
New Oasis: Game Creator System

"There have been rumors, or rather, a myth," Malachi began, the hostility in the air dissipating slightly. "World after world drawn into the sacred grounds of this oasis, the same myth emerges—a tale of an irregular, a player unbound by the rules of floors and reality." After developing what would become the biggest VR game in the world at a young age, Ivan's rise to success was rapid, but his fall was just as quick. Betrayed and having everything taken away from him, he decides to enter the now-dangerous game he had created in search of power, risking death and permanent entrapment. However, he soon finds out the game has become far more than what he thought he made. Lines between worlds blur, and his goals go from revenge to survival, to regaining his position as a god. A god of a reality that is far more than just a game. [Game developer Level 2 skill: Crafting is now unlocked] ------- A/N: Ivan is neither a hero nor a villain; he is willing to do anything for personal gain, regardless of morality. He won't commit evil deeds without reason, but he won't hesitate to do them when necessary. The story starts with a basic plot and might seem like a typical "level up" story, but it's actually way more than that. You'll realize this within just a few chapters. The entire plot is a complex storyline shrouded in mystery. The true core of the story gradually unravels along the way, filled with unexpected twists and turns. I hope you enjoy the story. Thank you for reading!

omitted · แฟนตาซี
83 Chs

A mighty Craftsman

Ivan's chest heaved with heavy breaths as he absorbed the information presented before him in the form of blue notifications. His fingers instinctively stroked his chin, a habitual gesture that accompanied his thoughtful analysis of his newfound rewards.

[Dungeon Explorer (Completed) | Reward: E Rank mana potion]

[First Blood (Completed) | Reward: 100 XP]

[Slain boss reward: 1000 XP]

[Game developer Level 2 skill: Craftsman is now unlocked]

Most of the rewards were expected, as they were all part of Ivan's carefully devised plan. However, his curiosity about the game developer class and its skills remained unsatisfied. With a sense of anticipation, he tapped on the newly unlocked skill, eagerly delving into its details.

[<Craftsman> Game Developer has the ability to create or merge any weapon in-game at the cost of XP. Weapons will not exceed the skill's rank. The skill's rank can be increased through consistent crafting and an increase in Game Developer level.]

Rank: D (Can only choose from a list of craftable weapons until the skill reaches B rank)]

A glimmer of intrigue danced in Ivan's eyes as he absorbed the implications of the Craftsman skill. It was an ability he knew was absent from the game before, offering him a newfound avenue for personalization and power. With a sense of determination, Ivan's finger hovered over the "Craft Weapon" button.

A cascade of possibilities unfurled before him as an extensive list of F to D Rank weapons materialized on the screen.

After an extensive search, Ivan's eyes finally stumbled upon a weapon that resonated with his plans, surpassing the typical power expected of a D Rank. The spear's attributes seemed almost too extraordinary for its assigned rank, aligning perfectly with Ivan's intentions.

[Spear (Rank: D+) (ATK: 10)]

When used to attack from a high place, the user's fall damage reduces by 90% and the spear's ATK increases by 100%. All and only D Rank or lower mobs within a 20-meter radius will be instantly killed by the resulting shockwave.

The screen prompted, [Would you like to craft this weapon?]

Without hesitation, Ivan clicked "yes," initiating the five-minute crafting process.

[Crafting will finish in 4:52]

The countdown commenced, allowing Ivan a moment to glance up and observe his teammates tending to each other's wounds. Although he recognized the invaluable support they had provided, a faint sense of satisfaction filled him. The decision to not form a party with them meant he could keep his precious XP exclusively for himself.

"They must have received some stat boosts," Ivan mused to himself as he approached the three players, returning Eline's bow to her outstretched hands. His gaze shifted to Diorzo and Denvar, acknowledging their resilience in battle.

"Thank you, we fought well," Ivan said, his tone filled with encouragement.

Diorzo's expression grew stern as he addressed an important matter. "I have a lot of questions, but first, our hp has dropped. Heal us."

"Oh, that," Ivan responded, retrieving three health potions from his inventory. He tossed a potion to each of his companions, urging them to drink.

