
New Life as a Demon

This is my first try! Ben and his sister died by a Car accident but suddenly ben awoke again... He awoke as a small creature a low rank demon in the abyss and has to fight every day now to survive and she became.... Picture from: pixabay!

nait993 · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs

War is coming!

Ben got struck by a sudden thought as he woke up!

'I am naked! I was naked the whole time!' He facepalmed.

'Yesterday as i was looking for food saw clothes somewhere here.' Ben thought as he was randomly opening some drawers.

With his newly grown body, the clothes of the man should fit him somehow. Ben also had the thought to make him some clothes with the system but let go of that though he does not want to use souls for simple clothes and clothes with things like defense+ or extra regeneration would at least cost him quite a few souls and he didn't have them right now!

So for now the used brown pants should do the job Ben also attached the shortsword to his hips with a leather belt he took from the man's body.

'there must be a way to get a lot of souls at once derail a train or so.'

Ben sighed as he walked out of the house to harvest more souls.

In the capital city of Lodos, a man in plate armor was kneeling in front of a Throne breathing heavily.

"Your majesty... the demons haa haaah haaa... they are marching in the direction of yarg."

The stout but tall man on the throne gestured the Knight to leave.

"You shall go now! Call the general of the royal knights, The royal tactical officer, and the head of the church we will discuss our actions in the afternoon!" He said in a serious tone when he got up to leave.

In a forest not far from the tiny village or better the few houses that Ben visited a young hunter was peeing as he heard footsteps coming closer from behind him.

"You don't have to come and get me i left not even 2 minutes ago old ma.... argh...!" With a shocked expression on his face, he looked down at the blood-covered blade protruding from his chest.

'And this is number two!'

Ben exclaimed in his thoughts with a sinister grin.

'This takes way too long!'

"AAAAAHHHHHH! D.... D.... DEMON!" A young woman in a brown dress dropping her basket of mushrooms screamed not too far away from Ben she turned around and started to run but quickly Ben caught up her.

'So typical! She just tripped!' Ben was about to rip her throat when she hit him as hard as she could with a piece of wood.

"AAAAHHH!" He screamed in pain as he rolled on the ground holding his forehead. The girl runs after struggling to get up.

'Lead the way girl, Lead the way!' Ben grinned as he got up and follow the young woman keeping a good distance.

Ben grinned as he got up and follow the young woman keeping a good distance. Ben was actually never a good actor even though he was in school in the theater class but he was always able to adapt very quickly and almost immediately. So together with his new character and mindset as a demon, it was even easy for him to kill the freshly hatched little demons and eggs at the beginning. And now he pretended to be hurt to get the girl to show him where her home is to find more prey or at least a direction where he should go.

'No way i would do that!' Ben thought.

As he followed the girl over a hill he found himself staring down at a town surrounded by a wall made out of stone he turned around.

He camped in the forest near the town to make up a plan. Two days passed like that sometimes guarded carriages passed by or adventurer parties Ben didn't attack them he just couldn't tell how strong they were.

He could only kill 4 hunters and an unlucky guy who was chopping down a tree immediately he devoured the souls of them and felt his strength grow.

'Not enough! maybe i should get another strengthening potion.' Ben thought to himself while scratching his chin.

"AAAAAHHHH!" He got ripped out of his thoughts by a piercing pain in his left arm. There was a wound on his shoulder a deep scratch as he turned around he was greeted by a man in leather armor with a sword charging at him. Ben could barely dodge as a fireball flew past him. Ben was surprised he never saw magic till now. Ben took a quick look around he was surrounded! to his right was a woman clothed in green with brown pants with an arrow knocked on her bow to his left the man with the sword and behind a hip high bush was a man in a red coat with a hood on.

The man with the sword charged again with a slash from the right Ben jumped back but got grazed on the shoulder he jumped to the left just to the right time as an arrow flew past him right there where he stood a second before. He slashed his claws at the man's face.

"AHHHH" he screamed in pain and fell to the ground.

