
The History.

Within the continent of Zetia, there exist hundreds and hundreds of different, kingdoms, empires, sects, clans and tribes. However, this story starts on the south side of Zetia. Within the Roven mountains, where two tribes have been fighting for land supremacy close to three hundred years.

The name of the two tribes is Brojka and Cree. Both tribes ancestors entered the mountains within the same time period. The Brojkas where the first to reach the eastern side of the mountains while The Cree tribe settled in the Western part of the mountains.

The first few years both tribes did not acknowledge each other, but because of the lack of resources that existed on the eastern part, the Brojka tribe need to start expanding. This lit the flames of war between the two tribes were, they would both lose and win ground in some battles. This process continued for three hundred years until today.

Father, father!'' Stop yelling, Crius. What is it you want? ''

Is it really true, that the conflict between us and Brojkas are ending today? '' Supposedly so but you can never be sure with the Brojkas but hopefully the agreement will be signed today and upheld.''

The young man name is Crius, just turned the age of sixteen. The young man has crystal blue eyes, long dark hair. With an athletic build of a hundred and eighth cm. He was an extremely handsome young man. Walking next to him was his father. Also the Cree tribes head chief and greatest warrior: Clavius.

Clavius had a slim build and was only a hundred and seventy-five cm tall. He had the same striking eyes as his son. The only two significant differences between the two were their hair color, which in Clavius case was more of a dark brownish and the hundreds of scars that were manifested on Clavius body.

The Cree clan with Clavius and Crius had started to move in on Brojka tribe territory. The Cree tribe counsel had decided to bring five thousand warriors to this peace treaty. Leaving behind the rest of their ten thousand soldiers. Crius with his father and fellow tribe warriors have been marching for two days just to reach the territory of Brojka.

Father, is this really a great idea?

I mean to have the meeting in the Brojka clan own territory.

What if something happens and the meeting goes wrong?.

Don't you think the council and I have gone over this?

You remember the message they sent right. Well within that message, the Brojkas sent their own blood signature and promised on their god.

You know, what that means? If they decide to betray us here, Their honor will forever be forsaken.

The pair continued to have a conversation while marching. One hour later you could finally see the Brojka tribe site.

At the same time, a man and women were talking with their daughter about how to act.

Daughter: I will not greet them with kindness, These are the same people that kill Uncle Karko. We should just kill them as soon as they walk into camp!

Father: Stop acting like a spoiled brat! Do you think the clan has forgotten about what has happened? How many man and women have not fallen over this three hundred year conflict. You need to see the bigger picture, our tribe has killed just as many as theirs. How many uncles and aunts have we not robbed from the Cree tribe. So stop acting up and show some respect, we can finally solve this damn war that has been going on for too long.

Mother: Mirka, listen to your father. if this treaty goes through we no longer need to think about resources and both tribes can live in harmony.

Mirkas, mother, and father speaking to her on how important this issue was but Mirka still felt it was wrong, that her tribe was bending their back over to the enemy but the council has chosen this way and so it shall be.

While they were still arguing, a Brojka soldier started shouting outside the tent. High chief, High chief!

High chief/father: They have finally come, huh. He turned and looked at his wife and daughter.

We need to meet them now and Mirka, act accordingly. You are not allowed to disgrace the tribe on this day. He grabs his wife's hand and walks out of the tent to wait and greet the Cree clan.

Crius could see the giant wooden wall that has been built around the encampment of Brojka. Crius could hear yelling on the other side, he could not make out the word that was said but he knew it was to open the gate. The language between the two tribes was vastly similar while some words were different. It was not enough for both clans to not understand each other. Crius followed behind his father into the camp. Everywhere he looked one could see men of giant statues.

All the men here is at least a hundred and ninth five cm tall, he thought to himself while looking around. They all had burly builds, their arms were bigger than the legs of his own clansman.

No wonder the Brojka clan is known for its brute strength and are called the bears of the mountain.

While Crius was looking around and thinking for himself.

Clavius was only focused on one man, Barjok, the high chief of the Brojka and the only man that had bested him in combat.

