
Neglected And Forsaken (Dropped)

From a young age, Kiseki didn't have what normal children have when growing up. No Family, No Friends, Nothing. So when he finally got picked up by a Family, he Swore on his Life, No Matter What or Who tried to take away the only happiness he has wouldn't see the light of day. He did everything to stop this from Isolating himself away to gain power to Hiding in the Shadow and kill anyone who tried to hurt It. What Kind of Road will Kiseki Go Down? Will He Truly Know Love and Happiness without it getting taken away? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- P.S. This Fan-Fic was made a month or 2 ago so if my spelling or punctuation was bad than i'm sorry and it's my first one as well when i started reading Fan-Fic's.

TruckkunJr · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
4 Chs

Chapter 3 - Training and Joining the Academy Part 1

Its been a 1 year now since Kiseki has Found a new home with the Uchiha Head family since the incident of him almost dying by the Civillins and Shonobi's for What he has inside of him but was lucky to be saved by itachi, Clan heir of The Uchiha's, Big brother of Kiseki Uchiha and Satsuki Uchiha. Through out the year Kiseki has gotten a lot closer to Itachi, Mikoto and Satsuki but All the time that Kiseki tried to speak to Fugaku, he only speaks a sentence.

Though he was close to the Family they still didn't tell him about 'Sasuke' being actually female because well he found that one out himself after a hard day of tor-Training with Itachi. Still it didn't change anything between the two they still cared for each other. But it Started something...


3 Months Later

During is normal Gruelling workout of 100 push ups, 100 sit ups, 100 squats and 2 times around Konoha that he does every single day. He developed a similar body of a swimmer that was well defined for a Child that was malnourished for a whole year and grew 2 more inches making the little raven-haired kid 3'11 ft, 4 inches taller than the average 6 year old. Hair grew a little bit going to his upper back as 1 long bang went either side of his face completely covering his Dashing and handsome Midnight blue yes down to his chin.

Currently he had no t-shirt on, with his bare-chest being showed to any on lookers that came past and shinobi black pants with black shinobi sandals that had wraps around his ankles so he didn't get a sprain.

Breathing in and out trying to catch his breath from his workout that His Nii-san told him to do, so he could catch up on the physical aspect of being a shinobi when he is up to date then he could proceeded to Ninjustu. Thinking it through Kiseki understood why Itachi decided to do this after all he was malnourished for a year, plus he needed something to do since his new family decided to adopt him he's been getting weird dream of a women with crimson hair crying and his nightmares of seeing his new family dying in his eyes, the workout helped but not as much as he truly wanted.

he still had questions why these dreams/nightmares constantly happened and why? Breaking from his thoughts seeing his sweaty self and the day nearing the end, Kiseki walked in the back door of the house after picking up his t-shirt. Looked left and right trying to found Mikoto there was no one so shrugging it off, Kiseki walked into the hallway, up the stair and into his bedroom that was like any other with double bed, desk-chair, shelfs for justus or styles and wardrobe for clothes. Decided to have a shower so he can clean himself from the sweat and dirt that was coating his body with.

"You know i've not seen 'Sasuke' for some time, the only time glimpse i get of him is when i wake up to get my breakfast. But it's weird when i'm always alone or Itachi Nii-san leaves i feel someone Watching me?" opening the door to the bath room, Kiseki was about to step into the shower to only see a humming and absolute beautiful girl that looked like an exactly female version of 'Sasuke'. Finally closing his jaw that was gaping with wide eyes,growing a pair of balls, "So. What do i have the honour to find a beautiful girl showering in my bathroom?" showing a Sebastian bow and his head up with his left scared eyebrow up.

"AHHHHH" Satsuki turning her head with a Tomato Red Blush instantly trying to cover her developing Chest "E-erm, i-i w-was tr-trying t-to h-have a shower in m-mine but there was no water..." staring at each more in Satsuki case Kiseki Chest with Steam coming out her ears now decided to speak " Anyway Kiseki-kun, C-can i get ready so i can clear up why i hided my gender from you?" getting a nod and finishing her shower and his as well.

Both now in there Sleep wear, Satsuki sitting on the edge and Kiseki crossing his arms over his chest. "I have a lot of questions. But i'll let you speak first before i come with assumptions." he spoke. Taking a deep breath she spoke "W-well i didn't tell you because Nii-san and Kaa-san said then its the right time they will explain my certain situation with you... Also can you please not say anything about me being a girl to Tou-san?"

"yhyh don't stress, i wont being saying anything to anyone about you being a girl." then suddenly a force of a bulldozer crashed into him smashing him. Literally smashing him through the door. "Thank You ! Thank You ! I Love you soo much Anki!" Tears streaming her.

