
New life in Harry Potter

one day someone was checking out their backyard yard roller coaster when they died. Now through a fit of laziness and backstabbing our protagonist is remade and reincarnated in an HP universe with a few perks. now the question is which one? maybe it's a compilation of several. Will Dumbledore be a leader of the light or a person in search of a bashing? *Future pairings Fleur,Patil twins, Daphnee Green grass, A hufflepuff, and 3 others. kind of leaning towards Nagini, Belatrix, And.... Narcissa.

TobascoDragoon · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
10 Chs


'It's dark.'

I opened my eyes

'it's still dark'

I closed my eyes

'Nope still dark'

I open my eyes and that's when the memories hit me

being born, bright lights, fuzzy people, tired.

Going home. Mom has red hair, she's pretty, her green eyes seem to glow. So that's where I got it from

Dad has dark hair, its messy. He's got hazel eyes.

I'm happy.

Time goes by.

New people. One is scruffy, the other looks like he's a bum that takes care of his stuff, everything he wears is worn but serviceable. One is a fat man who seems to be hunched over and scared of everything. I don't like him.

The scruffy one transformed into a dog.

Full moon, Dad and uncles leave. Dad turns in to a Hind. like the one from the picture book Mom reads to me.

I didn't see Fat-Man.

A greasy man shows up and has tea with Mom after a short conversation he left.

Mom shows me a bit of magic. Transforming lights into different shapes and has them gallivant around me. I had a big happy face. Mom had a big happy face.

I fell asleep in Mom's lap.

Time goes by.

Dad conjurers a saddle and puts it on a scruffy dog called Padfoot. Mom calls him Bad-Dog. I go for a ride. It was fun. We ran up walls, across water, over ceilings, and then we flew. I got tired and fell asleep.

Time goes by

It was Christmas. It was my birthday. Too many decorations.

Padfoot got me a training broom. I scared the cat. It was not happy. I broke a vase Dad was happy, Mom told me not to do it again, but they didn't like that one anyway.

A short man who had a big nose and ears came by with more presents along with a tall woman who walked very formally. Mom gave me to the tall woman, and I stole her hat. It was great. I fell asleep.

When I woke up, I was in the hat and being carried by the short man. The Fat-Man who is called Peter, and the worn man called Remus were there as well.

Time goes by

It's the full moon again. Dad and Uncles are gone again. The greasy man shows up. He gives Mom a warning. She gets scared and sends the greasy man away. Mom starts to make a plan, opening book after book. Reading and writing a great deal of things into a notebook.

Time goes by

Mom is drawing stuff on the floor in a variety of substances. Dad is keeping me occupied. Once Mom declares when she is done, Dad gives me to Mom, and she draws things on me with more of the weird stuff.

She doesn't want me playing with it.

Once she is done Dad and Mom cut their right hand and use their left hand to draw lines on my head and dots and a circle on my hands. Then they bleed into a bowl, mixing their contributions, they then draw a line, in a circle, in a triangle. All in one stroke. Never crossing their lines but touching where they meet. Mom places me in the diagram on the floor. Dad and Mom go to either side and start chanting and waving their sticks, no, wands around. Lights trail after the light points of the wands. Their hands are still bleeding while holding their wands. The falling blood seems to light up and vanish before it touches the ground. The diagram around me begins to light up. Once its all light up and a crescendo is about to happen I fall asleep.

Time passes

Padfoot comes by. Dad and Mom have a serious discussion. Padfoot seems honored. Dad picks me up and hands me to Mom Padfoot puts his hand on me. Dad asks a bunch of questions with his wand out and with each answer he flashes a white light. With a final question he glows a bit longer before he picks me up and spins me around and around and I threw up on him. Find out he's called Sirius but he's not verry serious.

Time goes by

Fat-Man, tall man with big beard, Sirius show up.

They get together and Big-Beard has everyone gather out side then he does some stuff.

He asked a question after a bit of debate they pick Fat-Man. Big-Beard does some more stuff before pointing at Fat-man. Big-Beard is tired

'Strange I know Home is nearby we didn't go that far but its not here. I wonder where.'

