
Never ending begins

Diablo died and had to help a god in collecting souls he lost by mistake than he had to help him fight against an organization with the help of fire power he have and the person who lives inside him but during his battle he was betrayed and almost died then judgement was passed upon him and his friends to be crushed under heaven he somehow survived and got half of his revenge but still he had to overcome many obstacles in his path

Wolmir_Singh · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs

chapter 2 : the fight

And the three of them started laughing . Synthia "so how about we go sight seeing ?"

Diablo while clapping "nice idea , nice idea "

And both of them looked at ellen .

Ellen "ok ok lets spend the night outside "

Diablo "yessssss."

And thus the three of them went outside .

Diablo " so first where do we go ?"

Ellen "remember that weird statue ?that's a good place to start "

Ellen looked at them and both of them were making disgusted face and showing their middle finger .

Ellen "its a good place ,really "

Diablo "ok i lose let's go to that weird statue "

Ellen "atta boy , ok so its only us two ? "

Synthia "i am coming ,i am coming "

Ellen "ohoooo what happened to your attitude of minute ago?"

Synthia "sorry "

Diablo "woah she is scary "

And they spent their night having fun at different places and spending all of Ellen's money and thus the sun rose .

Ellen "so are we gonna fight first thing in the morning or are we first gonna eat , take a shower and then fight?"

Diablo "lets end it here and eat at that God's place ,his popcorns were looking good "

Synthia "but where are you both fighting ?"

Diablo "may i ask something synthia ?"

Synthia "ask"

Diablo" why did you came here if i am doing all the work ?"

Synthia "do you want me to take part in 1v1 ,in a sacred duel ....you really have no shame ...."

Diablo "get lost bi*ch , and find an empty space"

Ellen "lets fight on the streets "

Diablo "but other people could get hurt ."

Ellen "noone will come this early in morning "

Diablo "ok so lets start "

Ellen "hmm"

Both of them took their fighting stance and synthia shouted "goooooo"

And both started running toward eachother and ellen was about to punch diablo , diablo shouts "stopppppppppp i have to do something important "

Ellen stops "what is it now ? "

Diablo "do you use mana ? "

Ellen" of course "

Diablo "hmm" while playing cool .

Diablo inside"ohhhh  shittttttttt what to do ? What to do ? What to do ?

She will kill me in an instant ,wait why didn't i thought about it previously "

Suddenly he hear god laughing .

Diablo depressed "oh right that shitty god did something to my mind in this matter "

Ellen "what were you going to do ? "

Diablo "i already did it "

Ellen "ok ,so shall we start ?"

Diablo "ok "

Once again both of them were in their fighting stance and synthia shouts "goooooo" and ellen runs toward diablo but diablo was still standing and ellen punches diablo from right diablo dodges it by crouching and suddenly Ellen's legs were going to hit diablo , he jumps and headbutted ellen but she didn't flinch ..

Ellen "do you don't know how to use mana ??"

Diablo "no "

Ellen"and you are going to kill me "

Diablo "yes"

And he grabs a metal rod "is using this ok ?"

Ellen "yep " and he rushes towards ellen and starts swinging it ,she kept on dodging most of them and suddenly grabs the rod and punches diablo in his stomach , he was sent flying and hits a house .he was about to faint but sees ellen in front of him with killing intention , and he suddenly dodges Ellen's punch. she kept on punching and he kept on dodging .

suddenly ellen kicked diablo and it hit his hand then punched his face and shouted "don't joke with me that you are gonna kill me without mana"

Diablo was down on the ground ,

Diablo thinking "ah shit i can't feel my arm and it feels like my jaw is broken ,how can i defeat her?"

Suddenly he hear God's voice "are you sure you can't use mana ?? Think diablo think "

Diablo "but i already tried gathering mana but i couldn't "

God "these people are born with mana so they use mana which is inside them but you don't have it so you can't gather it from inside "

Diablo "i know that and i already tried gathering it from outside "

God "mana is like a girl the more you try to get her the more she will go away so just open your heart for her but don't try to grab her ,she will come towards you , believe it"

Diablo " please man enough with your weird your examples but thanks i am gonna try it"

God "go get her tiger "

Diablo stands up and closes his eyes

Ellen "you are alive , then let's kill you and send to your god " and she rushes towards diablo and punches his face but he didn't try to dodge it and was sent flying and hit the electric pole .

He could barely stand up again ,

Ellen again runs towards diablo and was about to punch diablo suddenly he open his eyes and they were glowing with fire colour ,her punch was just about to hit diablo but suddenly diablo's hand was on fire and he punched ellen in her stomach and she was sent flying and hit a house .

Diablo "2 punches to face and a kick on hand left to repay debt "

And he started flying by releasing fire with his feet and reached ellen .

Ellen "shit " and he started punching she dodged the punch and punched him but he dodged it by using fire's recoil but it was too much and he hit a house and suddenly she was in front of him and she punched but he punched her punch and both felt a recoil in opposite direction.

Both started punching simultaneously  but they kept on hitting each other's punches and Ellen's punch hit diablo and he lost the momentum and she punched him many times he stopped one of  her punch and punched her left cheek than right cheek and then he kicked her on her hand .

Diablo"debt paid ,now i am gonna fight seriously "

Ellen "stop lying ,you are barely standing ,how can you kill me ?"

And she charged towards him and started punching ,he used his fire to dodge them and tried flying away but she grabbed his leg and smashed him on the road and punched him on his face . Even the road around there got broken, he was lying and suddenly started laughing and stood again but was completely covered in his own blood .

Ellen rushed towards diablo and was about to punch diablo

God "say her name ..."

