
episode 1

(The episode opens with Kanisha appearing out of a portal)

(Kanisha has long black hair, brown skin, an eye patch on the right eye, wearing a black shirt, white pants, and black shoes; has long python tail and her body looks 13)

(The portal closes)

Kanisha: How an (looks around and sees a bunch of people with collars around their necks) Am I in that dimension where people are owned by dogs, I thought was the next dimension after this one

(A woman sees Kanisha)

The woman: She doesn't have a collar

(Everybody screams and start hiding in their houses)

A policeman: Who doesn't have their collar?

Kanisha: Oops, police (uses her speed)

The policeman: Oh a speeder (gets a yellow remote that releases a yellow blast)

Kanisha (running at super speed): Oh, shoot, the glitch blast, I hate those (stops running and grows Parrot wings)

(The blast missed Kanisha)

The policeman: Darn

(Kanisha laughs)

The policeman: You want to make a fool out of me (gets out a whistle and blows it)

(Helicopters appear through portals)

Kanisha: Oh, he wants to play games, fine (flies off)

(Two helicopters follow Kanisha)

Kanisha: Come and get me

(A woman who has red hair, wearing a red jumpsuit grabs two levers)

The woman: You asked for it (pushing a red button)

(The helicopter starts shooting at Kanisha)

(Kanisha avoids the blasts)

(The other helicopter gets out a net)

Kanisha: A net (rolls her eyes) please

(Kanisha's tail turns into hedge trimmer and cuts the net)

(The man in the other helicopter looks shocked)

(The man has short black hair, white skin, wearing a black shirt, white pants, and black shoes)

The man: I got something for that (pushes a green button)

(An electric net appears)

(Kanisha snaps her fingers and the electric net appears in her hands)

The man (looks shocked): How did she

The woman (looks shocked): Do that

(The woman pushes a yellow button)

(A glowing arrow shoots out of the helicopter)

(Kanisha disappears and appears in the helicopter with the woman, while invisible)

(The arrow heads to the helicopter)

(The woman screams and gets the parachute, then jumps out)

(The helicopter explodes)

(Kanisha is flying, while laughing)

The woman: Wait a minute

(Kanisha turns visible)

Kanisha: My name is Kanisha and take notes, I don't do collars, missy (her tail shakes) oh my

(The arrow is in the air)

The woman: The arrow won't stop until it gets target

Kanisha: Oh, okay

(The arrow hits Kanisha)

(Kanisha is unaffected)

The woman: Wait, how come you aren't falling or gasping for air?

Kanisha: Oh, I am immune to poison, I assumed what this probably had, since you seemed so calm

The woman: What are you?

Kanisha: Immortal, part celestial being, etc. But, most people call me a mutant. We'll see you

The woman: Where's my assistant?

Kanisha: Oh, I froze him, look

(The woman saw the man in the helicopter is frozen)

(Kanisha flies off and goes into the alley)

The woman: I will get my revenge

(The screen shows a big screen that features Kanisha flying into an alley and the big screen is turned off)

A male voice: Did you see that she was teasing them the whole time

A female voice: She could be a valuable ally

Another male voice: How could we get her to come here?

A female voice: If she's who I think she is, she will come to us

(The camera goes to Kanisha)

Kanisha: I should stop playing and find an ally team to join, tail sniff them out

(Kanisha's tail turns into a tracker and her body races off)

(A shadow of woman is shown in a flying car)

The woman: I got her

(The flying car heads off)

Kanisha: Somebody trying to follow me (disappears)

(The woman sees a red dot disappearing)

The woman: What, that's impossible

(A sonic scream shakes The flying car and flies out of control)

(Kanisha opens a portal and goes through it)

(The portal enters a dark room)

(Episode ends)