Eyes widening with surprise, Denvar caught the potion and hesitated. "Are you crazy? These potions are incredibly valuable. Some players don't even use theirs throughout the tutorial, and you're just giving us all three of yours?"

Ivan shrugged, a nonchalant smile playing on his lips. "I don't value them that much."

Denvar's suspicion lingered as he questioned Ivan's abilities as a healer. "But wouldn't it be smarter for you to heal us instead? Or did you lie about being a healer? Because you definitely don't fight like one."

A fake flicker of annoyance danced in Ivan's eyes as he lied again, yet maintaining his composure, offering another explanation. "Of course, I didn't lie. It's just that I used all my mana to defeat the orc boss. I won't be able to heal anyone for a while."

Leaving his teammates to process this information, Ivan turned his attention to the fallen Orc Boss. He bent down, struggling to lift the large sword that lay beside the creature's lifeless form.

[Head Splitter (Weapon of Grommash, the Brutal) Rank: C]

"Ah, I remember now. It was ranked C. I truly made a wise choice by coming here," Ivan remarked, a hint of satisfaction in his voice. The weapon disappeared into his inventory as he stowed it away.

"But it's far too heavy for me to use at the moment. I'll sell it once the store opens," Ivan continued, dusting his hands off as if signifying the completion of his work.

His teammates exchanged glances, a mix of curiosity and uncertainty clouding their expressions. Ivan's actions and explanations left them wondering about his true capabilities and intentions.

"Alright, are you guys ready to move? The others should be arriving soon," Ivan asked, his gaze fixed on his teammates.

"Why should we trust you? You just put our lives in danger," Eline voiced the concerns shared by Diorzo and Denvar.

"I didn't put your lives in danger. I had a plan, and the plan worked," Ivan defended himself, his tone confident.

"And why should you trust me? Well, just look at you. You now have better weapons, improved stats from facing a boss, and an extra health potion. I know this game better than all of you. Follow my lead, and I'll help you grow faster than you could imagine," Ivan explained, attempting to recruit allies who could assist his quick growth through the tutorial. Though he harbored no genuine concern for their well-being, he understood that if they could keep up with him, they would undoubtedly experience significant growth as well.

The three players pondered Ivan's words, engaging in a silent discussion among themselves. After a moment, they reached a decision.

"So, what's our next move?" Diorzo inquired.

"For now, we wait for the rest to arrive," Ivan replied. As if on cue, a commotion and the voices of other players could be heard from below the ledge.

"It seems they've arrived," Ivan noted, pointing to a narrow road leading downwards.

"Follow that path. It will take you to the rest of the group below," Ivan instructed.

"And what about you?" Eline asked, curiosity evident in her voice.

"I'll be taking a different route," Ivan replied, his eyes briefly glancing at the craft timer, which now had only ten seconds remaining.

Without further questions, the rest of Ivan's team followed the route he indicated, making their way to join the larger group. Meanwhile, Ivan's mind focused on the completion of his craft.

[The spear has been crafted successfully. Please give it a name.] A notification appeared before Ivan, prompting him to christen his newly crafted weapon.

"Considering what I'm about to do, let's call it the Orc Killer," Ivan suggested with a mischievous grin.

[(Orc Killer) Rank D+] has been added to your inventory.

Ivan retrieved the spear from his inventory and swung it around, testing its weight and balance. The clamor of battle grew louder below the ledge, drawing his attention.

Approaching the edge, Ivan peered down at the group of players engaged in a fierce struggle against a horde of low level orcs. They appeared to be getting overwhelmed and possibly on the brink of defeat.

"Well, here we go," Ivan muttered to himself, determination flickering in his eyes. With a swift motion, he launched himself off the ledge, hurtling towards the ground below.

As Ivan made contact with the floor, a resounding boom echoed through the air. His spear struck the ground, releasing a devastating shockwave that tore through the surrounding orcs, rending them to pieces.

The other players, stunned by his sudden entrance and the overwhelming power of his attack, gazed at Ivan in utter disbelief. His calculated and audacious move had turned the tide of battle in an instant.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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