The Fatman say's some stuff to every one.

'Home is right there. Why would I think it was someplace else?'

Everyone except Big-Beard goes back inside, I see Beg-beard disappear with a colorful red bird on his shoulder.

Everyone seems sad. Then the serious Sirius gets up to his antics placing smiles on every one's face. After a bit Fat-Man and Dog-Father leave. Mom and Dad Cuddle with me in their bed. I'm Happy.

Time goes by

There is a loud noise. Dad is yelling at Mom. Both seems to be in a panic. I hear my name several times. There is fighting, kind of like that movie where people were shooting glowing lights at each other. After a minute it gets quiet. A glowing shape comes thru the floor and gives me a hug before fading away.

Footsteps approach us. Mom tries to do something I feel a bit of a shake, but nothing happens. Mom puts me in my crib. She faces the door with her wand out. With a few flick of the wand some drawings on the floor is covered up. The door is thrown from its frame revealing A Bad-Man. Mom pleads with the Bad-Man 3 times the man says something back. He raises his wand and a green light comes out hitting Mom in the chest. Another glowing shape appears by splitting off from Mom. It gives me a hug. I hug it back. Its about to leave when I hug it back with a cry and a plead for it not to go. Something from inside reacts and holds it with me. The Bad-Man comes over to me and sends another green bolt at me. The room explodes. I feel a pain on my head.

Time goes by

I'm outside in a basket Infront of a door. Glow-Mom is still with me. She seems dimmer. I cry. I'm not happy.

After a bit a tall lady comes outside and picks me up. A fat man with a walrus mustache grabs the letter from my basket and they both read it. There is shouting between the two. Finally the Walrus man calls a 3 digit phone number. He yells at the person on the other side. After a few minutes he hangs up and every one waits. 20-ish minutes later he calls again and yells at the other side. He seems a bit worried. He repeats what he said earlier. 30 minutes later the two of them are really worried they keep looking at the door. The Walrus-Man puts me in a tiny room under the stairs.

Are we playing hide and seek?

Time goes by

I learn to walk. I get punished for making noise. I get punished for making a mess. I get punished for touching things. I get punished for asking questions. They call me freak. I thought I was called Harry.

Time goes by

I can no longer see Glow-Mom. I think she is still there. I'm not sure.

Time goes by

Aunt Petunia teaches me to cook.

If I mess up, I am punished. If I burn it, she shows where I went wrong while it's still cooking then makes me eat it. If I put too much spice, she has me eat a teaspoon, so I know what it tastes like. If I take too long Aunt petunia takes over and makes me eat the raw ingredients separately. Raw meat is the worst.

Time goes by

Uncle Vernon had a bad day at work. He comes home in a mood. he's 30 minutes early. The floor is still wet near the edge from when I washed it. Vernon slips and falls. He gets back up. His face is red. He pulls off his belt…

Time goes by

I'm in my cupboard I hurt every where. My arm is bent. I pass out when I move it.

Time goes by

It has been a day. My arm is better. Aunt petunia and Uncle Vernon are having a whispered discussion. Aunt petunia sounds worried.

Time goes by

After a few days of recovery aunt petunia puts me back to work. This time I'm helping out in the garden. I get punished for goofing off. I get punished for digging too deep. I get punished for digging too shallow. I get punished for stepping on plants. I get punished for not pulling out the weeds. I get punished for not tidying up the ground near the weeds I pulled. I get punished for putting too much feed in the watering container. I get punished for putting too little feed in the container. I get punished…

Time goes by

I wake up

"Fuck. I'm Harry potter."

In my defence it was Thursday when I started to edit this.

this Chapter is 1500+ words

My eventual Harem will have Bellatrix, Flure, and one girl from each house. But not Luna. She is the NPC I will be throwing in when the MC and Co. get stuck, or need a helping hand.

3rd person will begin eaither next chapter or the one after that.

See you all Monday.

TobascoDragooncreators' thoughts