
New insoslaw protagonist

นักเขียน: itsnotmelunasoleil
Fantasy Romance
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What is New insoslaw protagonist

อ่านนิยาย New insoslaw protagonist โดย ผู้เขียน itsnotmelunasoleil ที่เผยแพร่บน WebNovel....



Her Deceiver

Raising her head she looked at him with a hint of disbelief in her eyes. He slapped her. But she knows that this would happen. She expected much worse. Probably death according to her experience. Now his expressions are visible. He looked broken rather than angry. He looked like a man who is in pain. Another tear passed as he inhaled audibly and exhaled as if it is releasing his pain. But something looked more in him. The heaviness in his heart. Or might be the decision he too His hand reached to her face making her flinch as her eyes flickered snapping them between his fingers and him in a split second. But his forefinger only traced the outline of her face from her loose hairline to her chin adoring her features as if he is going to miss them in the future. His thumb rubbed her cheek gently caressing them, his eyes showing the sincerity of his affection and action but also held the hint of broken feeling and missing feeling. "You wanted to be free that badly". "From me"? "To this extent". He asked her, the back of his hand smoothly rubbing her jaw and cheek. His thumb caressed her lower lip from one end to the other end. "Fine then. I will leave you. I will release you from this cage---". Now his eyes spared the time to look into her eyes and his hand took her hand in his. "----Not because you wanted. It's because that is the only thing I could do other than hurting you". His teeth ground with each other as he said. "I'm afraid-----afraid that I might hurt you someday and I'm fucking more afraid that regret eats me like shit when I do that to you". His face twisted in anger saying that as his hand-applied more pressure making her yelp in pain. With a hsss sound, he pointed his finger to her aggressively and said in his tears gritting his teeth. "Hsss. I fucking loved you, I loved you so much and I never once treated you badly. I showed you my love in the most possible way ever. I made efforts in convincing you to accept the real me but you fucking betrayed me. YOU FUCKING BETRAYED ME. I agree I deceived you, I agree I betrayed you but this isn't the right thing for you to do this to me. My men lost their lives because of you. I betrayed you and you betrayed me but it is a different thing for you to do this to me". "But the feelings are mutual Andrey. . . . . They are mutual. The pain that we feel, knowing that our loved ones betrayed us is mutual. You can't blame me. I felt the same. But in your case, betrayal costs things, Andrey". She said referring to the lives of his men. His jaw clenched as the hot tears trailed out of his eyes and it hurt her for making him cry. Deceived or not, betrayal or not, she loved him and it hurts her when she sees him crying. Never once did he cries in front of her, not atleast like this broken. That didn't feel well with her. "I fucking love you enough to let you go". Saying that he slammed the papers on her face for which she caught them. "You betrayed me for your freedom...... Since you hate living with me, let's separate our ways".

Madhumitha_016 · สมัยใหม่
6 Chs

Crown of Shadows

In a world rife with manipulation and moral ambiguity, the lives of Aiden and Edith, scions of Duke Acharde, unfold in a complex web of obsession . His son, Aiden born through a mistress (Maria) and daughter, Edith born through the Duchess( Sofia). Their insatiable desire for control over each other, clashes with yearning for dominance . Amidst the power struggles, they need to navigate through the greedy nobles who covet their house and their own manipulative father . One wrong decision and will be teared apart. Exploiting the rivalries , escaping vengeance lurking behind them , and betrayals ready at each corner, creating their own hell and facing their own demons, they must navigate a world where power is both currency and curse. " Characters must confront the ultimate question: What have I become? -------- Little Aiden, marked by uncertainty, stands poised outside his mother's chamber, the strained voices within weaving a web of intrigue. Marquess Lionel, an emblem of a house that fervently upholds chasity and honor, has been summoned. Aiden's mind races, dissecting the intentions behind this unexpected summons. "Is mother's aim to counter the Duchess Sofia by allying with a house of repute?" he murmured. As Aiden contemplates, his reverie is fractured by a cutting voice at his side. Edith, his sister, exudes an air of composed authority as she gazes through the keyhole he once occupied. Her revelation slices through his thoughts, laying bare his mother's audacious gambit. "Your mother seeks to entice Marquess Lionel into marrying her sister," Edith elucidates, her tone tinged with a blend of sarcasm and intrigue. Aiden's objection is swift: "But Marquess Lionel is bound in matrimony already." Edith, embodying elegance in her very movement, remains unruffled by her brother's agitation. She retorts coolly, her eyes never leaving the keyhole's vista. "After all," she adds, her voice a well-aimed arrow, "does not your mother's house carry the legacy of capturing wedded men? It's a reputation not easily denied." Her words pierce Aiden's armor, eliciting an involuntary tremor in his hands. He becomes a portrait of vulnerability, his visage reflecting myriad emotions, while Edith's demeanor remains as impervious as marble. With a graceful pivot, Edith resumes her journey down the hallway. Aiden, his thoughts churning, yearns to voice a retort, to assert himself in the face of her unwavering composure. Yet, as his gaze catches his reflection in a nearby mirror, he is confronted with his face carrying millions emotions - each a potential weapon for enemies lurking around - baring his internal landscape. In contrast, Edith stands untouched by the tempest within, her face - a canvas void of emotion. She is indeed million miles ahead of him. As their stories unfold, decisions will be made, consequences will unfurl, and the specter of torture—both inflicted upon others and themselves—will cast its long shadow. --------- I will upload 4-5 times/week

lucifer_from_hell · ย้อนยุค
7 Chs

Worth Fighting For

She looked at the man dressed in his guard’s uniform and whispered, “The truth is, I’m—I’m the Crown Princess.” He looked at her in disbelief. His gaze lingered on her maidservant’s outfit before he let out a chuckle. “Well then, let me tell you a secret. I’m actually a prince from the Western Continent,” he whispered. Under that wisteria tree, both of them were telling the truth, but both thought that those words were nothing but a joke. --- "Your Highness," the Commander stepped forward and bowed to greet the Princess. "We've been looking for you all over the palace," he paused to give her a look over. "Are you alright? Did this man do anything to hurt you?" His face turned ghastly at what was happening before him. "Your Highness?" he repeated the words in a whisper. He looked at the girl in front of him in disbelief. "You're... a royalty?"  --- Amelia Reed, a young princess of Noa Kingdom has lived her life carefree under her brother, the king’s protection. When the king went missing, Amelia was forced to ascend the throne as his substitute. But, as someone who knows nothing about politics or wielded any power, Amelia soon found that the people around her wanted to harm her. By coincidence, Amelia ran into Laif, who saved her when she was in trouble. Laif Draven/Hue, a prince of a kingdom called Hase, gave up his position to escape the palace life. When he was sent over to Noa Kingdom to look for a lost magic artifact, Laif then found himself back in the palace life. Hiding his identity, Laif then entered Princess Amelia’s palace as her guard, defending her from her enemy and guiding her to get through the palace life. ----- Cover illustration: kirinlukis

zetsubouaichan · แฟนตาซี
88 Chs


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