
New Life as a Demon

This is my first try! Ben and his sister died by a Car accident but suddenly ben awoke again... He awoke as a small creature a low rank demon in the abyss and has to fight every day now to survive and she became.... Picture from: pixabay!

nait993 · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs

Meet the Angels

Author Notice:

Wow! I can't believe that nearly 100 people put this novel in their library. Thank you! This is for you, a slightly longer chapter. Sorry for not posting for more than a month, but i am working so many that i could only write a little every day.

Ben made a big cross on the file and put it away when he suddenly heard a voice calling out.

"Kitty? Come here, Kitty!" A female voice called out.

"Nemu? Did beg some humans for food?" Ben looked annoyed at Nemu, who was perking up her ears when she heard her name being called.

"AH! It must be that angel that tried to pat me! Who would have known she would follow me!" Nemu said, slightly annoyed.

"*sigh* Just go and distract her, i am going to hide!"

"But master..."

"GO! You led her here! You distract her! Maybe you get some pieces of information out of her." Ben said in a commanding tone and pointed into an alleyway right next to him. Nemu quickly jumped off the girl's lap and walked unwillingly into the alleyway, mumbling something Ben couldn't understand and didn't care about.

Ben rubbed his hands and looked at the girl that was silently sitting in the corner.

"Hmm, i didn't even ask you for your name, but well as i said you are going to help me!" Ben walked up to her, which made her flinch. With a snap of his fingers, Ben's body started to turn into black mist.

"L... Lisa... it's Lisa..." The girl answered shyly, but got interrupted by thick black smoke that made its way down her throat.

Possessing a Human is an inborn ability that any demon possesses; this is mostly used by weak demons to not get caught before they finish their job. In this process, the body of the demon turns into magical energy and forces itself into the body like air into a balloon. As long as the body is strong enough, any demon can possess a Human, Elf, and so on...

But if the demon is too strong for the Body, it will just burst like an overinflated balloon. Just imagine sitting in a restaurant and BOOM, flesh and blood everywhere! Lisa's Body was perfect for Ben, so he chose her to accompany him as a safety measure.

Ben opened his or her eyes and was surprised he had never possessed someone before, but it feels not as weird as he thought. Ben stood up and walked up and down, made a few jumps, and touched his chin in thought.

"ARGH! Fuck what is this?" Ben felt a burning pain in his lower back as if someone had stabbed him. When Ben reached for that spot, he felt a bump.

Ben completely forgot that humans that are possessed sometimes have the traits of demons, so it was only natural that either wings, horns, or like in Ben's case, a tail would grow. After around 5 minutes, when the pain subsided, a young black-haired woman walked up to a blonde angel hugging a cat with his tail wrapped around his waist.

"Hey Nemu, so here are you! It is not good to beg strangers for food!" Ben tried his best to sound natural. Startled, the young angel looked up and saw the young woman coming to her with a smile.

'Damn it! I said you should distract her and not let her hug you!' Ben thought to himself, annoyed.

"OH, so this is your cat? She is just so cute that i couldn't help and had to pat her..." The blonde angel kept on talking in a cheery tone while patting Nemu. Ben kept acting and talking to the girl while checking the surroundings to see if there were more angels. He was still not sure how strong this angel was and how many there were.

After finishing chatting, Ben and Nemu walked along the street away from the angel when she called out to them one last time.

"Bye! Oh, i hope we meet again! Ah, and my name is Mia, by the way!" She shouted and waved them off. Ben froze for a second.

'Wait, Mia? No, it can't be her, but she really reminds me of her!' Ben thought when he continued to walk down the road. After Ben walked for a few minutes, he reached a bus stop and sat down on a bench and took out a file and read through it.

Name: Rarth Hazelance

Age: 33

Job: Mercenary/ Support mage

In the upper right corner of the first page was a picture of a skinny man with long brown hair.

"Nemu! From here on we separate! You will go to his house and i will check the mercenary guild and a few other places." Ben showed the picture and a map to Nemu. The small black cat tilted her head slightly when she looked at the map and then nodded. Nemu jumped down from the bench and quickly vanished into an alleyway.

When Ben was alone, he decided to collect some souls while he would look for his target. Ben stood up and stretched himself out when he suddenly heard a voice to his left.

"Uhm... h… Hey." A male voice said shyly. When Ben turned his head, a short and skinny boy stood next to him, whose curly and unkempt brown hair covered his eyes.