Diablo in low and heavy voice " synthia "

And suddenly she got pulled towards diablo and turned into a sword and diablo grabs it and cuts Ellen's arm from her body  .

She cries in pain but diablo didn't even gave her time time for that and started swinging his sword ,she instantly dodged them and kicked on his stomach and pushed him back but he flew towards her and stabbed his sword inside her body but it didn't went too deep and she shouted "get lost " and punched him,

he was blasted away and after breaking two houses he was buried under third.

Ellen thinking "i survived only because of hardening, but i am going to run out of mana "

Suddenly diablo comes out from the rumbles of house.

Synthia speaking from sword"you both have destroyed so many things, how come noone came ?"

Diablo in cracked voice "it's the doing of god "

Synthia shocked "wait a second , why am i a sword ?, and what happened to my body , i can't see it anywhere "

Diablo in cracked voice "it's the doing of god "

Synthia "are you trying to make fun of me ?,wait till i get my body "

God "it's not my doing diablo ,its your doing "

Diablo "oh yeah ,f**k you ,as*hole, because of you i cant feel my left hand , wait a second...

Diablo shouts "itssss gooonneeeeee"

Dibalo "give me back my hand you shitty god "


Diablo "come on man reply now "

Suddenly he sees ellen running towards him

Diablo "man she is one heck of a girl, are you sure she was bullied ?"

Synthia "she even dodged your every attack and your left hand is goneeee"

Diablo " , shut up i need to concentrate "

And ellen was in front of him and she punched him again but he was standing fine .

Ellen "how ?"

Diablo "you know , what if i learned hardening from you ?master "

And diablo shouts "synthia " and the sword came flying towards him and diablo grabs it and tries to slash her neck but she dodged it so diablo uses fire to increase his hand combat speed and started slashing, ellen sustained huge damage.

Diablo gets near her and moves his head near her ear and says "lets meet at God's place and eat meat "

Ellen moves in backward direction and starts running away

Synthia "why are you standing ,go kill her "

Diablo "i don't need to go when you are with me "

And his sword got very big ,it was like bigger than a house ,

Than he shouts"HORIZONTAL SLASH " and he swing his sword, breaking house it cuts Ellen's head and gives her an instant death.

Synthia "cool, but how do we go back ? "

Diablo "yeah right ,yeah right how do we go back ?"

He thinks for a moment than shouts

" how do we come back you bastard ??" And he starts hearing God's laugh .

Synthia turned to human again .synthia "diablo i think there is a huge crowd coming here to kill us "

Diablo "whaaatttt ? , run forest run , if we get caught we are going to die "

And they ran for 2 hours and realize that now even helicopters are chasing them .

Diablo shouts "synthia " and she got converted to sword .

Diablo "i think here is only this way "

Synhia "which way , hey tell me , what are you going to do ?"

And diablo shouts "die you a**hole" and cuts his neck .

Diablo opens his eyes and he was in God's mansion.

Diablo "seriously,  what if i would have died?"

God "then it was your fate my child "

And the next moment god was lying down completely beaten up and diablo and synthia were cracking their fingers .

Synhia "next time you do shit like this and i will personal take care of you "

God " well looks like you you don't want to meet your friend "

Synthia "Oh right " but then she realizes diablo was already in front of ellen and was trying to flirt.

Diablo "well i told you the truth right"

Ellen "yeah ,but you said you don't know how to use mana ? "

Diablo "i didn't, i learned everything in the fight , i swear on synthia "

Synthia was right behind him "you sure know how to use and throw me "

God "oho ,how lovely ,beautiful , pure love "

Synthia started moving towards god

Diablo "and after that i don't know what happened to god but may his soul rest in peace "

God coming out from a hole in floor ,

" i am still alive "

Diablo "i still hear his voice saying i am still alive and sometimes i can even see his soul coming out from ground "

Diablo moves his neck towards right and sees ellen was laughing so hard she fell down.

Diablo "it doesn't suit a lady to lie down "

God " that's not a good statement to make these days "

Synthia "ohh you still alive ? Time to see who is the real god "

Suddenly someone opens the door and looks. in left side ,diablo was getting killed by ellen and at right side , god was killed by synthia .

That person "ok sorry to disturb but god , i completed the mission , what's next ?"

God "ok nice job , take a rest for now "

That person "ok i will be at the upper floor so don't even dare to come near it "

And he left the room .

Ellen "what was that about ?"

Diablo struggling to remove her hand from his neck "i wrhrkll diyddjeheee"

Ellen "what are you trying to say ?"

Diablo tries to speak but he fell unconscious.

Diablo wakes up grasping .

God "scary "

Synthia "really scary "

God "i will not prank her "

Synthia "nice choice "

Suddenly god shouts "you both look perfect together , how many kids do you wanna have ? I am a god so it's up to me to give you them or not "

Synthia , diablo both put their hands on their head "come on man learn from your mistake "

Now a day has passed and diablo was sitting alone with god .

Diablo "so why haven't you returned her to the world in which she belong ?"

God " well to tell you truth i can't do that to her ,as the world in which she belonged is already destroyed "

Diablo " so is she going to accompany us ?"

God "that's right and her soul didn't turned black despite the problems she faced ,so she will grow stronger "

Diablo "and about synthia turning to sword ?"

God "well even i don't know about that , i don't know why but i felt like someone was forcing me to say the line "call her name ""

Diablo " are there gods other than you ?"

God "yep many "

Diablo "so you should have a name?"

God "a god is only god in a certain realm , in others he is like you , he can die , he doesn't have infinite power, he only have a particular skill in which he is good "

Diablo "let me ask you properly , what's your name ?"

God "my name is ...."