"Marcus no!" The woman screamed out as she knocked another arrow.

Ben wanted to take out the archer first because she was the most annoying when he saw a light in the corner of his eyes the mage conjured another fireball. Ben ran in a half-circle away from him and in the direction of the archer.

"FIRE! Just shoot him!" The archer screamed while she threw her bow and the arrow in the dirt and took out a dagger.

"But i could hit you!" The mage complained!

"I will be fine! just kill him!"

Ben was just a few steps away from her as the fireball flew off he could only shield himself with his arms and got knocked back a few meters.

"RAAAAAWRR!!" Ben angrily roared while getting up again but at this moment the archer tackled him down again she grabbed the dagger with both hands and raised it high above her head. When she brought it down Ben caught her arms with the tip of the blade only a few centimeters away from his throat but Ben was way stronger than her and easily pushed her arms up again when she suddenly started to glow.

'A buff!' Ben thought angrily.

The dagger got closer to him again.

*CRACK* A loud hearable cracking was heard as her arms broke. It seems her muscles got stronger because of the buff but not her bones.

"AAAAAAAAHHHHH" She screamed in pain falling to his side. Ben reacted quickly and slashed her throat. When Ben saw light in the corners of his eyes again he instantly dodged and ran over to the mage. The mage was easy to defeat in close combat and Ben made it quick. Ben wanted to finish the swordsman off but he was gone. He didn't think much about it when he satisfied noticed that his body began to heal itself.

Just as Ben happily collected the two souls and put them into the system storage he heard steps from behind him.

When turning around he saw the same sight as too the beginning of the fight a man with a sword charging at him.

"You will pay for what you did damn demon!" The man roared with a downward slash but this time was different Ben took a step to the side and slashed the man's leg and stomach. With a pained cry, the man fell allowing Ben to jump on him and rip out his guts.

When Ben searched the bodies for useful stuff he found four little bottles with red liquid inside.

When Ben put them into his storage they were labeled as healing potions.

With that Ben was in a rather good mood besides the surprise attack on him.

Ben stayed in this forest for around a week nearly every day adventurers or hunters or even normal people came by most of them met Ben and never returned.

He didn't hesitate to use some of the souls to craft a fruit that gives him the ability to speak as the system told him human souls are worth more than demon souls and he would just need 10 to craft it. Out of thin air, a banana appeared in his hands that he instantly ate. After that with the 6 souls he had from before he had 18 left and devoured them instantly!

"My name is Saarog i like cheese! YEAAAAAH! Hahaha finally!" He screamed out in joy not wanting to be mute anymore.

He also didn't want to wait till he ranks up because he could only do that in the abyss. Ben happily spend the whole day speaking out his thoughts and talking to himself when he suddenly heard voices.

"Did you hear that demons are building a camp near yarg?"

"What? Dammit has it something to do with the people vanishing in this forest?"

"Maybe! I also heard that the church wants to send someone to investigate this!"

"Hello, humans! My name is Saarog I came here to steal all your souls!"

Ben said with a friendly tone.

"Oh shit! RUN!" The short hunter with a bow screamed out and started to run. While the second a fat and tall man with a beard and two rabbit carcasses hun on his shoulders froze in place.

Ben just left! He just wanted to check if the humans can understand him. Obviously, they did! Demons speak the language of the soul so they can speak and understand any intelligent being would be bad if you summon a succubus and can't tell her all the kinky and lewd stuff she should do right?

Ben went to sleep in a little cave he found a few days ago and when he woke up 2 days later he walked north. He decided to join the fun! War means souls and Ben wanted them!


Name: Ar'ath.... Saarog (Ben)

Race: Low-Rank Demon 3

Power: 320

Magic: 0

Souls : 0


He was now a Level 3 Low-Rank demon his horns are now as long as a finger and he got even stronger and more muscular! Until he ranks up he wants to improve his body as much as possible before he concentrates on magic!


nait993creators' thoughts