"Hey! Can i help you?" Ben said, smirking and trying not to laugh because he already knew what the boy wanted. He was in the body of a beautiful young woman, after all. This was perfect, Ben also wanted to find out if his Powers were affected by Possession.

"Ahm... i... i just want to tell you that i like you... and... and..."

"Okay! Let's just do it! Come with me!" Annoyed, Ben grabbed the boy by his arm and pulled him into the alleyway Nemu had used just a minute ago.

"Hey, What are you going to do?" The young man asked in surprise.

"I am going to squeeze a part of your body with my hands till the rest of it goes limp!" Ben said in a playful voice and chuckled.

"You... you are going t... to squeeze my d... dick?" The young man stuttered with a face as red as a strawberry.

"HAHAHA! That's not what i said." Ben laughed.

Ben pushed the young man against the wall just to lay his hands around his neck and squeeze the life out of him.


Circling a small house in a quieter part of town, Nemu searched for a place to hide. She decided to climb the tree in the front yard; from this spot she had a good look at the entrance and the street. Even after 2 hours, nothing happened, and the sun already started to set, making the shadow of the tree longer and longer when suddenly someone turned the light on inside the house.

'Was this guy at home the whole time?' Nemu questioned herself when she stood up and stretched herself.

With quick feline movements, she climbed down the tree and walked to the door. Her fur-covered ears twitched when she heard footsteps from the inside coming closer. The door opened and a middle-aged blonde woman with a strange bag in one of her hands walked out. She didn't seem to notice her; she walked to the street and threw the bag into a trash can. At that point, Nemu quickly snuck into the house.

'So this is where humans live?' Nemu was surprised at first about the strange things in this house, but she couldn't care less when she suddenly smelled something delicious.

Nemu followed the smell into another room and saw a plate with meat on a table.

"Oh, it seems i have a guest tonight!" Nemu was just about to jump on the table when a female voice startled her.

The blonde woman stood in the door between the room Nemu came from and the kitchen, blocking her way out. Nemu bared her teeth and hissed angrily at the woman.

"You don't have to be afraid! Here, i give you some of my food." The woman took a few steps forward and grabbed some meat from the plate.

Then she squatted down on the floor and placed it in front of her with a smile. Her friendly face quickly got replaced by a terrified one when the small black kitten changed her size to that of an adult tiger. With a moth opening in shock, the woman fell on her butt; not able to let out a scream, she turned around to get up. But right at this moment, Nemu's strong jaw closed around her neck and she shook her head wildly to rip off the woman's head. The woman stood not even a chance against Nemu's razor-sharp teeth, so Nemu ripped the head off the middle-aged woman quite easily. Nemu jumped over the growing puddle of blood and placed her front paws on the table and gulped down the meat on the plate.

"Damn it! This is delicious and now i can't have more." Nemu walked out of the room to check the other rooms.


In front of a secluded rundown house was a man with his face covered by a hood sitting on a bench under the light of a streetlamp when a man walked up to him.

"So you are finally here Rarth! Do you have it?" The hooded man asked when he saw the skinny man with long and brown hair.

In front of a secluded rundown house was a man with his face covered by a hood sitting on a bench under the light of a streetlamp when a man walked up to him.

"So you are finally here, Rarth! Do you have it?" The hooded man asked when he saw the skinny man with long and brown hair.

"Well, thank you like always! But i have to go now. I have a lot to..." The hooded man suddenly stopped in the middle of his sentence.

Rarth's eyes opened wide in shock when he saw a thin icicle piercing the man's chest.

*Sigh* "Magic just isn't my thing." Rarth heard a female voice behind him saying.

When he turned around, a dark-haired young woman slowly walked into the light of the lamp in his direction and came to a halt only a few steps in front of him.

"YOU BITCH! You are from the magic guild, right?" The man got into a battle stance and started to mumble something that Ben couldn't understand.

'Hmm, now that i think about it, one of the guys who summoned me said something about magic guild!' Ben thought as he summoned his sword.

Without saying anything, Ben charged and slashed upward with his sword, only for the man to dodge by stepping back. Ben swung his sword again and again, but the man dodged every time. Reaching behind him, the man pulled out a dagger and raised it in front of his chest. The man started to chant again, but Ben attacked again, not wanting to let him finish his spell. The man dodged again, and Ben started to swing his sword wildly, but to no avail, the man was too fast. When the man finished his chanting, Ben's slash nearly hit, the man moving now slower than before. Ben retracted his blade only to do a quick stab, but his sword got parried by the man's dagger. Ben slashed again, but this time from the side, only for the man to block his blade with the dagger. When his speed buff was about to wear off, he quickly buffed his strength. Ben started to swing his sword faster, now pushing Rarth back. When another heavy blow from Ben clashed with the dagger, Ben shot a small fireball, setting the man's clothes on fire.