"Ok. I got it, stop crying i hate when girls cry infront of me. I always feel useless and it brings back bad memory's." Wiping the tears from her face and reassuring words to her ear to sooth her.

Getting up. Kiseki hugged Satsuki and spoke "Don't ever worry and feel scared while your Aniki is here. I will always love you and protect you with my life because that is my nindo, my ninja way." With his Sharingan unconsciously activated he gained another tomoe.

Pulling herself out of his hug, Satsuki looked in his eyes that she expected to be Blue was now Blood red with another tomoe with the same love his voice showed presented in his eyes. a little smirk/Smile he had on his face,

"Hn. I love you too and will always be near your side." as she spoke these words she went asleep. Picking her up Kiseki. Putted her in his bed and admired her face, she was a beauty with her raven hair "I will always protect you imouto. Just please don't leave me like the rest. I don't know what i would do if you wasn't here with the family..." kissing her forehead as tears of corner his eyes were unleashed.


Ever since that day Satsuki and Kiseki were always together speaking and hanging out with each other, they were always inseparable from one another. All that happened Throughout the year of training Kiseki found out his elements while finishing his tajustu training with Itachi.


4 Months Later

Finally Getting down the Interception Fist (Uchiha Tajtsu Stance) Completely, Itachi shouted to get his attention "Otouto Come here!" Walking to Itachi with his hands in his pockets "Sup Nii-san, did you need something?" Getting a nob from his older brother, his brother spoke again now looking at him.

"Well Since you've have completed the Interception Fist and also have now a sturdy body In a shocking time getting a better time than me by a month. I decided to start your Ninjustu Training." Reaching for his pocket. Itachi now had 2 paper's in his.

"Okay otouto, What are the elements that someone is able to have?"he spoke "There are 5 elements, Fire, Lightning, Water, Wind and Finally Earth. Though sometimes there could be more depending on what Clan you come From, For example the Yuki Clan that are known for there Ice Kekkai Genkai and The First Hokage's Wood Kekkai Genkai." the younger uchiha said while getting a proud and ruffle of his hair from his brother "That was well explained and good analyse."

"Now the way we found out what elements we have is if the paper is burned you have fire, damp/wet you have water, crinkles you have lightning, crumbles you have earth and finally if its ripped/sliced you have wind. Now look what elements i have." Straight away after sending chakra to the paper, one side burned and the other went damp.

"As you can see my main affinity is Fire and my second is water. Now you try." he spoke, getting a nod in return. Kiseki focused his chakra into the paper making the paper split into 4, one of them burned to ash, the other one soaked like a sponge, the next one crinkled and last one crumbled. Shocking both brothers because most shinobis have one element, 30% have 2 elements normally most in clans with Kekkai Genkai, 5% having three elements meaning prodigy and 4 elements were just mind breaking because the Third had 2 elements but later had 5 through hard worked though the elements he didn't have wasn't as strong has his naturals.

Getting out from there Shock Itachi Coughed "So seems like you have A strong Fire, Lightning and Water with alright earth. You really do surprise me every single day*chuckles*" again ruffling his hair "Before we begin with elemental Justu's, you need to learn the handsigns and chakra control so you don't overuse and blow something up, therefor i decided to teach you a A ranked Kinjustu that can help clone your self and when it is poofed you have all the detail that it has done." putting his hands in a cross 2 Itachi's appeared with smoke.

Doing the same Kiseki Putting A lot of chakra into the handsign, a massive Smoke appeared and showed a 100 clones of Kiseki with there hands in there pockets.

Getting no reaction from Itachi Beacuse at this point he really wasn't surprised he was his younger brother and that he had already hokage level chakra. Though internally 'You know otouto i don't know if i love you or envy you for your good looks and higher chakra then even the HOKAGE.'

Getting out of his internal battle that would probably look like another Great shinobi War Said "Okay, otouto since your Broken AF bring 50 clones to the forest to learn Tree-Walking and water-walking with one of my clones and the others with my second clone to learn handsign while me and you carry on with your exercise.


Okay Ik Its been long since update but i couldn't be arsed and this chapter was little shorter so sos but after this in part 2 we will bring in hinata, what he learned in training and the Academy so it will be more romance and btw the shower scene is not weird and tbh i always question why most of the hyuga and uchiha clan have this Thiccc Quick development when they were younger thats why hinata hided her shit in that purple jacket in the canon.

Anyway Hope you Love my Shit And Plz giz some recommendation for what to put in next part. Gotta Go So Bye !!


Don't ask question's about the age situation with the weird seen... It was couple of months or 1 so i was only starting reading fan fics so i was fairly new to making plot.