They finally reach the center of the encampment. Standing there was Barjok with a smile on his face, next to him was his wife Nirja and daughter Mirka. Crius had never seen the Brojka high chief before but as soon as he did. He realized that this man was a threat. Standing at two meters and sixteen cm with a body that looks like it has been crafted to just lift heavy things and slashing people apart. Barjok had gray hair, and eyes that carried a dark purple color to them. Barjok also had more of a round face, with a strong chin that stood out. You could also see a scar that went from above the right eye of Barjok down to the start of his cheek. Today the same man that gave it to him had come to this camp. Clavius.

Haha, it is good to see you, Clavius! I hope that the journey here was not been too hard.

It has been fine, thank you for asking. This must be your wife and daughter. My name is Clavius of the Cree, and this is my son Crius. The future high chief of the Cree tribe.

Crius looked at his father because he has never been addressed as future high chief before and did not understand why he was now. Barjok, on the other hand, understood why. It was to send a two delivered message, that the Cree clan are willing to trust the Brojka with sending the future heir here. At the same time as they are saying they are not afraid of the Brojka tribe.

Haha, so this handsome one is your son.

Nice to meet you, Crius. I am Barjok, high chief of the Brojka and the two beautiful females standing next to me is my wife and daughter, Nirja and Mirka.

Ahh, yes, hello. I mean, nice to meet you too.

I am Crius of the Cree and it is an honor to meet you all. Crius smiled and put his hand on his head to scratch it. as he was addressing the family of Barjok, he turned and finally saw the faces of the beautiful wife and daughter pair. The wife, Nirja. Had gray hair like her husband, she was also a lot shorter, she could not be taller than a hundred and seventy cm. She still had a fair and more defined face then her husband, and you could easily see that she was, gorgeous at a younger age.

Crius on the other hand completely lost himself, as soon as he saw Mirka. The only word that came up to describe this woman was perfect. She had long blonde hair, a perfect balance of her parents face structure, were she had round cheeks that made her look cute but at the same time, the rest of her face was defined so she looked sexy.

Mirka was not a short woman, she must at least be a hundred and ninth cm, but somehow this did not make her look masculine at all.

She had a very curvaceous body and the clothes she wore just emphasized this. The only thing that was covered was her waist and the upper top of her chest. You could see everything else. stomach, arms, and those beautiful legs. Crius had completely forgotten himself, to the point he was just staring at her. At first no one notice but because Crius did not say anything and just kept staring at her, his father finally turned to him.

Clavius looked at his son like he was an idiot. He wanted to beat him up for putting the clan in a bad light as soon as they arrived. Clavius smacked his son over the head and said: Are you going to greet them or just stare all day? Carius: Ahh, yes, yes, huh. It good to meet you, Nirja and you, beautiful... huh, I have seemed to forget your name. The Cree tribe warriors that were behind them started laughing so did, the Brojka warriors. This lead Crius to start blushing. The atmosphere got cut down a few notches until Mirka opened her mouth: Don't call me beautiful, you infidel, trying to embarrass me in front of your tribes' man don't believe for a second I can't kill you and all your clans' warriors!

The atmosphere that had just stopped being tensed shot up again with several Cree warriors coldly staring at the young woman. As soon as the Brojkas notice this, they started moving over to protect the tribes' princess and bear their fangs. The camp was completely quiet, outside of the movement of soldiers. No one said anything for a minute until both Barjok and Clavius was about to speak up to take authority over the situation.

Crius then suddenly bending his head while on his horse to bow to Mirka and spoke up: It was not my attention to insult you or your tribe. I simply lost my way for a moment because have never seen a woman as beautiful as you. I apologize for that. This treaty means to much to the Cree tribe for my behavior to impact it. I hope you can all see past my mistake. But I also want to heed a word of warning that goes out personally to you, Princess Mirka. Never threaten my Cree tribe if you are not willing to back it up. Carius lifted his head and looked straight at Mirka with his cold blue eyes.

