and appearance were appetizing.

He spooned a piece of meat and some broth while gratefully saying, "Thank you for the food, Fiona."

"Thanks, Mommy." Tiara also said.

"You're welcome." She chuckled, "Now, don't talk while eating."

When he put the food in his mouth, his taste buds and his mind were attacked by deliciousness. He had never eaten a food this delectable.

"This is good." Darius complimented.

"Thanks." Fiona said, smiling, "Eat up, there's more if you want more."

"Do you like it?" Tiara asked him, perplexed by his words.

"Yeah. It is quite tasty. I've never eaten something this delicious before." Darius said, happily.

Tiara looked at him funny, "Are you serious?"


"But this is goblin meat, it never tastes good no matter how you prepare it." She said. Not able to comprehend his words.

Darius' spoon stopped before it entered his mouth. His eyes scanned the piece of meat on the spoon intently, "This is Goblin Meat?"

Fiona felt that her daughter said too much. People do not eat goblin meat ever. A goblin's very appearance made people dissuade from trying to eat it. Knowing this, she decided to not tell Darius what it was. The man needed nutrition to recover faster, she could not have him die because he refused to eat.

At this time, she wanted to smack her daughter right now. However, before she say anything, she heard Darius.

"Wow! I never expected Goblin Meat to be this good." He put the spoon in his mouth, once again eating the food with the same fervour as before.

Fiona was shocked to see him not bothered by the knowledge that it was goblin meat. She had a strong feeling that he would not eat this, but fortunately, that was not the case.

However, she did wonder about why he was not bothered. Her question was understandable. After all, she did not know that Darius was not picky about the food. As long as the food supplied his body with the necessary nutrition then the taste mattered not.

This mentality he had developed during the early years of his childhood when he lived on the streets due to being an orphan. His orphanage, which was in a church, did not provide food to him due to his "satanic beliefs". Believing him to be a Satan worshipper, just because he did not believe in Christianity.

As such he got used to eating food from garbage, and miraculously he never got sick.

The three had finished the lunch without any further disturbances. Darius felt full and content. Once again showing his gratefulness towards Fiona, "Thanks again, Fiona."

"Don't worry about it," Fiona said, happy to see that he enjoyed her food. "Look at him, Tia. See how he ate his food without complaint, you need to learn that."

"But Mommy~ it tastes really bad." Tiara whined, thinking it was unfair to her.

"No complaints." Fiona firmly scolded.

Tiara again looked at him with frustration, this was the third time today that she got scolded because of him.

When he looked at her, she turned away, "Hmph!"

He shook his head. Tiara really was a child in an adult body. He wondered why that was when he remembered the things that he wanted to ask Fiona.


"Yes, Darius."

"There is something that I wanted to ask. Can you answer some of the questions?"

"Of course, Dear. Ask away." She smiled, sitting back on the chair after gathering the dishes and putting them outside the entrance somewhere.

Tiara was also there curious about the conversation that was about to occur.

"I noticed when talking to Tiara, why are you two the only ones living in this village?" He asked, seriously.