"AHHH! You Bastard!" The man yelled angrily when he jumped back.

The man tried to put the fire out, but by the time he jumped back, Ben followed him with a few quick steps, only to bury his blade in the man's stomach.

"AAAAHHH! Bastards! You bastard's argh... from the ma... *cough cough* magic guild... *cough cough cough*" The man fell to the ground when Ben finished him off by cutting his throat with another quick slash.

Ben picked up the soul and quickly left the area in the direction he sent Nemu to observe.

When Ben walked past a little shop that sells all kinds of sweets, he saw an angel with long black hair happily sitting there eating a cake and drinking tea. Ben just rolled his eyes and continued to walk down the street. After not even 10 minutes of walking, Ben came to a park and found two blonde angels sitting on a bench talking. Sitting there was that blonde Angel that had played with Nemu before, and next to her was a tall blonde and more muscular Angel. Ben turned around to find another way when he suddenly heard Mia's voice.

"Heeeeeey! You are that girl with that cute cat, right? Come here and sit down with us!" Mia waved her arm in the air.

'Well, i don't care, maybe I can find out how many angels there are.' Ben thought when he turned around.

"Hey, yes, i am the one from before! Wow, i am meeting a lot of angels today! Are there so many?" Ben asked when he walked over and sat on the bench between the two.

Mia was wearing a long tight white dress, while the other Angel had black skin-tight leather pants and a white shirt under a black leather jacket.

"No! It's only me, Aniela next to you and Yofie but she isn't here. But why do you not know that? They said it in the news that 3 Angels and 2 Heros got summoned!" Mia answered.

"Wait! There are Heroes? What are they doing here?" Ben asked curiously.

"You don't even know that? Isn't this your homeworld?" Aniela joined in.

'Fuck.... Now i am busted!'

"Ah... Uhm... I am an apprentice mage and i spent the last weeks studying and practicing so i maybe missed a lot of things." Ben scratched his head.

"Oh, i understand! I also miss a lot when i study for school and practice." Aniela said when she rummaged in her pocket searching for something.

"So you said, Heroes! Have you met them? Are they as strong as the Heroes in books and stories?" Ben asked, slightly concerned. When there are powerful Heroes, they could be a big problem for Ben.

Ben got a little distracted when Aniela pulled a Balloon out of her pocket that was even bigger than her hand and started to inflate it.

"Yes! Maybe even stronger! And you won't believe it they are my brothers Feng and Ji-Hoon..." Mia happily talked on and on, but Ben froze when he heard the names of his brothers.

"Wait! F... Feng? And Ji-Hoon? Then you are Mia! It's me, Ben!" Ben pointed at himself.

Without a word, Mia pounced on Ben, hugging him so hard that it actually hurt him. Ben got pushed against Aniela who didn't even move a centimeter; this girl sat there like she was a wall and continued to concentrate on her Balloon that grew bigger, and when it was the size of an exercise ball she made a knot and sat on it only to pull out another one.

When Mia finally released him from her bear hug, Mia started to tell Ben what had happened to her. Ben just told her that he suddenly woke up in this body a few days ago. It's not that he thought that Mia would care what he was, but the main reason for this lie was sitting in front of him, happily inflating a balloon while she sits on another bigger one. When Ben ended his short explanation, Mia continued to tell him how she got into Heavens Academy, how she got here, and finally met Feng and Ji-Hoon.

Ben knew when Mia was talking like this, she wouldn't stop for a while, so he looked around the park when his gaze landed on a little stick next to him. So Ben picked it up and stabbed it into the Balloon Aniela was sitting on. With a loud bang, she landed on her butt and looked at Ben. Ben thought she might be scared or angry, but she bit her lip when she looked at him.

"Interesting!" Ben smiled.

Mia and Ben kept chatting for more than an hour when they finally parted ways. Ben still had to pick up Nemu and collect some souls while he was on his way.

'I forgot to ask why they are even here! Hmm, i ask later.' Ben thought when he walked in the direction of the mark on the map where Nemu should be.

When Ben walked down a street in a quieter part of town, Nemu jumped down a tree and ran to his side.

"Let us collect some more souls! I already killed the target. Oh, and that was the wrong house, by the way!" Ben said, not even stopping.

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