Mirka felt her soul freeze over when she looked into this young man eyes. So cold was the only thing she could think off. They both stared at each other for a moment before Mirka saw a hand hit Crius right in the back of the head. The man with hundred of scars had done it. What do are you doing!? You insulted her again! apologies to her! Crius, turned and looked his father dead in the eye and said: I have already, apologized to her. But she needs to know that not anyone can insult our clan as they wish and believe we are not willing to act. Our tribe values honor above this treaty, even if my words would lead us all to death today. People need to understand that our clan will not tolerate being threatened by anyone. Crius voice echo over the encampment. Pretty much everyone heard him.

Clavius look at his son but did not say anything more. Even if this is the wrong places to shout this thing. He could not punish his son anymore for telling what he, himself believes is the truth. Laughter coming from Barjok soon echo: Well said, young Crius. Tribe honor is much more important than anything else. This has always been an iron rule among us mountain people. If you can't keep something you promised then are not allowed to promise it. Barjok then turned to his daughter.

Mirka apologize for your threating ways, we have asked the Cree over on this day for peace and understanding. Not for more conflict.

I have already made this very clear with you. Not only that it seems to me, but Crius have also taken a liking to you. Don't scare him away with that bad temperament, you got from your mother, hahaha. Nirja turned to her husband and just looked at him. He just smiled at her and said: You know it is true right?. But after he said that he was not so sure about it anymore. Mirka turned and ran away while yelling: Idiot! All the warriors were just staring at this not knowing what to say.

Barjok cleared his throat and said, Clavius let move on to more important matters. If you are willing to follow me to my tent so we can negotiate this treaty. Clavius just nodded over to Barjok, while giving his horse over to his right-hand man, Virkus. Telling him instructions, and to listen to the Barjok tribe as much as possible. Also turning to his Crius and said Son, don't make anymore scene. Crius nodded. While Barjok and Clavius were making deals, Crius had gotten bored. He was sitting and watching the Barjok train while it was to a degree enlighting to see how they did it was just common practice. While being bored Crius finally spotted, Mirka. Who was holding on to a giant two-handed sword, He ran over to her and started watching.

At first, did not Mirka really care she only thought, I will let him watch if he want to! But after twenty minutes of him not moving and just staring at everything she did, she had enough. What are you doing? Watching you!

What do you mean you are watching me. Her eyes squinted together and she put her sword in the ground while putting both hands on her waist. Well, I am looking at your sword skill and wondered how skilled you are. Also, I am checking out your body but, we don't need that to be said out loud now do we, he thought. Mirka just went hmm I challenge you to a duel! Crius answered with sure.

Crius ran over to his horse and got his two swords. and he ran back. Mirka just thought to herself: So he is a dual wielder. Interesting. She then yelled: let us start. Mirka and Crius were both circling each other before Crius decided to attack, he swung with the right hand at Mirkas left shoulder at the same time as his sword in his left-hand thrust at her body. Mirka did not even try to parry instead she just circled right. Crius was impressed with how fast Mirka was. But he also knew that the Brojka clan was known for its extremely superior physiques. The Cree clans' men could not compete when it came to the physical part of the battle. They have always been better at tactics and strategic than the Brojka if not the Cree tribe would have died out long ago.

After Crius had attacked and failed. Mirka tried to get an advantage and attack before Crius had found balance on his feet. She attacked fast and aggressive by swinging her sword from between his legs up to his face, trying to tear apart anything in-between. Crius flipped backward and avoided everything.

Are you trying to aim for my private parts? That is not really what a young woman should do. Mirka: I am a warrior and I can take aim at your private part whenever I want, If I want them to become mine, then they will become mine! Crius: Sound like you really want to take care of my private parts. He just smiled at her while he said it. Mirkas face got red and she said: YOU...! YOU....! uncultured swine. How dare you try and embarrass me, I will have your life!

Crius just started laughing, even harder. They continued to spar for several tens of minutes. Both were tired and could not really continue but neither of them would quit. Proud was what was more important right now. Both of them decided on one final attack. Mirka sprinted forward and faked that she was swinging her sword to change direction to a thurst in the middle of the swinging motion. Crius dodges and hits the sword out of Mirkas hands because she was too tired to hold to it. He dropped his own swords and walk up to Mirka.

Mirka look him straight in the eye and asked: What do you want? This. Putting both his hand on her and kissing her deeply. Mirka felt her whole body give out. Her mind and body were in harmony. Crius felt the same type of feeling. Their lips departed and they just looked at each other. Finally, Mirka asked: Why? Because you are everything I want, I have never met a more perfect woman, you and I were made for each other.

Mirkas asked: How old are you? Crius answered: Sixteen. And I am eighteen, how do you know we are made for each other? I just know. Both Mirka and Crius sat and talk with each other for hours until both their fathers came out. Barjok: Looks like we won't be able to make a deal today. Clavius: No, but neither of us expected that. We will continue the negotiation tomorrow. Both the tribe leaders look around just to see their children sitting and holding each other close while looking up at the stars and laughing. Both became a bit shocked by the progress that has happened.

Both even asked themselves how long were we really gone for? The negotiations between the tribes would continue for over a week. When it finally time to leave Crius made a shocking statement in front of Barjok. High chief Barjok, I love your daughter Mirka, and I wish to marry her. Crius said this while he went down on both knees. You have only known her for a week. Second, you are only sixteen years old, what do you know about love. Crius looked up and said: I know that every time Mirka is close to me, this world lights up and everything around it smells better, looks better and feels better. This must be love. What do you say Mirka? Do you wish for this? A blushing Mirka: Yes father, I do.

Well, then it is fine by my standers. Do you have anything to say Nirja? Nope, I only want our daughter to be happy. Well then it is fine, I hereby give my dau... WAIT!! The one that yelled was Clavius. This is not something you can decide for yourself, Crius. We must ask permission from the rest of the clan. Father is that really that important? Can't Mirka and I just get married? Have you forgotten your role and status in the tribe? You are the future chief, this type of decisions the tribe must agree on. After some bickering back and forth,

Crius had to give in and accept that this was the route he had to take. Clavius: We are leaving! after yelling this to the Cree warriors, He turned to Barjok and said: Thank you for the taking care of my men for a week. It is good that the conflict between us have finally come to an end. Haha, I feel the same brother. And there is no need to thank us, We are now brothers in-arm and maybe even soon in-laws. As he stated that he turned his head and looked over at, the young couple of his daughter and the young man Crius. Crius: I will come back and get you, my love.

I promise you that. The tribe will agree to this engagement between us. Are you sure, what if they don't? She bit her lower lip''. Don't think about the negatives. I promise they will agree. After all, was said Crius kissed his love and promised he will come back as soon as possible. After leaving the Borjka encampment and traveling home Crius tried to convince his father that he needs to speak up for him on this matter and that the two tribes were brothers in-arm and needed to work together and nothing would bring both tribs together quicker then a marries between the two high chiefs children.

Clavius promised he would speak in his son's favor when it came to this matter. After two days of traveling, the finally arrived home. Clavius called the council in for a meeting around this matter, after much back and forth out, seven out of the ten clansmen had voted for this matter to be sanctioned. This lead to Crius showing his extreme happiness. The very next day he took a few warriors with him and went to the Borjka tribe to find his love.

On the wedding day, the majority of both tribes populations was at the wedding to celebrate. Something even more fantastic happened in the evening. All the council members from the tribes got together and wondered if it was not wiser to build a new city where both the tribes could live so they always could defend each other's backs. A lot of arguments came flying back and forth about how things would go when it came to culture and traditions and some members might not want to leave where they are staying now. So the upper echelon of members decided to let members leave if they wanted to. They will force not one or the other tribe camps to move just to build a city but if members want to do it, they can.

Both Mirka and Crius heard about this idea, they thought it could be perfect for them to start their new lives. They move with about twenty percent total population between the tribes and started building a city between the western and eastern part of the mountains. The city was finished within the time span of two years. At this point about forty percent of all members have moved to this city, the next three years a total of sixty percent would be living within the city.

Not only had more people came from down from the mountain tops and started living in the city. But the city had started trading with lesser and smaller tribes and also started have negotiations with some larger kingdoms, that existed hundred of miles away. After the city been up for seven years about eighty-five percent of all members lived in it and it had several trade deals up with different tribes, clans, and some kingdoms. That was not everything that had happened within these seven years. Mirka had gotten pregnant and it was finally time to give birth.

This is where the story begins.